Can you identify these?
By sarahlou77
These were in my garden when I moved in and I’m not sure what they are. Hoping you can identify them so I can find out how to look after them!
1. This is looking a bit leggy. Think it needs a prune but not sure!
2. Again, looking a bit neglected. This one and number 1 are planted too close together, trying to decide which to move and when.
3. This is about the only thing in my garden which is showing signs of flowering.
4. Some sort of climber.
5. Any ideas?
6. This is what I bought today from Croft Castle in Herefordshire for £2. The label says Hebe Ritt. Can’t find anything about it on the net. Is Ritt short for something or an acronym?
Had a lovely walk around the walled garden in Croft Castle. Forgot to take my camera though so I’m afraid the only photo you’re getting is the one of the Hebe!
15 May, 2010
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Previous post: What should I do with this?
Sorry I can't help u with any of these. The Hebe looks nice tho. Have u googled Hebe? Ritt must be the type of Hebe as I've never seem that color b4. Also know as Veronica
15 May, 2010
No 3 is Choisya Ternata 'Aztec Pearl'(mexican orange blossom) I have it too covered in blossom at the moment and the most amazing smell.
15 May, 2010
no 1 looks like a buddlea.
no 2 looks like a tree lupin. pale yellow pea flowers. [Lupinus arboreus?]
no3 leaves look very narrow for a choisya but as i dont have it cant comment really :o)
dont know about the others any chance of a close up of them.
the hebe looks nice. Ritt is just its variety name. It could also mean red in dutch or some language.
16 May, 2010
I agree with Simbad about your Choisya Ternata but dont know about any of the others. My advice woiuld be wait till they are in flower - so much easier then. Dead impressed with Seaburngirl's ability to spot stuff though!
16 May, 2010
only impressive if I'm right though :o)
16 May, 2010
Thanks for all the suggestions. I've looked at some images on Google of Choisya and they do look like my plant so I'm going with that ID at present.
I thought Buddleia were huge plants that grew really quickly? Just remembering the ones my dad had! I assume there must be smaller types if you think number 1 is a Buddleia? I don't recall this one flowering at all last year but we'll see what happens.
I'll put a few more pictures on when any of them decide to flower!
16 May, 2010
I have a buddlea that only gets to 6ft and if it is a normal one you can keep it in check by spring pruning sarahlou.
16 May, 2010
HEBE ritt
Violet flower spikes in summer. Good drainage and ample water are a must. Likes cool areas. Part sun best. Grows 18-24" tall. Good in containers, beds, and borders.
www.cooksgreenhouse... I hope this helps :o) x
Number 5 .... I can't see very well, but could be variegated leaf Pieris Little Heath... if so, it needs ericaceous soil and watering with rain water, not tap water...
24 May, 2010
If number 5 is a Pieris Little Heath what would happen if it was watered with tap water? I put a new shrub in next to it and have been watering that regularly with tap water. The Pieris (assuming it is one!) will be getting a bit of that and has gone brown on the side nearest the new shrub but nowhere else! All very strange.
Thanks for the info on Hebe Ritt, still haven't decided where to put it so that will help.
I'll put new photos on when any of the mystery plants flower. :)
24 May, 2010
Hi again Sarahlou....
When you water the plant near to the Pieris, try to water the ground, rather than splashing the foliage of the Pieris... I'm guessing .... but I reckon the bits of the Pieris that have gone brown match up exactly with the parts where the tap water fell on it.
If you don't have access to a store of rainwater, just make sure you put the tap water on the soil, but don't splash the Pieris leaves.. Does that make sense to you ? Have I explained that okay ? I hope this helps :o)
27 May, 2010
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Im not sure you should worry about number 4 . It's probably an sort of climber like you said. Im sure its very common x
15 May, 2010