Kniphofias extending their flowering season from May to December.
By scotsgran
My OH loves Red Hot Pokers. We were given rather a lot of plants from a friend who lived in and inherited his grandmothers RHP’s along with her house and garden. They are the offspring of plants she had brought with her from East Lothian in the late 1880s. I look on them as splendid for a short time in May/June and maybe if I am lucky the odd reflowering plant in the autumn. On a visit to Wales I found a Sunningdale Yellow flowering in September. Later I came across Tawny King which flowers in July/August/September. The flowers last longer on both those varieties but both are targeted by the birds and bees looking for nectar in their long blossoms. The Uvaria are similarly stripped. There are more RHP on my wish list but I find looking after herbaceous perennials time consuming. Both of the newer varieties have been moved this spring and have not been too happy in their new homes but I plan to mix them in with the uvaria to extend the flowering period in that border.
Kniphofia Uvaria border
Sunningdale Yellow
Tawny King
Having looked on the internet for a stockist of Tetbury Torch mentioned below by Lulu33 I took a detour on my way home to Scotland after dropping my daughter and grandkids home to Somerset. I got my Tetbury Torch
and a Drummore Apricot
and a Nancy’s Red
and a Timothy
I even got a packet of 100 Kniphofia seeds which are supposed to flower between July and September the first year after planting.
The seeds were out of date for planting in 2012 so i got them for 10p. The others were all half price so I got a real bargain.
I noticed a bunch of grass like leaves had suddenly sprouted a red hot poker yesterday. Intrigued i took a closer look. The pot of leaves had lain there for at least a year because i had forgotten what was in the pot and did not know where to plant it. I tipped it out of the pot and found a label. I can’t remember where I bought it. I looked Kniphofia galpinii up on the internet. The original was brought home by a botanist from St Andrews Botanic garden. It grows in the garden there flowering from June through OCTOBER, NOVEMBER and DECEMBER. This is by far my most important moment in the garden this year. I am so excited by my find. I have changed the blog title because my find gives the blog title a completely different perspective.
31 Aug, 2011
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Thank you TT. I love the Tawny King which starts off almost white at the bottom going to a pale creamy yellow which then becomes a coral shade at the top. These last two plants were left out of the ground while I was planting my potatoes in their former home and I think the neglect including lack of water caused the dead tops. Until I saw the Yellow one in Wales I had no idea that there were any other colours than the Uvaria. There are plenty of other colours. Floraselect website has photos of them. I cut them back in the autumn and tie up the greenery to protect the centre of the plant over the winter and then a quick tidy up whenI release them in the spring keps them looking tidy because left to their own devices they are smelly and very scrappy looking.
31 Aug, 2011
Good advice on the winter treatment :o)
31 Aug, 2011
Red hot pokers is such an apt. name isnt it. Lovely pics S.gran. thanks.
31 Aug, 2011
I didn't think there were so many different types. They do look majestic don't they.
31 Aug, 2011
This is going to my Favourites ... OH loves them ... I don't care much for them so we only have the one! ... It's 'Litttle Maid' ... a creamy yellow. ... I had no idea of their needs for Autum/Winter so this is a great find ... many thanks. :o)))
31 Aug, 2011
I am pleased to read I have touched a chord with all of you. They do make a very bold statement when you plant them en masse. I too was surprised at the many alternatives to the Uvaria. Little Maid is on my wish list. I was not aware of it when I bought the Sunningdale Yellow. They are not widely available except for the Uvaria. I know many people who leave theirs all straggly all winter but they do look awful and the outer leaves begin to rot and stink. They are extremely hardy and are not fussy about soil types or sun/shade although they might struggle in full shade.
31 Aug, 2011
Aren't they a picture. I don't have them, there is one called Tetbury Torch, a yellow, which flowers and flowers.
1 Sep, 2011
Thank you Lulu I had never heard of it but i looked it up on the internet and find I can purchase that one and some others in places near where I visit regularly. Being able to tap in to other members knowledge about plants and varieties is one of the perks of being a member of this site. Apparently Beth Chatto was very keen to dispel the bad press of RHP. It was she who developed Little Maid and Green Jade.
1 Sep, 2011
It's a lovely yellow that Tetbury Torch. Glad to have been of some assistance, it's not often I actually remember the names of plants!!
2 Sep, 2011
thank you and I'm glad you did this time
3 Sep, 2011
Lulu I got my Tetbury Torch today in Nailsworth. The GC was selling them off half price so never one to look a gift horse in the mouth I also bought another 3 different ones. Flowering is over for this year but I am looking forward to seeing them next year. I will post photos of the labels when the weather improves. I did a little detour to drop in to the GC on my way north.
6 Sep, 2011
I like them and honestly didn`t know there were different colours, mine didn`t flower hardly at all this year, does that mean I should divide the clumps?they are getting rather large.....
10 Sep, 2011
There is a good care plan on this link. Its what I do. Cut the flowering stems right back as soon as the birds have ruined them, tie up the foliage over the winter after removing excess and damaged leaves and get rid of damaged leaves again when I untie them in spring. I have been dividing mine every three to four years. When i divide my plants I find the roots are huge. I just cut them with a spade leaving about 6" of root with some smaller roots on it. I give them a feed of bonemeal every year and top up with home made compost. I home compost all of the excess. It makes great compost.
10 Sep, 2011
I have found another Kniphofia growing in a pot in my garden.It is galpinii and it flowers through until December. More in the link below on this lovely little plant. -
26 Sep, 2011
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Fascinating to see the different colours :o)
31 Aug, 2011