Did my pots of potatoes feed us this year.
By scotsgran
We are still enjoying our crop from the seeds planted in 2011. I bought all of my potatoes from Alan Romans in Fife unless stated otherwise.
1st Earlies.
Vanessa – 1973 was the only true 1st Early that I planted. It looks very like an early Desiree but the tubers tend to be smoother with good pink/red skin with cream flesh. They are very suitable for exhibition use. Even the foliage is very Desiree like. Raised in the Netherlands, it gives a high yield of long oval potatoes with creamy flesh of firm texture. Good boiler. Slightly late for a first early. Slug resistant, use: boil, mash and roast, Planted 12 potatoes, one in each builders bucket.
_ The Average Yield from each seed potato was 329g at a cost of 13.6p. The tasted very good boiled in their skins_ *
l also grew
International Kidney – 1879. Waxy Flesh, Raised in England by Robert Fenn. This is actually a Victorian early maincrop, a strain of which when grown in Jersey is treated as an early and is harvested small and not fully grown and sold under the trade mark “Jersey Royals” Has a very good flavour when grown in good soil – large quantities of seaweed used to be placed in the fields.Use Salad & Boil.
Planted 28.3 2011 2 Potatoes to each Square brown pot
The average yield per seed was 507g at a cost of 8p. I was still digging them yesterday and I have some in store for the winter. They look and taste every bit as good as real jersey royals but they tend to increase in size later in the season. *
2nd Earlies.
British Queen – 1894 AGM 1998 “Queens” were bred in Scotland by Archibald Findlay in 1893 and quickly became the UK’s most popular second early. They are rare now in the UK but still dominate summer production in Ireland. Their great flavour and dry, floury texture are legendary. The variety received a Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit recently – almost exactly 100 years after it and some of its synonyms did the same thing! Yields are surprisingly high. Medium height foliage.
Recommended use: Bake, Boil, Mash, Roast.
Planted 28.03.11 × 10 potatoes one in each 20L pot.
The average yield per seed was 642g at a cost of 15.4p.
I have some of these in store. *
Charlotte – 1981 AGM 1998 & 2003 Raised in France by Unicopa et Soci
Reliable, high yielding, waxy, salad type. Good flavour has made this a standard reference variety in the taste tests which are used to judge the flood of new salad varieties. Many of these have Charlotte as a parent yet most are struggling to have anything like the quality. It is surprising how large Charlotte can grow in heavy flinty soils in the south of England
Recommended use: Boil, Salad,
Planted 30.3.11 × 5 potatoes,one in each square 38cm pot – bought at Marshfield Potato Day in Wiltshire from Pennard Plants.
Average yield per seed was 700g at a cost of 20p. If I could only plant one potato it would be this one. *
Of the others
Lord Rosebery 340g per seed
Highland Burgundy Red, 550g per seed
Madeleine 250g per seed we did not care for at all and we will not be growing it again. Salad Blue 678g per seed
Mr Littles Yetholm Gypsy 588g per seed. from Pennard plants at Marshfield Potato Day in Wiltshire
Both Dark Red Norland and Blue Danube gave good returns but I did not weigh the results. I wrote a blog 7th April 2011 which gives details of how the varieties were grown.
Rudolph were grown by my grandchildren and they did not weigh them.
12 Feb, 2012
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It is NI best selling potato apparently and we had never heard of it until we visited my son and his wife when we went on a visit to them. I was very pleased to access seed of them over here. It is always fun to try new to us varieties. My passion for Potato Days is fuelled by how easy it makes being able to try a few instead of having to buy either a 1kg or a 3kg bag.
12 Feb, 2012
we went on holiday to ireland a few years ago, near the Dingle peninsula, it turned out to be quite a foodie place, which is great for me!!
funnily enough it was the potatoes that i remember most, they were so delicious!!! sadly i dont know what type they were, i just bought them in a bag at the small supermarket.
12 Feb, 2012
The quality of the food, so plentiful and fresh impressed us too. We were staying in a small town, Warringstown, south of Belfast and access to their M1 was easy and there was so much to do. It is a fantastic holiday destination. The people were so friendly and helpful.
12 Feb, 2012
the people were lovely, the scenery stunning, food excellent ~ couldnt want for more!!
12 Feb, 2012
I have not mentioned Navan in my blog. I forgot all about it but they are good too. We went to the Navan Heritage site which gave us the ancient history of Ireland but I believe it is now closed.
12 Feb, 2012
Here in Ireland we call them Dublin Queens or Queens...Lovely potato...... Navan spuds are lovely too....
13 Feb, 2012
This will be a very useful reference for us - we are planting potatoes for the first time this year in pots, and the notes about yield and flavour will go into some sort of diary for future plantings. Thank you, Scotsgran!
13 Feb, 2012
You can just favourite the blog to keep it handy for future reference Gattina. I do that with lots of blogs which i want to refer to again. Do let us know how your growing turns out. It is helpful to hear exactly what happened if you are unsure of where to start. I would give every child a seed potato and a builders bucket with holes in the bottom and encourage them to have a little competition to see how they do. You won't capture every child but I reckon there are huge numbers of potential growers out there with no one to guide their efforts.
Motintot you are fortunate to live in Ireland where the soil is perfect for potatoes. Our competion growers grow their potatoes in pure peat. They will have planted in growing tunnels in January in plastic bags designed for the job. I ran out of time to add details for all the varieties I grew but I did that in a blog on goy in April 2011 which is still accessible.
13 Feb, 2012
Oh, this blog is already in there, Scotsgran! I meant that my New Year's resolution is to keep some sort of gardeners' diary about stuff that I try growing in our own garden this year. Successes and failures. I always think I'll remember the details, but I don't.
We tried growing potatoes (local, unnamed varieties) the first year we here, and they grew well, but when we dug them up, they were riddled with holes. This is one of the biggest potato-growing areas in Europe, and we were puzzled, but neighbours told us that below a certain altitude, this happens, and that they always plant further up the hill. Still totally in the dark on that one, and didn't bother again, but I came across the idea of growing in containers on GoY, and I'm going to give that a go this year. Fingers crossed!
13 Feb, 2012
We are just coming to the end of our potato crop and have just one onion left. I like to see the crops eaten before we have to start throwing any away. Plenty of potatoes and onions were given to family and friends.
13 Feb, 2012
What a lovely situation to be in, Bulba - growing enough that you can be generous. Unfortunately, round here, all our neighbours are such expert cultivators, there's nothing we can give them that they can't grow more of, or better, themselves.
13 Feb, 2012
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thanks scotsgran, that british queen sounds a good one!
12 Feb, 2012