My Garden February 2012
By scotsgran
In January lots of flowers hung on from earlier months or popped up and sat there refusing to open. I was despairing of ever seeing anything special. Two weeks ago we set off to enjoy the half term break with our daughter and her family. We were looking forward to seeing our little granddaughter on stage with the Susan Hill School Of Dance at Bath Forum. Its a biennial event and all the kids were keyed up about taking part. To cut a long story short she took ill on Friday evening and Mum was asked to pick her up. She seemed all right watching the show but she had ‘flu. Granny just got home before collapsing with it and today, now I’m feeling better Grandpa has succumbed. I had to go and get some necessities and I took a quick look round the garden. It had sprung in to life while we were away. The sun, in spite of the howling gales, was putting on a brave face and I had to go out with the camera. If they are not properly focused it is either because I felt ill or the wind was blowing me and the plants about.
First is Iris Reticulata ‘Harmony’ bought as a pot grown clump from Homebase in Chippenham March 2011
Then ‘Pauline’ planted as bulbs 29.10.11 from Dobbies GC
Iris danfordiae, bulbs, bought from B&Q and planted 24.1.11. They did not flower last year but this is very sweet.
I love primulas and primroses and here are two that have been flowering for months. The Pacific Giant come in vivid primary colours from palest cream to red & blue and yellow
But nothing beats the delicate charm of a wild primrose.
North of the drive a sudden burst of white double snowdrops vie with the mauve crocus, the mauve and white heather on the winter flowering rockery and the Viburnum tinus laurustinus.
and tucked under the shade of the viburnum is one of several pulmonarias. This is very pretty with its pink and blue flowers.
Up past the greenhouse if I had a sense of smell I would be bowled over by the scent of V. burkwoodii which is just emerging.
There is the promise of a good display in the newly planted island bed where I grew potatoes in pots in the soil last year. These pretty pale cream ‘Romance’ crocus are the first to flower but I can see others emerging from the tufts of fresh green leaves.
On the south side of the drive snowdrops again predominate, but heather, primoses and crocus add colour to the display
Nearer the gate the Tree Heath and the Hebe mix well.
No flowers on this ground hugging shrub which also climbs walls if left to get on with it.
And its pretty cousin aronother ground cover plant which runs about in the winter flowering rockery E.radicans ‘Silver Queen’.
We have lots of winter flowering jasmine
Queen Elizabeth has cintinued to flower through the winter and is still at it. Her new spring foliage is emerging too.
I love the contrasts here under the apple tree.
In the new raised beds the plants have been badly exposed to the wind but thrive anyway. Helleborus niger
and Anemone de caen which I have had problems growing in the past
And finally under the kitchen window to cheer us through the winter, pansies put on a show. I think the huge amount of rain has affected them badly this year as these should all be big bushy plants by now.
26 Feb, 2012
Previous post: Did my pots of potatoes feed us this year.
Next post: Have you had a good look at your snowdrops?
Hope your all getting over your Flu, its certainly doing its rounds. You`ve got plenty of interest in your garden Scotsgran and I just love to see the snowdrop, crocus and primrose all forecasting whats to come.
26 Feb, 2012
Take it easy after your bout of flu, Scotsgran. Hope you OH soon recovers too. Very interesting blog, so much going on - I will have to go back and have another read :)
26 Feb, 2012
Thought you hadn't been on here lately S.gran, hope you are getting better now and that your OH does too. Your garden is looking good, plenty sprouting there, I love spring and all the new growth it brings.
26 Feb, 2012
Enjoyed seeing all your garden coming into flower Scotsgran, cannot beat signs of springtime, love all your masses of snowdrops, mine are popping up all over now, lots of other colour to see and admire as well.
Hope you and the family are recovering from all the bugs, shame your grandaughter missed her part on stage but there is always another time..
lovely pics,thankyou...
26 Feb, 2012
Thanks everybody, Spring certainly brings hope and I have a mainly Spring flowering garden. I have had to revamp it a lot because of our NFH who have put their new house up for sale and bought a Holding with 7 acres where they can keep her horses. I just hope they do not have neighbours where they are now.
I won't be so reluctant to queue for a flu injection in future. Never having had a bad flu they did not seem to be necessary. We seem to take one step forward and two back but it is loosening its hold over both of us. We had hoped to visit Woodgreen Animal Centre next weekend but I think that will be getting missed this year. There is plenty to do in the garden now the better weather is on its way and I have lots of sweet pea seedlings. Hundreds in fact. The ones in the green house have emerged but the door is jammed and I can't get in to take the dome off them. Happy gardening everybody.
26 Feb, 2012
Linclass she made it to the dress rehearsal and also the first night but could not cope with the second night. We hope the video of the show was done at the first night because then we will still see her, but her health comes first. She has been at school and swimming with no apparent hangovers unlike us oldies.
26 Feb, 2012
I hope you are feeling much better now. Hubby and I always have the flu jab and it does help.
I can't believe how much is in flower in your garden. None of my viburnhams are flowering yet with the exception of Bodentense. There is still no sign of my hellibores either.
I love the spring , it really gives you a lift doesn't it.
26 Feb, 2012
We have not had your snow Rose. In fact apart from the rain and howling wind we have been very fortunate weatherwise this year. I love viburnums they offer great value for money. I'm slowly catching up on things I have missed and the flowers are very welcome to inspire me to get a move on out of the winter rut.
26 Feb, 2012
Hope you are on the mend Scotsgran. It is nice to see the colour come back into the garden again , :)
26 Feb, 2012
Sorry to hear about 'flu doing the rounds in the family. What a wee shame for your granddaughter :( Hope you will all be feeling 100% soon! Take it easy for a few days just to make sure you are completely over it..I know that's not easy but I just thought I'd say it!!!
Lovely little yellow Iris. I just bought myself a couple of Viburnum today. It all looks smashing.
Those troughs outside the window should have been looking great - mines were all the same - I've just ripped them all out today.
Thank you for sharing :)
26 Feb, 2012
Nice to see everything coming into life. Your garden is very pretty. I hope you're feeling better now, and husband aswell :o)
27 Feb, 2012
Thank you everybody, its nice to share the garden even when I don't feel like getting stuck in to the work needing doing now to prepare for the summer. I thought I might try my pansies with a feed of tomato food as I only plant them 2 x a year. These are not due to be discarded until the end of May when I exchange them with the summer flowering troughs. I think the poor growth has to be down to the wet weather leaching all the goodness out of the soil. The majority of these came from a GC instead of B & Q so maybe the supply was not as robust as usual. The snowdrops have been as good as I have seen them for a long time. I love those dwarf iris and I remember Bulbaholic doing a survey to find out where and how they grow best. Mine usually disappear after the first year of flowering so this is progress.
27 Feb, 2012
Plenty going on there to cheer u up gun ... Love the drifts of snowdrops ..... Stuning zzz get well soon xx
29 Feb, 2012
Thank you Cristina. I went shopping yesterday and popped in to the GC to spend the last of my vouchers and renew my membership and came home with a cytisus battandierii. It has pinapple scented flowers and I gave one to my daughter and it survived. I'm hoping it will do well. I also got pots for my succulent plants that I bought last year because already they are spreading well and will soon crowd each other out of the pots they are in. Seeing all the lovely gardens on here is a real spirit lifter when you are feeling ground down. I have been trying to catch up because I have been researching one part of the family tree. I was lucky enough to trace my paternal grandmothers family back to the 1730's. When I think the battle of Culloden which sent Bonnie Prince Charlie back to France took place in 1745 it seems a bit unreal to think these forebears of ours lived through those times.
29 Feb, 2012
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Sorry to hear you've been poorly but glad you're on the mend. Lovely blog Scotsgran and lots to see in your garden. Best wishes
26 Feb, 2012