The Stirling SRGC Show in Kincardine
By scotsgran
I cannot go to a show without spending some money. I saw my first purchase on the Members sales table. It was Primula Allionii ‘Edrom form’. I like Primulas, Allionii and Edrom so I had to buy it. SURPRISE SURPRISE when I researched it on the internet it is a hybrid between Primula Marginata and ‘Allionii ’Stradbrook Lucy’. The latter was bred by another favourite (with many members), none other than Bjs. On the SRGC website away back on 25.2.14 an SRGC member from Devon showed a photo of his Primula ‘Stradbrook Lucy’. This is what he wrote – “Very pale lilac and not easy to picture. Some List this as a marginata but it’s quite small growing so possibly a hybrid.” The flowers on mine have not yet opened but Bjs I hope you are pleased with the colour of the buds.
I grow a very successfull Erythronium ‘Pagoda’ which is yellow so I bought a white one E. californicum Harvington ‘Snowgoose’ It has two very healthy looking buds, green foliage with maroon blotches.
I do not like muscari but I do like the scilla serbica which I also bought. The ones I have in the garden are not great spreaders so I felt this was a good buy.
Now all I have to do is plant them. The chilly west wind is blowing a gale again but needs must and it is not raining.
Postscript on 31.3.15 for Bjs here is the first flower to open on the Primula Allionii x P. Stradbrook Lucy.
It is a beautiful colour like the bud in the second photo. It has a very well defined star shape at the base of the petals and a more yellow throat than is depicted here.
Here is a recent photo of P.Clarence Elliot to compare the colours.
22 Mar, 2015
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Scotkat I do like to know the history of my plants and their care needs so usually look them up before I plant them. It was a nice surprise to find that one of the parents of my new Primula was bred by Bjs. I'm on a lunch break from tidying up and planting and re siting some of the plants on the raised alpine bed. I found the iris river is starting to flower and I have one bunch of small pale blue scillas in flower so the new one should contrast well. It would be worth your while to try and get to some of the shows because the members sales tables always offer something different to the trade stands and at much cheaper prices. I prefer to travel a bit to go to a show knowing that
1) a nursery will bring my order without me having to pay postage and 2) I will be able to talk to knowledgeable people about any plant that arouses my interest, both the traders and the members. I had a great chat to a lovely lady who won a first prize with a pot of narcissus named 'Betty Mae'. She was given it by her friend when she visited her in New Zealand. The friend then moved and she had to send her friend a replacement. That is the wonderful thing about being a member. She had hoped to find someone to grow it commercially but a senior member of SRGC has suggested she should try selling it on ebay first. Hope to see you soon.
22 Mar, 2015
Will you post a picture of the Primula when it opens.
Thing being is that 'Lucy' is a hybrid between Allionii and Marginata, so if it has been crossed with Marginata again I would expect it to be a larger growing plant, not sure what to expect from it.
22 Mar, 2015
There's another one of Brian's primulas,'Stradbrook Satin Rose',on the SRGG forum,under events on the primula show thread.Looks a nice plant.I hope mine gets to look like it.
22 Mar, 2015
Satin Rose had a look for it but did not find it.
Further Soldanella Carpatica is just starting to grow can see two flower stems today.
22 Mar, 2015
I thought this might be of interest Bjs. I will certainly post a photo when the flowers open.
22 Mar, 2015
Brian-2nd bottom topic-events.Primula show thread post 8.Top pic,group of 3 prims.Not at Wembley today?
22 Mar, 2015
Thank you Phil, I found it. What an odd class, 4 pots of prims (Dissimilar). The Satin Rose is a beauty.
23 Mar, 2015
And Me
23 Mar, 2015
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Wow lucky you you re the primulas .
22 Mar, 2015