Half way through September already
By scotsgran
I have been busy this month and am enjoying the sunshine out in the garden today. The lilies have been perfect. The last of them are shedding their petals fast.
I cannot remember where this hemerocallis came from but it is one of my favourites.
21 Sep, 2016
Previous post: The garden in June
Next post: That BIG Moon 14/15 November 2016
You certainly have some beauties there S'gran, I too have been making the most of the good weather, we'll be stuck indoors soon enough...
22 Sep, 2016
Crikey......nice to have Lily blooms in September. Mine flowered July August and they shrivelled very quickly due to the hot sun!
22 Sep, 2016
Your lilies are beautiful Scotsgran, and the weather is better now than it's been all through the summer :)
22 Sep, 2016
What an impressive collection -they must give you a lot of pleasure.
22 Sep, 2016
Thank you all for your kind comments. Sharing our successes adds to my enjoyment too. I still have lots of buds to open on the big white lily Paul. I too have had lilies flowering since June. I do not buy very expensive bulbs but often add a cheap lot when I go to the supermarket. The Asiatic lilies do last a long time and they can be popped in among other plants to give highlights of colour. It does mean I do not need to add canes as the other plants support them. I keep hearing the dreaded Lily beetle mentioned but fingers crossed it has not descended on us yet. Hywel the weather has been kinder to us in the east of the Central belt in Scotland than we hear reported across other parts of the UK. We usually get the best of the weather in September but it has turned very cool today and very windy. Stera I do get a lot of pleasure from my garden and I do not like to cut the flowers for the house. I prefer to go out and enjoy them in situ. Did you notice how well your crocosmia 'Lucifer' is doing in the first photo. I agree Linclass I try and spend as much time as possible in the garden. I have lots of colour from Hydrangeas, geraniums and Japanese anemones too at the moment. I even have a rhododendron coming in to bloom. The poor plants are completely bamboozled this year. Jenlewis bulbs are a great way of adding colour at any time of year. I am already stocking up on tulip bulbs to be planted from October -December. I find online bulbs sales are a bit pricey when you add on the delivery costs but places like Lidl are selling good quality bulbs at a fraction of the price on line or in the Garden Centre.
23 Sep, 2016
Hi Scotsgran ..
lovely bright pics .. the last-but-one flower photo is a very interesting colour... great pics.
12 Nov, 2016
Thank you TT. I think it is named 'Blackout'. It is darker than shown in the photo.
12 Nov, 2016
I can imagine it darker ... nice ..
13 Nov, 2016
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I look at all the blogs of September gardens and envy (in a good way) all the colour you all have still got. Taken note of plants that give you all this colour at this time of year and use it to make notes for my garden in future years. Thank you
22 Sep, 2016