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Kooki what are you up to?


I have 3 cats, all brothers from the same litter and each one of them have a different personality….

Chip, so called because he has a ginger strip running right down his back that resembles that of a chipmonk!
He is the original scardey cat – runs away at the slightest thing and hides away if there are visitors in the house.

Titch, he was the smallest by far – he’s the playful hunting one – always brings us gifts, chases anything that moves and spends a lot of his day waiting patiently inside the bird table for playmates!

Kooki, we were told he was a she and he is the most confident of them all, nosy to say the least. When the local authority gardeners come around to mow the grass – he follows them around the local park and he jumps up on the machine to ‘talk’ with the gardener!! Yet he is the worst hunter and his antics are comical sometimes.

Anyway, after his lunch (they come in for a feed when I get up) – Kooki was sitting around the garden, pondering if it was worth the effort to do anything about the birds on the feeder, when he suddenly took of up the trellis and began pacing back and forth. Strange behavior for him – he is terrorised by next door’s cat but I knew he was tucked up indoors as my mother had put him in before she went out, I therefore ruled out Charlie as Kooki’s cause for concern. A few minutes later, Kooki at this point standing dead still, staring at the ground as I looked down to see what it was……….

This sparrowhawk was tucked in the corner – I ran through to get the camera in a hope she wouldn’t disappear. By this time it was apparent she had her prey (a starling, I think) – was this bird the cause for Kooki’s concern? I might never know but as soon as she took of he came running in the house and didn’t go back out!!

I know he doesn’t like Magpies – when he was first let out at around 6 months old – he was chased along the street by a couple and avoids them like the plague!! Maybe the size reminded him of times gone by!

I just wish I hadn’t been so excited about trying to get a picture – I might have got a much better shot if I concentrated. I’m so glad she took off with her prey, I’m not sure I could have watched the rest!

For Andrea – no pictures of Titch today – he was busying himself along the river path.

Kooki decided that he would attempt to get in on Titch’s favourite spot. He fell out everytime he tried to turn around and gave up – eventually!!!!

Chip doing as he does best – hiding! He perked up when I mentioned the D word – dinner that is :)

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Wow! Do your three tomcats fight Scottish?

29 Jan, 2013


No Karen - they all get on great. They've all had the snip so the 'tomcat' thing doesn't quite come into it.
It's the trouble with next door's cat that is a bother! I've spoken to the vet and he says that my boys won't start fighting back until the are 3 or 4. He literally flings himself at the back door, terrorise just about covers it!! I'm lucky that I have a key to put him inside. TBH - I think he would much rather stay indoors but him next door doesn't like him use the box inside, therefore chucks him out at every opportunity. My cats are far too molly coddled - they come in for the night at 3pm and don't get out till the following morning. They enjoy their home comforts, just like the dog!!!

29 Jan, 2013


Would love to see pictures of your cats?

29 Jan, 2013


I will post some up to date ones for you tomorrow Andrea. There are a few in some of my blogs. A funny one to read is the Greatest Escape of Mr Moley. More pussy cat antics!

29 Jan, 2013


Very excited 'bout Chip, Titch and Kooki, surely they were so smart :-)))

29 Jan, 2013


You are so lucky to get a photograph Scottish. We had one in our garden a couple of years ago. The Hawk waited for the small bird to stop struggling before it flew off. I felt sorry and amazed at the same time.

29 Jan, 2013


I can just imagine next door's cat flinging itself at your door Scottish lol! I expect the boys will sort him out once they are all grown up!

29 Jan, 2013


Have never seen one up close, a beautiful bird.

29 Jan, 2013


I don't know if I'm just mad, but I always think they look like a gentleman in striped pyjamas and a silk dressing gown!

30 Jan, 2013


Karen 'Lush' springs to mind! Lol x

30 Jan, 2013


Great pic Scottish, but I hate the way they kill, it takes so long. They pluck part of the poor bird while it struggles, I wouldn't mind so much if they killed their prey quickly. The last one we had here was chased by a squirrell, I was cheering lol. I look forward to seeing your cats:-)

30 Jan, 2013


I've got 2 tomcats (brothers) and I love watching their antics. Both are good hunters individually, but when they work as a duo they are lethal. Have so far managed to deter them from bringing their prey into the house! lol. One of my cats is called Cookie and is also is the scaredy cat of the 2, but I've noticed lately he is getting braver and is starting to stand his ground rather than running off!

30 Jan, 2013


Thank you all. I've added a couple of pics, one of Kooki and one of Chip. Titch wasn't in the mood to be posing today - he had other things on his mind.
Linda - yes, whilst it's lovely to see, you know it's not a happy ending!
Karen - it's one of those funny things except when it's late at night and he's not let in next door, it wakens the whole house up. I think my boys just stand on the inside teasing him! One day he's going to come right through the glass I'm sure!
DD2 - back again this morning apparently! A beautiful bird and the yellow colouring on the eyes was incredible!
BA - a couple of pics added to the blog - nature has some wonderful sites and other things are best left to the imagination!
Lijemc - you 2 boys sound like they've got the hunting down to a T - my boys don't often hunt together in the garden but I suspect they do elsewhere as when they appear with something they have caught, they all have a good play with it! Good that your Cookie is getting braver - I hope mine do against Charlie soon!

30 Jan, 2013


They're very handsome boys:-)

30 Jan, 2013


I love cats and their antiks. They are pretty with you.

30 Jan, 2013


Have just seen the photos of Kooki and Chip ~ they are gorgeous boys. I love the photo of Kooki inside the bird table. :-))))

30 Jan, 2013


I'll skip the birdy bit Scottish. nuff said. I love your cats.

1 Feb, 2013


Wow! Miss this picture below , very lovely Kooki and Chip amazing eyes of Chip its a Cream and Kooki is looking of something?

1 Feb, 2013

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