July - It's hot!!
By scottish
School holidays are upon us here in Scotland and the kids around the village are having a tremendous amount of fun. In most of their young lives they have probably never experienced such sunny hot days. Any activity that involves water is top of the list. The children seem to have some sort of rota in place – a different garden everyday, which ever parent, grandparent or in my case Auntie is willing to supply water in what ever manner suits them is the place to be!
Rather stupidly I suggested to the girls the other day that we take a walk down the river after lunch and do a bit of paddling whilst we were there – I had no sooner turned my back and I had a gang of 8 giggling girls standing on my door step. That’ll teach me, eh!! Still, we had plenty of fun and oddly enough no tears.
It’s not only the kids that have been in need of water – the garden is soaking it up like a dry sponge! This summer and last are complete poles apart! One thing’s for sure – it’s easier to keep the plants well watered than it is to keep the moisture away! In a normal year conditions in my garden could be best described as moist/well drained – verging on the moist and not so well drained in a few areas. Most of the plants growing in the garden could hardly be described as ‘Drought Tolerant’ – those that are have to make do with growing in a container.
As plants were turning their toes in the floods last year – the gaps were promptly filled with moisture loving replacements. They aren’t doing too bad and I suspect that they must have put down roots deep enough to support them this year. Handy to have Primula dotted around the garden – they are quick enough to tell you when the soil is drying out. Hostas aren’t as lush as I would expect them (despite watering) – then again, the heat and dryness is keeping slug damage to a minimum! I’m on top of making sure the Camellias are well watered – they need water in the summer to ensure their buds form for next spring. I am now able to sympathise with all you southerners – a dry parched lawn isn’t the norm! and I don’t like it!
It won’t be long before the late summer blooms take over but I’m going to take a chance and chop back a few perennials that are just about finished and hope that I might get a 2nd flush from them.
The long border, admittedly not long compared to some but it’s the longest in my wee garden. I’m really happy with how this looks at the moment. Mondara, Verbena, Sedum, Daylilies and others will give this a different look in a week or so.
This combo looks really good right now. Alstroemeria, Campanula, Scabious and Erigeron mingle together.
Plenty of colour all around the garden – I don’t grow many roses. All except one (not flowering yet) are climbers
The Wedgewood Rose on the Arbor, Rosa Warm Welcome grows up the shed and Felicite Perpetue rambles over the back fence
Like many of us – Heucheras fill many a space around the garden, the best of the bunch right now
The ‘non bog garden’ is looking good despite it not being a bog this year! A philadelphus survived last years flooding and the Cotinus was replaced by a variegated Cornus.
At the top of the garden, the peonies are now finished – although one has produced a late bud, we shall see if it matures! As well as the Rambling Rose growing over the fence, Sambucus holding firmly to the last of it’s flowers
Geranium Brookside sprawls everywhere – it looks so untidy but am working on providing something for it to scramble through – not sure what yet, any suggestions would be welcome!
Veronicastrum virginicum Apollo adds colour before Clematis Ville de Lyon flowers.
along with a little friend coming to dinner
Helenium Moerheim Beauty is now colouring up – a sure sign that the garden is moving towards late summer
In the curved border which was previously home to the Rhododendrons (now gone to the compost bin in the sky!) I’ve planted an Actinidia kolomikta to grow against the fence – Berberis Thunbergii Rose Glow will give interest for a while longer than the Rhododendron I think! Out of shot a Cotoneaster replaces another Rhododendron. I could not possibly post a picture of this entire border – a strange cat and one of mine had a complete ding dong the other week and completely flattened some of my plants!! I’ve chopped them all back and they are now regrowing.
In the bed near the pond – Astrantia Snow Star is continuing to put on a good show
I had to replace my blue Lupins this year – The choice of lupins in the GCs and Nurseries this year was very poor. I really am disappointed with their performance.
Around the pond – Hostas are budding up, Ajuga is spreading, Sedum cauticola and Rhodhypoxis grows at the sunny edge of this border
Clematis beginning to flower over the trellis – I need to look out labels for an id on this one – it’s possibly The President
As we walk down the side path – the border here is predominantly foliage at this time of the year
Heucheralla Alabama Sunrise and Heuchera Black Beauty edge the path
In this shadier part of the garden Primula Vialii flowers later than those in the sun
Dicentra eximia King of Hearts, partnered with Hart’s Tongue Fern and Hosta Frances Williams – is proving to be a very thirsty plant in this heat – behind this Zantedeschia aethiopica which has survived winter is taking an age to flower this year.
Before we head out to the front garden – Aconitum napellus Stainless Steel, like it’s partners in the long border. is not only abundant with flowers it is laden with bees
Into the front garden, which is a complete mish mash and in mainly home to plants that have no home in the back garden – the bright orange Gladiolii have survived another winter and are multiplying!!! There are 3 lavender seedlings growing (I removed the lavender 5 years ago) 2 of which might produce flowers if this weather continues.
A huge clump of white Leucanthemum is surprisingly still vertical, it’s usually bordering on the horizontal by now.
Campanula persicifolia really should have a spot in the back garden somewhere!
There is a special plant (my opinion) that happily grows and self seeds in my front garden – Tropaeolum speciosum (Species Nasturtium) – one problem being is that it grows through my privet hedge and I have to carefully trim the hedge when it finishes flowering, the other problem is that although it sets seeds readily, I have as yet been unsuccessful in transplanting said seedlings despite numerous attemtps.
One of last year’s seedlings I am attempting to keep separate from the hedge in order that I get a larger plant to move.
A few collages of what’s been in flower this July
Cool blues and purples
Plenty of pinks
Crisp whites and yellows
Thank you for joining me in my garden this July, sorry the blog is so long – I wanted to record everything as I think this year will be ‘an exception’ rather than ‘the norm’
I hope summer is being good to you and your garden!
21 Jul, 2013
Previous post: My garden Mid June (Part 1)
Next post: Bumblebees and Butterflies
Fascinating to see the range of plants you grow. You have a beautiful garden.
22 Jul, 2013
A wonderful selection of plants,Scottish,and great colour..nice to see it all this year..you have a lovely garden..
22 Jul, 2013
Lovely photo's Scottish, a great selection you have growing.
22 Jul, 2013
Brilliant lot of colour,Tropaeolum tubers are normally moved dormant ,before they start to grow because they damage so easily.
22 Jul, 2013
Your garden really is looking absolutely fabulous, Scottish!So many great plants, but that Sedum is really strikingly and unusual.I can't remember ever seeing one before!
22 Jul, 2013
You have a beautiful garden Scottish and a wonderful collection of plants. I love your grouping of plants in your 'combo' photo.
22 Jul, 2013
Lovely blog Angie with lots of colour. So many things have gone over already in my garden, I've cut them back in the hope of a second flush :o)
22 Jul, 2013
You have a lovely garden Scottish, nice full borders which as you know is my way of planting as well, I am always out with my trusty pruners and even though smaller there is usually the reward of a second flush of flowers, it passes the time away when its too nice to be indoors, lol....
Love the way you have put your pics up you clever lady...
22 Jul, 2013
That was a lovely tour of your garden, Angie and you've photographed everything so well - love the mosaics. That first view is a delight and I saw a lovely little slate trough in one of the earlier pics which looked to be planted up with succulents and quite caught my fancy; have been doing that myself this year, tho', sadly, no slate troughs. Love the sedum and rhodyhypoxis too. I still don't have the promised camera ( sigh) but then I've been waiting 16 years for my water feature now!! OH doesn't believe in impulse buying.
Shame about the lupins. I bought some very established ones very cheaply but they only looked good for about five minutes before the old SAS got them - very disappointing. The roses are splendid here but blackspot has been dreadful. Am also cutting back in hope of 2nd flushes.
22 Jul, 2013
Great photos, wonderful array of plants, I agree with Diane, better than going to an expensive flower show! You have such a beautiful garden, thanks for sharing it with us.
22 Jul, 2013
Thanks for the look around at your amazing plants hard to choose a favourite :)
22 Jul, 2013
Excellent blog, Scottish!
If half your plants disappear overnight don't be surprised if they turn up on my next blog.
Where did you say you live again? ;-)
22 Jul, 2013
How truly beautiful Scott. your garden is a delight, I loved all the photos very cleverly put together.
22 Jul, 2013
I'm pleased to see your garden is doing well in the heat wave :o) I am envious of many of your plants ...
22 Jul, 2013
Thank you so much for sharing, Scottish, I thoroughly enjoyed looking at every single picture you have posted, absolutely beautiful! :)))
22 Jul, 2013
You have such a varied garden and everywhere you look there is something of interest. It all looks beautiful and must give you a huge amount of pleasure in this 'proper summer' we are having!
24 Jul, 2013
Diane, thank you very much. Those flower shows can be very expensive!
Sheila, hopefully you will see it for yourself one day!
Bloomer - I'm pleased to see most of it come together this year.
SL - a varied selection. I'm not sure what my gardening style would be described as
Brian, thanks for tip.
Paul - I think that sedum is quite a common one. I see it regularly in the GCs here.
Jaykaty, thank you ever so much for the compliments.
Annie, yes lots cut back now but looking a bit bare. I hope the rain sends them back into growth.
Lincs, yes I like borders full too. I've a few gaps at the moment as went mad with secateurs. The collages are very very easy with Picasa from google.
Tuesdaybear - I pulled a few slugs from the lupins this afternoon. The slugs will be appearing now the rain has come! The little trough is one I made from a polystyrene container. How to do it is in one of my blogs. It was much cheapness (tell your OH)
Louisa - thank you. I'm really enjoying it this year.
Kidsgran - I don't have a favourite either, sometimes ;)
Mouldy - you better no!! I'll be chasing you along that M8 with a big stick!!
Grandmage - your compliments are much appreciated
Hywel - thank you. No need for envy - you have many gorgeous plants and your garden is much more settled an mature than mine - I just wish mine would hurry up and get like that too!
Michaella - I'm honoured. Coming from someone with such a beautiful garden as you that truly is a compliment.
Chris - I'm loving this proper summer and without the worry of plants drowning makes it much more special.
25 Jul, 2013
I'd best stick to the back roads then. Lol.
27 Jul, 2013
All the plants in your "wee" garden? Not so small then, but absolutely gorgeous!
28 Jul, 2013
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This blog is as good as going to an expensive flower show!
22 Jul, 2013