My garden Mid June (Part 1)
By scottish
The shadier areas of my garden are far out doing the sunny borders in terms of what’s flowering at the moment. Despite the sunny weather we have been experiencing some things are taking an age to bloom, still playing catch-up and haven’t quite made the jump from late spring to early summer, I suspect!
I am more than pleased at how the shadier areas are looking this June. Please join me as we go through the side gate……
Most of the Rhododendrons have gone over, Peonies and Aconitums are of massive proportions and are on the verge of flowering. Providing a little bit of colour until then is this self seeded blue aquilegia.
A dwarf Rhododendron snuggles happily beneath Peony Sarah Bernhard
Magnolia Stellata is continuing to put out flowers, another 2 buds appeared day before yesterday. Being that this is only the 2nd year I’ve had this shrub. I’d be interested to know if others who grow it still have flowers and generally how long the flowers last?
Hosta Halcyon surrounded! I’m thinking that fern needs to find a new home fast before it completely smothers Pieris Forrest Flame and it’s companions.
Primula japonica Apple Blossom – first time for flowering in the garden. Just look how stout those stem are. The purple foliage of the Acer really shows up the pink flowers.
My favourite this week, the Meconopsis, I was surprised to see that the winds haven’t stripped the petals. Can anyone tell me if and when the seed heads ripen can I sow onto the borders or do they need special treatment?
Along the edges Dicentras eximia King of Hearts bloom
their hearts out
Whilst Heucherella Alabama Sunrise and Heuchera Black Beauty await their turn.
Physocarpus opulifolius Nugget outside the back door is just beginning to flower, whist it’s neighbour on the other side (Hydrangea petiolaris) is lagging behind.
Until the Hydrangea flowers Geranium macrorrhizum Ingwerson’s Variety is providing welcome food for the bees.
The pond border – whilst some of the perennials are outgrowing their allotted slots (most of these will need splitting in autumn/spring) the shrubs that are growing are well and truly hidden. The Pyracantha I’m attempting to train on wires is coming along nicely. If this experiment works the shrubs will be moved somewhere else.
A closer look at what’s in flower
Primula japonica Apple Blossom, Geranium macrorrihizum Ingwerson’s Variety, Polemonium yekonense Purple Rain and Heuchera Jade Gloss at the front of the border.
Polygonatum multiflorum at the rear of the pond.
Shady containers – Chiastophyllum oppositifolium, Picea glauca JW Daisy’s White and Saxifraga cunefolia variegate
Geranium renardii and Ajuga reptans Burgundy Glow near the front of the pond and Tellima grandiflora and Alchemilla mollis fill gaps in the border until the shrubs grow.
Walk on past the Kilmarnock Willow, the Leucothoes failed to flower and 2 more Rhododendrons are suffering dreadfully with sooty mould and cushion scale. That now makes 4 – the bullet has been bitten, 2 have already gone and the last 2 will be removed this week!
One which has yet to show signs is Rhodendron Goldflimmer – more than likely because it isn’t as old as the other. These things happen and it means new planting opportunities, what yet, I know not!
On the shadier side of the deck a few containers sit – Clematis Nelly Moser, very slow this year, usually compliments a dwarf Azalea.
Lastly, this new planting area has come about by the removal of the 2 aforementioned Rhododendrons, not one to waste such an opportunity – I have long wanted an area I can dedicate to growing different Primula – The area should also be suitable for Acers. Acers shirasawanum and Garnet will eventuall fill out but meanwhile, the Primulas can steal the show. Spring flowering varieties were moved here from around the garden and the taller Candelabra types are now coming into their own. Considering I only planted this up 4 weeks ago I’m quite pleased with it .
At the other end, which get a bit more sun – the Enkianthus has found a new home, as have Heuchera Obsidian and Geranium endressii Wargrave’s Pink.
Thank you for joining me for a little stroll – part 2 will follow in a few days – far too many pictures to post on a single blog.
18 Jun, 2013
Previous post: A review of my garden in May
Next post: July - It's hot!!
All looking great, but I agree, we need rain!
18 Jun, 2013
What stunning colour combinations you have Scottish . . . really lovely to see - thanks :))
18 Jun, 2013
We were lifting Wine coloured candleabra primula seedlings at Glamis today and we have potted them up for now.
Yours are very nice Angie.
18 Jun, 2013
I really enjoyed having a look at your garden Scottish,some lovely plants you have there.
I also like primulas especially your candelabra ones,I have never seen them before in any of the GC's I use,I will have to look more closely in future.
Great blog!
18 Jun, 2013
Primulas that colour are new to me - fabulous! Re moving the fern, it looks so good against the acer it might be tempting to try moving the pieris instead - especially as it hasn't got much room to mature as it is? Your garden has some real treasures in it!
18 Jun, 2013
It's nice to see your plants doing well. It has been a cold spring, but even so, your garden is very colourful :o)
19 Jun, 2013
Oh, Scottish, it all looks so wonderful! Everything - pots, shrubs, trees, flowers - everything!! You must be feeling very pleased and happy with your garden. :)))
19 Jun, 2013
Fabulous photos, Angie. I love the candelabra primula shot and the mosaic is clever - what a good idea. It all looks great. Sad when you lose things but, as you say, it's another planting opportunity.
19 Jun, 2013
It all looks sumptious Scottish, you have an amazing array of plants and all mingling and mixing to great effect.
19 Jun, 2013
Thank you all for liking my garden - I must say I'm very pleased with it this year. Last year was such a disappointment.
20 Jun, 2013
Everything is looking tickety-boo.
Great job, Scottish!
22 Jul, 2013
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All looking good Angie .
Its all so nice to see starting to come in to bloom again but we so need rain .
18 Jun, 2013