what do you do with your brother's cast offs?
By seaburngirl
As the only girl in a family of 4 children I was saved from having to have hand me down clothes. I did have many toys and books that way however and jolly glad I was of them even if some were ‘Biggles and Dan Dare’ type stories and Mecanno.
So what possible cast off could I be talking about?
Oh come on!
This is GoY so it has to be plants. :o)
Penstemon ‘Strawberry Fancy’
Over the years my eldest brother has redesigned his very small garden many times. On one such occasion, about 15yrs ago I was up visiting him and was surprised, nay shocked to see him dig up a lovely aster and chuck it in the compost bin.
I asked him what he thought he was doing and he looked at me blankly.
‘What?’ said he
‘Do you throw many plants away?’ I asked in hushed tones/
‘Well if I fancy a change I do why?’ replied he.
Primula denticulata which grows well and we both split on a regular basis.
I made him sit down, made a coffee for us and explained in simple terms [though he is far from a simple soul] that he couldnt possibly chuck good plants away especially if he hadnt checked if I :
a] liked them
b] needed them
c] wanted them
The ensueing conversation went something like this:
‘Now little sister of mine, covetness is such a shameful sin’
‘No dear brother not covetness but resourcefulness’
‘Resourcefullness? not the fact you have been married to a yorkshire man for 15yrs then?’
‘Now dear brother I do buy plants, look at my garden and you shall see the truth in my words.’
A pale pink Bergenia .
And so the conversation ran; and yes we do sometimes talk to each other like this, makes for a fun dialogue.
Aconitum but dont know which one as he rarely keeps the labels. Despite the encouragement or should that be nagging he still doesnt.
The upshot is I have many plants that started life in his garden.
To be fair I do buy him many plants too.
We are 12 yrs apart in age but have so many things in common and the garden is one place where we understand lifes trials and tribulations.
Rosa ‘New Dawn’ a cutting from the one that grew in the family home.
So I know exactly what do do with his cast offs. Keep them coming dear brother.
14 Jul, 2011
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Its good to have folk to share with, I have four brothers and one sister, unfortunately the one who is passionate about gardening is over 4hrs away by car so don`t very often get to share with him.....
14 Jul, 2011
I know what you mean linclass. mine is just over 2hrs away in Sunderland.
y other 2 brothers arent interested in gardening sadly.
14 Jul, 2011
well i think i am the one who does the giveing lol as hate trowing anything away lol ............ so all my clients get some ........... wish some one wud give me some lol .............. well !!!
14 Jul, 2011
Tell him to throw some my way next time, Sbg! LOL.
14 Jul, 2011
Neither my brother or my son are gardeners, but all 3 of my sisters in law and the 2 husbands are, so we pass stuff around. And now all but one of us is retired..we have a wonderful time swapping seeds, plants, and skills.
We all just wish we couldve retired sooner lol!
I love the rapport you obviously have with your brother SBG, and its good to have a masculine pal! Us girls (sis-in-laws) make sure we take full advantage of the muscle available lol!
15 Jul, 2011
I'll see what I can do Spritz. on my last trip up there I got Veronica gentionoides tissington white . I'd bought him it for his 60th bt he has changed the coour scheme again.
15 Jul, 2011
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made me smile sea.. i get along with my brother, well two of them actually and reading this made me smile, :o))
14 Jul, 2011