Does any one know of a cure for this illness?
By seaburngirl
Driving into Beverley this morning to take my daughter riding I saw the usual sign for the plant man. So in I went, determined not to buy any thing.
When we got home and I unloaded all the food shopping, I found these at the back of the boot.
Now I cant blame amnesia for not remembering that I had bought them but I just couldnt not buy plants.
So what did I get?
First 2 bags….
There are 5 perennials, a coreopsis, 2 penstemons [the same variety], 1 Lobelia and 2 Salvia’s The latter three being blue flowered. And at £2 each well……
Next bag..
Trailing fuchsia for 50p a pot so I picked up 5 of this pretty mid pink and white one.
They also had a pale pink and purple one and at the same price then I had to pick 5 of those up too.
Last bag….
This 2litre pot of a stunning pink Rhodohypoxis £2 and 18 plug plants of echinacea for 80p. I will pot these up and hopefully sell them next year.
So this disease of buying good plants at a low price seems to be chronic. But when I look at my purchases it makes feel happy, so much better than buying shoes ! Though my 18 year old girl doesnt agree one jot.
So if you have a cure ……
I dont want it!
9 Jul, 2011
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thanks tt. I have to go past again this afternoon and i am tempted to get more fuchsias for the hanging baskets.
9 Jul, 2011
I'm afraid there is no cure , but lets face it ,it is a definite addiction. I don't think I can go a week without buying a new plant.. But it is cheaper than shoes :)
9 Jul, 2011
Sbg .. don't resist ;o)
9 Jul, 2011
What a wonderful addiction to have Sbg. I am sure I have it as well, as do most of the members on here, but we are not worrying about it, rather we are revelling in it. Enjoy....
9 Jul, 2011
no cure for this I'm afraid, or did you just fancy the nice plant man, bet he loved you my dear, Lol brilliant plants
9 Jul, 2011
Looks like 'Swingtime' SBG in the 3rd pic.
9 Jul, 2011
When you pass this wonderful man again please enquire if he has a brother near me PLEASE!!!!!!
Well done for finding such treasure.
9 Jul, 2011
afraid i have the same ...... and no sign of a cure...even though the gardens full..... : O ))).....
wouldnt want to give it up anyway.... the best kind of shopping there love all your new plants.........
9 Jul, 2011
yep I went back got another 8 fuchsia, same as before and another pot of rhodohypoxis.
He is far too young for me Yorkshire and he doesnt have a brother Sueb. I have known him for 20 yrs and he has taken over the business from his dad.
is swingtime a trailing fuchsia then? I thought that was an upright one.
He says he is going on his summer break next week so he has a clearance day next saturday.
guess where I'll be going?
9 Jul, 2011
Sorry no cure, and this website spreads the disease!
9 Jul, 2011
Oh wish your plantman had a stall near me, such bargains cannot be left and I certainly do not blame you for revisiting.......
9 Jul, 2011
I have had some super plants from him over the years.
9 Jul, 2011
Lovely plants...lovely prices too Sbg...:>)
9 Jul, 2011
I have been somewhat poorly over the last few weeks, just cant shake it off, went to Doc's and he did some tests, then some more, he's really puzzled and frustrated, so I laughingly said "perhaps its a plant buying bug"...he looked at me blankly...guess he isnt a gardener lol!
9 Jul, 2011
that is so funny Tetrarch, not you being poorly though. are you better now?
9 Jul, 2011
Apparently Cantpassaplantitus is on the increase due the the out break of Absolutezilchonthetv there is no vaccine as yet THANK GOODNESS:)
9 Jul, 2011
A sign that says "Half price " is fatal.
My friend and I went food shopping, on the way we saw the " Fatal sign" and had to return home to empty the car of plants before we could continue. Lol
9 Jul, 2011
What great bargains SB, and I don`t think any of us want to take the cure.
9 Jul, 2011
No cure for this condition as withdrawal is beyond gardeners science! but its not fatal and by some is thought of as highly beneficial. Symptoms tend to go away in winter to return in the spring reaching a peak in high summer. Very common in Great Britain and parts of the continent, rarely seen in children and women tend to get it worse then men. I have had it for years and have learnt to live with it!
9 Jul, 2011
My kind of shopping, when I go to Morrisons for food shopping I usually come out with a trolley full of plants instead, people normally give me weird looks, sometimes I feel guilty for buying plants instead of food, but can't help it, it is an addiction I have..:)))))) love it!!
9 Jul, 2011
Probly just some viral bug SBG, doesnt stop me gardening or buying plants lol..these posts are sooo hilarious..never thought I would find soo many people revelling in an incurable ailment LOL! Love Cantpassaplantitis!!!
My car doesnt need GPS, it automatically zooms in on Garden Centre, Plants, Nursery (it even knows the diff between a child nursery and a plant nursery)
10 Jul, 2011
Great bargains! Wow I wish I stayed there!
10 Jul, 2011
We'll all be up there soon, Sbg - what bargains your plant man sells! I thought I was a 'Plantaholic', but I suspect I'm also a victim of 'Cantpassaplantitis' too. lol.
10 Jul, 2011
You really landed some great bargains there....I've not found any so good in my neck of the woods....just a tad jealous, you understand I am sure :) lol
'Cantpassaplantitis' is a very good description of this very contagious disease, Tetrarch....your humour is great despite not feeling on top form. x
Hope you manage some more bargains next Saturday when your plant man has his sell-off before his holidays :)
10 Jul, 2011
I think it was Nana D's invention Jacquie..much as I would like to own it, but Im sure she wont mind us all attaching it to our names LOL!
10 Jul, 2011
Lovely selection of plants but there's is no cure to this illness. I'm afraid you'll have to endure it for the rest of your life.
It reminds me of the words of a song Diana Ross sings I don't know the name of the song but the words are
"If there's a cure for this I don't want it.
If there's a remedy I'll run from it, run from it"
10 Jul, 2011
10 Jul, 2011
You are so right, Tetrarch....apologies, and all credit to Nanad :)
10 Jul, 2011
def noooooooooooooooo cure !
have you tried therpy .......................... lol nooooo nither have we lol ...[0p
10 Jul, 2011
I know what you mean: it is very difficult to manage and support groups are few and far between.
I visited Larch cottage Nursery a couple of weeks ago on the way back from Scotland, and my was doing really well (bought nothing) when my wife Sonia asked if I had seen the Geraniums yet...... Luckily, the Geranium I wanted had sold out otherwise I would have lapsed again! Anyway, I am just to B&Qs to get some wood so I can build this front fence that has been waiting for 3 and a half years. I will have to be strong and ignore the plants.......
11 Jul, 2011
How on earth did you resist buying plants at Larch Cottage? You were VERY strong willed! ;-)
11 Jul, 2011
Obviously got some genetric freak in his DNA lol!
11 Jul, 2011
Just back from B&Qs with fencing items and no plants!!
I did look at Larch Cottage website before I went and will be collecting a couple of plants on the way back from my Holiday in August! Aaaaaargh!! This addiction is too much at times!
11 Jul, 2011
it's a very happy "disease" to have, and one you can share with others. SO much better than shoes or handbags, or dare I say it, botox and the like, yeauch! Tell yourself it could be a lot worse... I've now got to the point where my 10 year old says to me wearily at the start of some outings when I open my mouth to give her an instruction "yeah, I know, don't let you buy any plants" !
11 Jul, 2011
I have decided aversion therapy is essential :o)
11 Jul, 2011
NO chance, Sbg! lol.
11 Jul, 2011
his end of season sale next weekend. Purse is quiverin in my hnadbag as I type :o)
11 Jul, 2011
OH and I sat here having a quiet chuckle, imagining your purse getting hypertension lol!!
11 Jul, 2011
u cud get other half to rap ur knukels lol ............ every time you go 4 the purse ;0p
11 Jul, 2011
Excellent blog SBG and now we are all going to move to live near the bargain shop!
I don't think it's a disease though, I think it's a genetic disposition (is that the right terminology?) to love plants and that in turn cheers up everyone around. Perhaps everyone should be injected with it, then perhaps we could get a grant to help!!
12 Jul, 2011
LOL so enjoyed your blog SBG yes thankgoodness no cure .
Its a great illness to have and its easy to catch and pass on.
12 Jul, 2011
OH darent comment as he has his own little hobbies that make his wallet twitch. at least my purchases dont clutter up the house/conservatory.
glad this blog is making people smile.
12 Jul, 2011
Ooh nooo....I was feeling ok, then looked at this blog...pulse racing....breaking out in a sweat...fingers twitching...what have you done SBG???? Oh how I crave fuchsias. I didn't buy any this year and was quite content...til now:-(((
13 Jul, 2011
And we have just moved the bird bath and taken up the circle of stones around it and have about 3 square yards (at a push) of virgin ground to plant...found half a dozen plants to put in it but my nursery is starting to look what can I buy???....Ive already annexed some ground from a nice neighbour to grow my new irises on..its a lease arrangement, Ken digs it all and weeds it..masses of mares tails..and we have two borders for irises and make a contribution to the rest of the plot. It means I can grow my irises in soil over the winter, and the neighbour doesnt have to pay someone to make the plot look tidy!
I think I will have this illness for the rest of my life lol!
13 Jul, 2011
Yes SBG 'Swingtme' is definately a fushia for hanging baskets. I have one in mine, they're beauties, and everso easy to take cuttings from.
13 Jul, 2011
you lucky girl, I am now green with envy.
13 Jul, 2011
This is a great read!!. I think the plants subliminally say to us 'plantusnotpassusby!'
14 Jul, 2011
lol lovely plants sea and dont blame you, can you believe i came back without any plants :o(, i kept hinting but baz just kept passes the GC :o(, i loved beverly, bourght two handbags in the Browns sale :o)) happy planting
14 Jul, 2011
Beverley is only 3 miles from me. oh so close Sanbaz.
I love beverley I go there every saturday. the saturday market is good too.
14 Jul, 2011
Brilliant blog, really made me smile. I think I'm comming down with cantpassaplantitis, not sure where its come from though. Still I'm happy and my parents are happy, they're getting the garden done lol. Glad theres no cure, the person that announces a cure may find him or herself vanishing temporarily, until the cure is lost again.
Must say I'm jelous of you with your plant man. Lovely plants you've got, brilliant bargains.
14 Jul, 2011
Loved your blog and the reply's, good to see others with this
14 Jul, 2011
I also have this disease You have got yourself some great bargains
15 Jul, 2011
Its sad when the check-out lady in Morrisons says" you cann't possibly have room for any more plants in your garden" - my daughters added " see mum we told you you have a problem." But Morrisons do have good prices and good plants.
15 Jul, 2011
Morrisons plants have this problem of falling over...they sort of fall straight into your shopping basket lol!
15 Jul, 2011
I've not had a lot of success with theirs. the blue and white anenome's were red and white.
Its my 'plant man's' end of his selling season sale tomorrow. I am excited even if it is going to be pouring down. Now where is my purse?
15 Jul, 2011
Hanging around your neck like a millstone lol! Tomorrow it will feel like a feather
15 Jul, 2011
just seen your reply sea... 3 miles, cant believe i missed meeting up :o( maybe next time, lovely part of the country, loved it all :o))
15 Jul, 2011
definitely next time Sanbaz. hope not too long either :o)
15 Jul, 2011
Oh what a disaster. He wasnt there........
the heavy rain must have put him off going........
hopefully tomorrow.
16 Jul, 2011
Great bargains, who could say no to bargains like that? Not anyone with Plant Plague. It's the best disease anyone one ever got. Such a pity it hasn't spread to epidemic proportions over here. I hear there are a few outbreaks but not enough for my liking. I have heard and read it's hit England bad. As far as I know there is only one side effect, less cash! Well, maybe there are one or two more, maybe an aching back, or a scratch or two but other than that it'll do you and those around you the world of good. The pleasure the plants bring I hear is better than cookies, chocolate and even better than any pill given for depression.
So if someone suggest a 12 step program for it, a pill, or a shrink, I'd laugh out loud at them and carry on.
Hope u catch up with the plant man again, we could all be addictive to a plant man with those prices hanging out on the corner.
Happy planting.
16 Oct, 2011
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Be reassured ...
... there is no cure for such a wonderful addiction ;o)
Amazing bargains... well done ;o)
9 Jul, 2011