Nearly December
By seaburngirl
Dont worry; no further mention of ‘that’ festive event in this blog: honest.
I had a wander around the garden today, dropped the camera and now it wont work :o( So the photos are archive ones just showing what is still flowering.
Rose Gislaine de foligonde.
Lychnis chalcedonica
Corydalis chelianthus photo taken in spring but apart from being bigger looks the same. [think I have spelt it correctly, should check it really :p]
Helinium Sahins early flower
There are new flowers on the lupins, penstemons, Verbena bonariensis and some of the dianthus. Lots of colour still.
Then there are the ones that have been encouraged by the temperautures and light levels.
Snowflakes I noticed today are in full flower, a real lift to my rather somber mood. Not sure why I feel down in the dumps, probably missing eldest girl more than I thought. She is at Uni in Wales and we were there at the weekend.
I also have Ipheon in flower too. Now all we need is the frost to seal their fates until next spring.
But lets hope Jack is not listening.
I will enjoy the bounties as long as I can.
Ooh must remember to put a camera on that wish list ;o)
- 30 Nov, 2011
Previous post: charity plant sale.
Next post: happy christmas
thanks dd2. it is strange without her and the 14 yr old misses her a lot more than she lets on too.
Really surprised by the snowflakes though. one of my favourite plants.
30 Nov, 2011
Yes....mine too.
30 Nov, 2011
The Snowflake does look lovely it is nice to see colour in the garden so late , I still have Calendula Marigold's in flower.My son is at university and can,t make it home for Christmas as he is working he will be such a miss :-(
30 Nov, 2011
I can't believe your snowflakes are out, SBG! Amazing!
It's funny you should mention missing your daughter - I just mentioned to Pimpernel a few minutes ago, about how when she was only just 19, six days before Christmas, our only daughter left home for the very first time to go and live in Italy. I had terrible, gut-wrenching empty-nest-syndrome and stood sobbing on Christmas eve, stuffing the turkey with the candles lit and listening to carols on the radio, with mascara all over my face, thinking about her over a thousand miles away in a strange country. She didn't suffer too badly at all and didn't miss us in the slightest. We wrote great long letters to each other, day after day for a year. We still have a whole book full of them, and they make heart-breaking but hilarious reading. We survived, and I'm sure you will get used to her not being there very soon! Won't she be home for Christmas?
30 Nov, 2011
last week work informed my son he could be in Oz for three weeks over xmas, my daughter is in the states so quite a chunk missing from the table, both their youngsters are at the delightful 2 year stage so this xmas will mean something to them. You give them 'pet' talks on the phone to boost the mood & say trite things like " xmas is only one day isnt it "? We need to be adaptable as parents dont we?
Anyway, sorry to hear about your DCS, SBG, this is also very serious, I had a bout of it earlier this year & still not fully recovered but the replacement did help a speedier recovery.
DCS ? Oh right! 'dropped camera syndrome' :-O :-( ;-)
1 Dec, 2011
I like that first rose. It's lovely.
Nice to have a mild autumn for a change. I hope it stays like this for the whole winter.
Make sure you put that camera on your list :o)
1 Dec, 2011
So pleased the sight of the Snowflakes cheered you up a bit, it does help our moods when looking at our flowers and we are all doing so well this autumn, I won`t mind missing out on winter and jumping into springtime,(dreaming again)
Lovely pics Seaburn, I hope you are soon taking pics again and when you do get another camera, hang it around your neck, you can tell I have also experienced DCS,
1 Dec, 2011
hi sea, joe is loving it in wales but i still miss him and will only see him for two days before he goes to see his dads family in jersey for xmas which means i will have to wait till next year,,, easter i think but he loves his family and wants to see his nan and cousins, not seen them in 2 years or more,
which uni is your eldest at in wales, joe is lampeter :o))
1 Dec, 2011
thanks for the lovely comments. I used to have my camera around my neck until I nearly strangled myself when it caught on a branch !!! I am hoping it may be repairable but OH reckons it will cost ore than a new camera :o(
Elizabeth is at Newport studing fashion design. she chose to live at the Caerleon Campus. there is a heavily subsidised bus route so she works in the new £35million campus building. The bus route aslo takes her to Cardiff and Cymbran. So she has relatively easy access to them.
We have had lots of texts, e-mails and phone calls, but it isnt the same as picking up dirty washing off the bathroom floor ;o)
I'd remembered that Joe was at wales San, just couldnt remember where. I know he had trouble with UCAS and the way the uni of his choice altered the tariff when he got his results last year.
2 Dec, 2011
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We do miss our children whatever age they are lucky to have so much still flowering, we must make the most of it....I say!!
30 Nov, 2011