Well the forecasters were right!
By seaburngirl
Yesterday the greenhouse thermometer recorded -5 Celcius overnight. This morning well you can see for yourself.
The frost was very pretty too.
Heuchera sanguinea
dwarf narcisus, but cant for the life of me remember which one. I will have to be patient.
Yesterday I washed and refilled all the birdfeeders. I know you shouldnt walk on frosted grass but if they need feeding then the grass will have to suffer.
This female blackbird was up ‘hoovering up’ around the feeders at 8 o’clock this morning. Lets hope the frost softens soon as the garden didnt thaw at all yesterday.
15 Jan, 2012
Previous post: Camera sorted Houseplants on parade.
Next post: After the snow and frost: mice can read.
yes we have lots in the garden, including coal tits. first ones here for about 4 years. also seen a few chaffinches but few greenfinches. I dont think their numbers have fully recovered from the virus they suffered from a couple of years ago sadly.
Its still -3 here too.
15 Jan, 2012
Same here, SBG. I used to get 8 or 9 greenfinches at a time, but now I never see more than a couple. I have coal tits here as well. I often find their little stashes of seed when I'm clearing pots and once found a very neat row of sunflower seeds pushed singly behind a fence support. I often wonder if they remember where they put them!
15 Jan, 2012
It stayed below freezing all day yesterday but has clouded over a bit today so we are back to green even in the shady parts, been out and thawed birdbaths and replenished the feeders, I don`t mind admitting it was a shock to the system and I wasn`t tempted to stay out there for long, it was a bad year for the apples so my poor blackbirds are missing their usual treat as none left in storage for them, guess I`ll have to raid my daughters fruit bowl occasionally, lol...
Had my newest camera a year now Sbg and still delete loads through my mistakes but its all good fun..
15 Jan, 2012
Cold here too but the lovely suprise yesterday and this morning is a flock of fieldfares, first this winter after the fallen apples we leave for them they go south from scandinavia avoiding the cold...its a treat to see them!
15 Jan, 2012
glad we are all hardy and look after the birds.
I am really happy with the camera, now that i have got the formatting sorted. still a few 'shaky' ones but hey ho.
we have had fieldfares aplenty this year and i do back onto open fields. just waiting for the waxwings to return. they were out in force last year.
15 Jan, 2012
not quite as frosty here Sea.... but still cold, i need to clear my feeders to as with all the rain we had the seed is so damp and not falling down the feeder right, so thats tomoz on my list, lovely pictures with the frost to :o)))
15 Jan, 2012
I keep a couple of spares for that very reason San, when one gets clogged I shake seed into dry one and then the little birds don`t suffer, keep a turnabout going all the time...
15 Jan, 2012
good idea sue i will get spare ones,i hate to think the birds go without, luckerly the winter has been milder :o))
15 Jan, 2012
It was frosty here yesterday, but today we didn't have any. I hope it gets milder for you soon. Nice to see your bulbs coming up.
15 Jan, 2012
I do like the look of a deep frost, it coats everything with a diamond shine. Am hoping that this frost (-5 Here, but did get to 3 during day, am close to coast suppose and south facing which helps) gets the slugs...the mild weather has not helped their numbers.
15 Jan, 2012
The birds have been tucking in all day here, they had extra rations to fill them up to keep the cold out tonight ...
15 Jan, 2012
it costs me £40 a month for gas to keep the G.house at12-15% to bring my seeds through for an early start but I feel its worth it besides its nice to have a warm place at the allotment to drink coffee when you have a break I also burn scrap wood on my stove outside near my work bench it always attracts other gardeners to warm their hands and have a chat I think we have been lucky in the N.East weather wise or have I spoke to soon , ha-ha .Lovey
21 Jan, 2012
Plenty of birds here too. Just did the RSPB watch return - blue tit, great tit, robin, chaffinch, sparrow, starling, blackbird, thrush, long tailed tit, pigeon (plus a squirrel and rat under the feeders!). And then there was the mystery bird - we thought it was a female bullfinch but it perfectly matched the blackcap picture in the bird book (more pointy head and grey front) - can this be? Just put some more fresh water down for them as everything is frozen up.
9 Feb, 2012
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Exactly the same here. Frost never lifted yesterday and although it is a beautiful sunny day, the outside temp at 11 am is minus 3.8C. The birds are hungry and busy on the feeders. As I write there are about 20 birds feeding. I hope there are as many on 28/29th for the big RSPB Birdwatch.
15 Jan, 2012