My back garden: early July plus a bee!
By seaburngirl
I have been very busy at work lately and so much has grown that I will have to do some serious thinning out next year. I wont show you one bed that is awash with cleavers [hanging my head in shame ].
My shed bed [side of the garden with the shed at one end] is mainly pinks and blues at the moment but the creams and apricots will be taking over soon.
Aconitum and buds of Martagon lilies with geranium magnificum in the foreground.
Geranium magnificum with Persicaria Red dragon
Ribes speciosum’s red stems and rosa Ghislaine de Foligond in bud with Aruncus coming into full flower.
If I turn 180 degrees with my back to these I then have this orange berried Pyracantha with the beech tree and the revamped conifer bed coming into view.
The rose arch is finally showing roses. This is Zephrine Drohuian [is that how you spell it?] with Russel sweetpeas as the clematis didn’t arrive until last week. Very poor specimens so they are being mollycoddled for this year.
A closer view of this beautifully scented thorn less rose.
Orientation point here:- the plant ring is supporting the white aconite in the earlier photo, so this shot is at the back towards the right of the bed. Veronica prostata has done very well as has an un-named fern that ‘appeared’ in the bed. There are also some bird scattered sunflowers from when the feeders were here over winter.
One of the clusters of 3 viola plants flowering its socks off.
Right: off under the beech tree. Mind the midges don’t bite! This is Scrophularia altissima with shuttlecock ferns and probably Lamium golbein. There are also other ferns and early in the spring Trilliums and later in the year Colchicums.
An excellent Astrantia but I don’t know if it has a varietal name or is just the species.
This is Mitella, a lovely little ground cover and flowers similar to a Tellima, but less than 6" tall. Green and sweetly scented.
Turning back to the house there is the very full; even too full rockery. I will have to thin some of these plants out come the autumn/spring. Some definite mistakes here. Ah well!
Spotted the deep blue of this little Campanula [English Hare bell] amongst everything else. Noticed Roscoea is coming into flower. Really pleased they survived the winter.
As you can see I also garden in the ‘fill it to bursting, shoe horn even more in’ mode favoured by many and abhorred by many too. But I love my garden and I am pleased it can never be finished.
I’ll do the side garden and front garden in another blog.
Where is the bee then? Yes I did put a bee in the title didn’t I?
Here it is Ophrys apifera: the native bee orchid. Found growing in the garden a gift from mother nature.
Hope its not too long a blog. Enjoy the sunshine this weekend :o)
5 Jul, 2013
Previous post: the revamped conifer bed
Next post: Giant Knapweed development.
Great blog and lovely photos! It's a very difficult balance to get right I think, looking full but not overcrowded. I love the way it looks at the moment. Fab bee orchid!
6 Jul, 2013
It wasn't too long. I enjoy seeing what others have in their gardens :o) Aren't you lucky to have that bee orchid as a nice surprise !
My Zephrine rose has thorns - not many but it does have a few.
And I'm like you - cram everything into the garden until there's no room left lol
6 Jul, 2013
All lovely, especially those dainty little campanulas (campanulas can do no wrong except for two varieties that shall be nameless) The rose and the violas are grand too - but with so many great plants perhaps we shouldn't pick and choose...
8 Jul, 2013
Would one of those be C.poscharskyana, Stera?! I have that - all over my garden. So attractive, but so invasive! Fortunately, it is easy to pull up, but not to get rid of. At this time of year, though, when flowering, I forgive all - so pretty!
8 Jul, 2013
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It's all lovely, Sbg! I love the full look, but like you, I am reaching the point where I am going to have to divide a lot of my older perennials. It's a very fine line between full and overcrowded, isn't it, and some of mine have definitely got a bit too big for their boots. The bee orchid is fantastic - what a treat! I have several of those ferns - they can get very large after a few years, and self-seed quite freely, but are lovely in the right place. One settled itself in a large pot I had left out, and it looks really good.
5 Jul, 2013