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is it worth it?


Like many of you I have this compulsion to buy plants especially when they are apparently bargains.
2 yrs ago I picked up 2 hydrangeas, both very sickly and pot bound. The pair were less than £2 in total so I thought give them a chance.

Hydrangea Annabelle when I bought her.

Last summer she produced 2 flowers only.

Look at her now!

This was Red Disc when I bought it, the upper stems were blackened.

I don’t remember it flowering last year but look at it this year. The only down side is it isn’t as red as the image on the tag; which was a deep pink nearly red, as you can see.
ah well it only cost £1.00.

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Hi Sbg, I love the bargain basement plants, I just check if a plant is still alive, and buy, Aldi are the worst culprits for not looking after their plants, they get fresh stock, then no- one ever bothers to water them, I got a Viburnum bodnatense dawn a few months ago, if I remember rightly, I paid 1.79, Derek.

11 Aug, 2014


That is a brilliant bargain. Lidle is the same and I too have had some gems from them. Their seeds are cheap too.

11 Aug, 2014


Its amazing what a bit of tender loving care can do for neglected plants. I bought 2 patio clematis, priced at £14 full price for £1 each because the plastic pots were cracked, from a garden centre recently. Only went in for some Orchid compost.

11 Aug, 2014


Too right it is Seaburn, they are beauties, my girl and I have had some real bargains from our local family run nursery, they have a bargain basement polytunnel and most things you can get for a quid, so we check it out three times a year.....

11 Aug, 2014


B&Q sometimes sell neglected plants cheaply, too. It's always a thrill to bring something back from the brink! The hydrangeas are lovely.

11 Aug, 2014


They are certainly beautiful now.

11 Aug, 2014


They were definately worth it Sbg, I love a good bargain, and a challenge.Love the white one :-)

12 Aug, 2014


Green fingers and tlc worked beautifully......

12 Aug, 2014


certainly was worth it Seaburngirl, lovely hydrangeas, well done on the nursing back to health and congratulations on the very very good bargains. lol :O) I love a GOOD bargain they certainly were. :O)

12 Aug, 2014


Glad I'am not the only one to do this. My OH often despairs of the pots that make their way home with me.
Mind I do have the odd failure :o)

12 Aug, 2014


Youve looked after them well, they look great now..

12 Aug, 2014


I would have been happy to see these turn out so well,Sbg..I think we all enjoy a challenge,even if only to brag,and say,I told you so ! Lol

12 Aug, 2014


Great bargains there SBG, I'm just the same, lured by a bargain I get home and then wonder where on earth I'm going to put them, hence my many pots!

12 Aug, 2014


Fantastic bargains. But how do you get Annabelle to stand up like that? Mine has huge flowerheads and stems not strong enough to support them so they fall over. :(

12 Aug, 2014


I agree that it is totally worth it...I Love saving their lives :)

12 Aug, 2014


Havent you done well with your bargain basement hydrangeas, they look so healthy. So enjoyable to buy cheap and nurture, its not just about the money but the satisfaction of bringing a plant on.

12 Aug, 2014


The secret is to pot them on into good quality compost.

13 Aug, 2014


They are all in the ground Diane, and much too big for a pot.. All three hydrangeas in that border have grown a lot this year so I don't think they are short of nourishment. In fact the blue one next to Annabelle will have to b e drastically cut back, its gone completely mad.

13 Aug, 2014


Great bargains ! They have become lovely plants :o)

13 Aug, 2014


We'll done Sbg. I always believe, if you have patience when gardening, you will be rewarded. These hydrangeas are looking great, after you gave them some TLC.

16 Aug, 2014


Good bargains ... well done on those hydrangeas !
I have a heather flowering wonderfully which I bought as a sad, almost dead plant for about 25p ... Lol.

21 Aug, 2014


The Annabelle is flopping now due to all the rain but it is still looking good.
there is something very satisfying in saving a plant isn't there.
Thanks for all the comments.

21 Aug, 2014


Yes ... very satisfying to rescue plants !

21 Aug, 2014

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