I have my mojo back :o)
By seaburngirl
As many of you know I had passed one kidney stone and am waiting to get rid of another and I wasn’t up to any gardening.
But with the sun and the Easter holidays I am getting back out there. The first job was to plant the roses that I had bought last year. The problem was the bed that was riddled with bindweed and creeping sow thistle. So come the October half-term, my youngest daughter, Victoria 17, helped and at one point she declared the waterlogged holes as something akin to the Somme. We filled 4 green waste bags with the rhizomes and the council brown bin twice.
I cant find the photos to add here but never mind.
The roses came from Beale’s and were delivered in November bare rooted so I potted them up as there bed wasn’t ready. Since then the weather has conspired against me or the family has had to come first. Then I was laid up with kidney stones.
That was 4 days ago it is now partly planted.
The shrubs on the left were hacked down, sorry pruned by my OH as he wanted more drive availability. I placed some potted plants on the ground, The yellow weigelia, a witch hazel and several irises that we lifted in the autumn.
I kept placing the roses , stepping back and checking that they weren’t too close to each other or the hedge behind.
I also decided to plant Fuschia ‘David’ as its been a pot for 2 years now. OH gets fed up with all my pots as they get in his way when he is cutting the grass. I popped in the Iris ungucularis too.
Then I made the ‘mistake’ of going to the plant man in the lay-by.
7 Apr, 2015
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Sow thistle and bindweed? gosh, it wasn't your day was it? I'm glad you got those roses in at last. Hope it won't be too long before the second stone goes - not something to look forward to but it will be nice when its over!
7 Apr, 2015
I'm glad to hear the good weather is helping with your recovery. Victoria and you have done a power of work and it should all look great when summer comes. I take it the red pulsatilla came from the lay-by man. It is nice and healthy. If the good weather keeps up it will soon be bbq time again.
7 Apr, 2015
nothing like a days gardening to make everything feel better. glad you have found your mojo SBG..x
8 Apr, 2015
Yes we did a lot and unfortunately the neighbour doesn't mind the pretty flowers of the bindweed.
I picked up 3 Pulsatilla a white , purple and a red. He also had some nice ferns that will go down the shady end of this bed, that's further to the left as you look at the photo. But to do that I have to wait for OH to get the 20ft boat off the drive and back to Kielder. That part of the bed is covered with Vinca and a Geranium endressii so it is due for a full peel back. I saved several plants such as poppy Allegro, Aconites and some of the aquilegia [though lots did end up in the bin]. The large clump of Veronica spicata and a Phlox have been lifted , split and potted up ready for going back later.
My back is sore today. I am hoping for ultrasound to blast the stone as it will hurt to pass it.
8 Apr, 2015
Glad you are feeling a bit better and good luck with getting rid of the second stone. The new rose bed is looking good!
8 Apr, 2015
Oh I do hope the stone disappears soon fo you, a friend had infected gall stones and thats painful too....
I wouldn't call you plantman a mistake. ....more happy accident!
Your gardenwill look lovely I'm sure, bindweds such hard work x
8 Apr, 2015
Glad to see you out and about Sbg and hope you will soon be back to your usual self ,its a shame we can't stop the garden growing when we aren't well ,good luck with it :o)
8 Apr, 2015
Very pleased you are feeling better Seaburn and up to gardening again, not surprised your back is sore, you were raring to go weren't you, no good whatsoever telling you to go steady, lol, fingersxx you can have the ultrasound soon....
8 Apr, 2015
Hi Sbg, glad to hear you got your mojo back, and wish you well with the kidney stone, you're right they are painful to pass, so a good idea to get them blasted.
Your garden is looking good, Derek.
8 Apr, 2015
You have done such a lot out there and it sounds as if you enjoyed yourself in the process.
It will be lovely to see photos of your new roses when they are covered in flowers. What are their names?
8 Apr, 2015
Apart from tinkering in the greenhouse and putting up another blog I haven't done any more proper gardening today. Thanks for all your good wishes and compliments. I am awaiting an appointment to see the renal specialist . This is a smaller stone [4mm] but I know it will hurt a lot :o((
The roses are Speck's Gold, Queen Elizabeth, La Reine Victoria, a moss rose, that I cant remember without going out to look, Silver anniversary [that's been in a pot for 7yrs] and an apricot/peach one that I'd have to look up.
I also have a species rose but again I'd have to check.
8 Apr, 2015
Thank you for telling me. They will make a lovely show and hopefully do really well for you.
Will be delighted to read that you are fully recovered, hope it will be soon.
8 Apr, 2015
Poor you - I hope they can blast the stone for you. Take care and don't push yourself too much! xx Nice that you have a helper.
I well remember your layby man - wish we had one!
11 Apr, 2015
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Glad to see you're back gardening.
7 Apr, 2015