Lost my mojo
By seaburngirl
Hi folks just a short blog partly to explain my sudden lack of interest in all things gardening :o(
A week ago I was rushed into hospital with kidney stones. I had no choice but to let nature take its course, painful to say the least.
I had 4 days in before I passed the stone; it was in the wrong place for any intervention, it had passed the point of no return.
I am home but my back is really sore and I am lacking energy and apart from looking at the flowers out of the window I’ve done nothing except sleep.
Hope to be back up to speed soon.
7 Mar, 2015
Previous post: Spring is definitely on the way
Next post: I have my mojo back :o)
Oh you poor thing that must have so very painful for you and anyone would lose all interest whilst getting rid of those biddy things, you take it easy Seaburn, sleep is often the best cure and the garden isn't going anywhere, wishing you a very speedy and painfree recovery.xx
7 Mar, 2015
Sorry to hear this,Sbg..I think that would bring anyone down..Thanks for letting us know,and I wish you a speedy recovery..you will get your mojo back when your body tells you to..don't rush it..take care x
7 Mar, 2015
Hi Sbg, sorry to hear this, I had 1 about 40 years ago, and they are B....y painful, as others have said, your garden isn't going anywhere, and as you've passed the stone, you'll soon get your mojo back, best wishes, Derek.
7 Mar, 2015
Get well soon, sbg ... it is frustrating when you want to work on gardening tasks but don't feel fit enough ... I hope there are some spring flowers for you to enjoy outside your windows ..
7 Mar, 2015
Sorry to hear about your illness SBG. Hope you will be feeling much better very soon. No wonder you're exhausted!
7 Mar, 2015
Enjoy your garden thro' the window, hope that will cheer you up.
7 Mar, 2015
The like is really a big hug ((((((?)))))
poor you I remember a friend saying how incredibly painful it is
make haste slowly as they say, hope you're feeling better soon xxx
7 Mar, 2015
Sorry to hear you've had this. It is a very painful thing. I'm pleased you are now home but take care until you get completely over it. I hope we'll have some nice spring weather soon, to help you feel better :o)
7 Mar, 2015
Hope you feel better soon Sbg.
7 Mar, 2015
Get well soon, hope you are soon pain free and able to get out and about again, best wishes xxx
7 Mar, 2015
Oh dear, poor you, let's hope you are over the worst now. It's horrible when illness makes us unable to concentrate on anything, like our gardens. Well that's how it affects me. Get well soon and looking forward to seeing your garden when you are well.
7 Mar, 2015
Sorry to hear this how awful for you. Hope you are soon over this painful time.
7 Mar, 2015
Sorry to hear your not well, wishing you a speedy recovery.
7 Mar, 2015
OOOh nasty, makes you go all funny just thinking about it.Lots and lots of sympathy and good wishes for a gentle and quick recovery.
7 Mar, 2015
Get well soon Sbg. Sleep as much as you need to. Little by little you will get your get up and go back. You must know the only way is up.
8 Mar, 2015
All these good souls wishing a hasty recovery, the body needs to heal slowly and permanently. Give it a month
at least.
8 Mar, 2015
Oh Sbg poor you hope you feel better soon sounds very painful x
8 Mar, 2015
thank you for all your good wishes. the dr signed me off for 2 weeks and reckons i'll be not quite fighting fit but able to do most things. I have an outpatient appointment soon to decide what they will do with the small [4mm !] stone still in there. The one I got rid of was 6mm and that has been sent for chemical analysis, to see what it was made of and more importantly if there is anything I can do to stop them happening again. Believe me more painful than giving birth.
The sun has opened up all the crocus and aconites. they look wonderful. The birds are also out and feeding. so far this morning the great spotted woodpeckers have been down together. as have the gold, bull and green finches. Followed by the blue, great and coal tits. They are making me laugh with their petty squabbles and pecking orders.
8 Mar, 2015
Feel better soon. Being in pain and laid up is awful but it will end!
8 Mar, 2015
I've been there. Renal colic is something that you WOULD WISH your worse enemy to have. I wish you a rapid and everlasting recovery.
8 Mar, 2015
Wishing you a speedy recovery
8 Mar, 2015
Hope you're feeling better soon Sbg....glad to hear the birds are keeping you amused.Don't worry about your "mojo"....it'll soon be back.Look after yourself:-))
8 Mar, 2015
Get well soon SBG.
Get good rest
All the best.
8 Mar, 2015
Poor you, you have certainly been through it.
I hope you are beginning to feel better. For now, keep on resting and doing very little.........hopefully we have a long hot summer ahead of us to get outside and enjoy the garden again!
Get well soon.
8 Mar, 2015
Hope you are feeling better soon Sbg. One weed at a time .....
8 Mar, 2015
Lemons citric acid brakes up kidney stones and if taken each day prevents them forming .
Hope you recover soon.
I squeeze a fresh lemon thick slice in hot water each day its quite refreshing to drink.
8 Mar, 2015
In the summer try low sugar or no sugar lemonade. This is another one of those Folk Medicine remedies that is being discovered to have some validity. As always, do this in moderation. Too much citric acid intake can cause tooth erosion and heartburn.
8 Mar, 2015
Is that fizzy lemonade
9 Mar, 2015
Well I do have fresh lemon most days so not sure what is going on! There are many different types of stone so I will have to wait and see what the lab boys say it is.
9 Mar, 2015
Cranberry juice is said to dissolve and keep you free of kidney stones. I've never had kidney stones but I love cranberry juice.
9 Mar, 2015
I read that Magnesium is good for Kidney Function.
As its not included in the list of vitamins on
Feroglobin B12 I was interested in it.
After an ache in that area last year, started taking one tablet per day. The ache has gone. I asked the Pharmacist about it, and he said " Yes, thats right."
10 Mar, 2015
I do hope you'll soon be completely recovered, Sbg. It sounds as if you've had a rough time.
11 Mar, 2015
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Oh no Sbg this can be ever so painful no wonder you havelost your mojo.
Hope your back feels better soon and you can be out relaxing with your flowers in the garden and fresh air.
Rest is the best thing ,I am sure you will feel better soon.
7 Mar, 2015