The weather against me now.
By seaburngirl
As you park the car on the drive way I have an almost triangular bed that has bind weed in it as well as cleavers and hedge woundwort.
On Friday I started work on it.
Yesterday was also cold and the ground was too wet so I sewed. Today we have had hail/sleet and rain off and on.
Between the showers we have had brilliant blue skies. This is the photo from my sewing room.
Even my sewing has had a ‘garden/weather’ feel to it.
The pattern is called Fall leaves and it will be a ‘rainbow’ quilt when done. This is the violet block.
The afternoon sun catches the colours of the pots on the pond wall well.
These jetfire are lovely.
The first buds to open on the Camellia, lets hope the weather doesn’t put paid to them.
March is certainly roaring like a lion at present.
10 Mar, 2019
Previous post: Two tidy shady beds.
Next post: Hyacinths
one of the reasons we bought the property was because we are not overlooked. The fence separates us from a nursing home. it was the Georgian vicarage originally. I love the pond at any time of the year.
10 Mar, 2019
Love the view from above of your garden. Living in a bungalow I can't do that on my garden. The camelia looks so snowy white! I love the reflections in the pond, have you any frog spore?
10 Mar, 2019
You must have been thrilled to find that house - what a great view, and what a difference it makes to a garden when you have some mature trees round it - looks really lovely and peaceful.
10 Mar, 2019
waddy the camellia is actually pale pink. We get frogs in the garden rather than the pond and no spawn ever :o(
The trees are wonderful but the garden is in a lot of shade and dry in the summer so can be a problem to grow plants Stera.
We bought it really for the garage space OH wanted a workshop too so he has that to the left of the picture out of view.
10 Mar, 2019
Waddy.....get yourself a step, and hold the camera up high above your head...I do it all the time! :)
10 Mar, 2019
Love the pics, and envy the Jetfire. I had them but suspect the squirrels liked them more than I did
11 Mar, 2019
Your garden is looking really lovely.
11 Mar, 2019
Forgot to sympathise re your weed problem Just one of those is bad enough, let alone three. At least cleavers are discouraged if you pull them all up before they've flowered and I have got rid of hedge woundwort after some years. But the bindweed oh dear.
11 Mar, 2019
Love your quilting,it's a lovely colour.
Your garden as usual looks good.
11 Mar, 2019
Sunshine and flowers, makes all the work so worthwhile, your garden looks beautifully tidy. The quilt is a pretty colour too.
11 Mar, 2019
A nice idea Karen, but I hate ladders. I never feel save!
SBG Can't believe I said I didn't have spore and not spawn, doh!!
11 Mar, 2019
Yes its definitely Mad March weather, put a stop to me also, I don't recall ever seeing your garden from above Seaburn, it looks lovely and don't you have a lovely view...
11 Mar, 2019
What a very pretty view of your garden and it must be quite a distraction when you are busy sewing!
Here in the south west we are getting a real battering of rain and wind and it is lasting for days! Our cherry tree was just about to flower so goodness knows what will happen to that! Wish I had a magic wand to calm it all down so that I can get out there and do some jobs!
14 Mar, 2019
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Its great to see your garden from above, it is a really good size isn't it, and mature, and not overlooked, !! love the pond pic with the reflections, and the quilt is very pretty gorgeous colours.....
10 Mar, 2019