garden today
By seaburngirl
didnt get to do much in the garden today with one thing and another but i did get the camera out.
the large front bed is still changing. nearly all the bearded iris have finished as has Papaver orientallis ‘allegro’. the delphiniums are almost all out with Aconitum napellus follwing fast on their heels.
I added another pot of asiatic lilies to further brighten the front border whilst waiting for the day lilies. this was weeded and cleared of the buttercups a few weeks ago now.
I mooched round the back and saw the first waterlily bloom and then a pair of damsel flies.
thankfully my youngest knows what flying in tandem means!
and then to the back of the garden, the pyracantha has never looked so good.
thought i’d also pick the gooseberries but they are hard as marbles and the blackcurrants are just not there either.
oh well nice to look at the plants rather than constantly pulling weeds. the rain has been most welcome except for all the new weed seedlings that are sprouting everywhere.
must now face the ironing of uniforms for tomorrow :o(
- 21 Jun, 2009
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thanks. i am pleased with it. i go for the shoehorn school of gardening. if there is a space i try and fill it.
next to the orange asiatics is a yellow dahlia. it too is in a pot buried up to the rim. lazy gardening my hubby calls it.
21 Jun, 2009
I think you have a good plan .... fill the beds and get less weeds. Hope your fruit is ready soon, getting warmer next week so fingers crossed.
21 Jun, 2009
That isn't 'lazy' gardening, Sbg - just makes complete sense to me! I do it as well.
I have 'parked' a pot of lilies in the border...unfortunately, it has been so windy that it won't stand up. :-(
21 Jun, 2009
Lovely blog...your garden looks so good.Love the pic of the damsel flies
21 Jun, 2009
Lovely garden great photos
22 Jun, 2009
what a great pic of the damsel flies hubby will be very jealous hehehe
its all so exciteing when lots of colour appears
x x
22 Jun, 2009
What great shots Sbg and I don't think it's lazy gardening either I have quite a few pots sunk in and I like to fill all spaces too.
22 Jun, 2009
Lovely garden.
22 Jun, 2009
when you sink pots do they still need drainage holes? sounds a stupid question but if roots grow through the bottom as they would on top of the ground do they still "wander"?
x x
22 Jun, 2009
Yes Mookins they do still need drainage holes and the roots do tend to 'wander' but if you have some pieces of broken crock, say an old pottery pot or anything like that, and cover the hole(s) in the pot then the roots tend not to wander as much and it still allows the pot to drain. Well it works for me :o)))
22 Jun, 2009
that makes sense
may try this as im getting lots of comments on the fact I planted out mint!!
doesnt bother me
x x x x
22 Jun, 2009
it also makes it easyier for lifting those that may need extra tlc over the winter.
oh hope you like mint mookins :o)
i plant my mint in a pot and it will go down and up but a lot of plants dont have running roots so the pot thing works well. i mainly use it with summer bulbs/tubers.
thanks for the compliments on the photo's. many end up in the delete/bin facility of my laptop.
22 Jun, 2009
Oh mine do too Sbg, I always take loads of shots and only use about a third of them, it was a godsend when they invented digital, saves a fortune on photo prints. I particularly like the Damselfly pic, That is a competition winner for me.
Nowt wrong with planting mint out Mookins, just so long as you keep it down, I did'nt and it ran riot but since I potted it and sunk the pot I can keep a rein on it.
23 Jun, 2009
its all looking really lovely sea,, great shot of damselfly to,, :o))
29 Jun, 2009
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It all looks great Seaburn.
21 Jun, 2009