all spritz's fault!
By seaburngirl
After reading Spritz’s blog on her secret project I thought, why not?
Why not what? I hear you ask. Well 12 years ago my brother helped me clear an overgrown border and plant some small shrubs, I was heavily pregnant at the time. Said small shrubs are now big shrubs. Come to think of it so is my baby!
Mixed among them is at least 2 pet burials and a host of bulbs; but sadly a lot of nettles and other weeds, sorry British natives.
Decision time: what to keep, what to throw and what to renovate?
Keepers first: Acuba, Camellia ‘Ave Marie’ and Mahonia ‘Lionel Fortescue’.
Removers next: Choysia ternata; did a sterling job but i dont like it enough for it to earn a place in the garden. Now consigned to the shredder in the sky. Shredder didnt clog once, joy of joys. Several perenial geraniums that also grow elsewhere ended up in the compost bin.
Renovaters: Verbinum tinus; well if it survivs the severe hacking it is due get that is.
Any special finds? Well dont know really, found another hebaceous paoney ‘rubra’ and the rather pathetic stem of a pyracantha. They may still make it in to the final mix.
The soil has had many years of beech leaves adding to the final mulch and it is so rich with insects, spiders and myriapods that the robin kept me company all day. By late afternoon the local male blackbird was also there filling his beak.
The soil is very good in most places in this border it just needs some more interesting planting. The edges were cut and yes I did steal a little more of the grass and it still needs the final line tidying as it is a bit ‘sharp’ in places.
I didnt get it all done as my children had other demands of my time and husband was at work so he was unable to help out. He doesnt help in the garden except for cutting the grass. So there is still more tidying to do before i can plant it up.
I am planning to plant a pair of skimmia and the fuchsia flowered Ribes as well as Martagon lilies, Hosta ‘Fire and ice’ and lily of the valley. What else will go in? I have not decided yet. The garden is on hold until next week end as i have to go to London for 2 days.
Any plant suggestions welcome.
29 Jun, 2009
Previous post: garden today
Next post: side border - thanks Spritz!
I have also found 5 sapling ash trees 2in diameter trunks to remove too. I really need some muscle to help with this. Hubby always disappears unless i want him to get the chainsaw out:o)
29 Jun, 2009
Great start and it will be interesting to see the finished project. Hope you've left some nettles somewhere for the butterflies (that's my excuse for them).
29 Jun, 2009
oh there are plenty of places for nettles believe me. I would have been wiser not to wear shorts yesterday but it was so hot and humid i just had to. plenty of antihistamine cream certainly helped.
29 Jun, 2009
well done sea,, you did a great job, hard work, but you had a little help from mr robin there,, isnt he cute, great blog
29 Jun, 2009
A good job done :o) It's going to look great when it's fiished.
29 Jun, 2009
loads of hard work there sbg , Ihope this doesnt mean another spending spree at the nursery
29 Jun, 2009
Wow! this brings back memorys of me making/Digging my flower Borders last year SeaB ! Its hard work but worth every bit of it ul see :)
29 Jun, 2009
Well done, Sbg! Projects like this are always very satisfying even though they're hard work. Lovely little robin keeping you company.
I shall be doing something similar in part of my garden later in the year.
29 Jun, 2009
oh now i hadnt thought about spending time down the garden centres. what? me telling fibs? would I?
i just hope i can complete the pruning/shredding next weekend but i have to get the girls to various riding lessons.
also the mahonia is just the right /wrong height as it keeps sticking me in the scalp. ouch!
29 Jun, 2009
Love redesigning Sbg although I,m a bit of a softie and haven,t the heart to dispose of things fully and usually end up transplanting,(own worse enemy) have fun choosing and replanting.Lovely photo of the little Robin,he definitely appreciated your efforts........
29 Jun, 2009
Lovely photos of your hard work, and I'm pea green with envy that you're going to plant a Fire and Ice Hosta! One of my favourites that I left behind in Essex! Sob!
30 Jun, 2009
Great stuff Seaburn. I have a similar bed to clear too - just cant seem to get around to it, hopefully this week. Spritz inspired you and now you have both inspired me - I will get stuck in this week. Yours looks great by the way.
30 Jun, 2009
I miss having the space to do projects like this although i don't think I have the energy any more. It will be great when its's done, please let us see some later pics. Hope you know where the pet burials are located!
30 Jun, 2009
Well done.
30 Jun, 2009
the digging is the worst part but then you get to go to the nurseries
send pics when you are done
30 Jun, 2009
I love the before & after shots of your hard work, Sb! It's bound to be nice when you've finished & you can forget the hours of hard, & sometimes dangerous, work & just enjoy the fruits of your efforts, just like Robin Redbreast! :)
30 Jun, 2009
oh yes i know where the pets were buried. I put fav plants over them.
1 Jul, 2009
Great minds.........seaburngirl. I was digging up stuff too today. A boring berberis down by 50% (that might end up 100% once I've got my new screening up!) and I got rid of some perennial geraniums as well for the same reason as you. I love seeing all that clear brown earth. Not sure what's going in it yet though. Keep posting pics of your planting progress. I'm looking forward to it.
1 Jul, 2009
Wow! You must have been cream crackered after all that - and in this heat too!
It's looking fantastic and eagerly await the photos of the newly planted bed - or maybe I'll come and see for myself!!
3 Jul, 2009
i am hoping to attack the viburnum this weekend and clear the rest of the nettles, children and weather permitting.
i hope you will visit hibrazilmac and i wont expect you to do any digging:o) promise:o)
3 Jul, 2009
When I first read your comment, Seaburngirl,I roared with laughter at the image of you clearing nettles, children and weather. Sorreeeeeeeeeee.
4 Jul, 2009
as long as the weather is fine the rest is a given:o)
children given spending money and sent off into town . who says bribery doesnt work. I know should have been a semi colon or some such. but hey it raised a smile.
4 Jul, 2009
I don't think there was anything wrong with the grammar, just the way I read it!
5 Jul, 2009
oh i didnt take offence, made me smile that you read it that way :o)
5 Jul, 2009
6 Jul, 2009
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Its alot of hard work but I bet the garden looks bigger already.We have just removed about 4 elder flower trees from the garden and its costing me plenty trying to fill the gaps. keep going it will look lovely soon.
29 Jun, 2009