It's hot, hot, hot!
By sewingkilla
Well it’s hot here today, very windy but lovely and warm,
The temperature gauge on the shed reads 20 degrees, the forsythia is nearly blinding in the sun, and my little greenhouse is nearly full! Spent the morning tidying up the ‘courtyard’ ( posh name for backyard lol) re potted a Clematis and some mint and Rosemary.
This afternoon I took Rocky to the local park, walked through the woodland part, everything is in bud and the birds were singing.
Don’t know what the white star like flowers are, anyone know? Are they a Celandine? Very pretty.
Rocky lead the way, lovely day for a walk :) hope the sun shone where you are!
24 Apr, 2013
Previous post: Stop ordering plants Pat!
Next post: Come on weather!
Lovely day for a walk, love Spring. would the little
flowers be Aconites?
24 Apr, 2013
They look a little like Wood Anenome, I have some on my fishpond border. Very nice pictures and sunshine at last to make us all happy :O)
24 Apr, 2013
Amazing how a little sunshine cheers us up and puts a zing in our steps. Looks as if you have plenty to pot on and/or plant out.
24 Apr, 2013
They are wood anenome olive oil, someone told me I love the star like flowers :)
24 Apr, 2013
Me too they are such strong little plants, push up everywhere too, which is good in my borders. lol :O)
24 Apr, 2013
we had 20 yesterday and 17.5 today :-)
24 Apr, 2013
Yes, lovely and warm here 4 of the last 5 days...In fact a little too hot for me to work in today!!!!!!
24 Apr, 2013
Yes its been lovely here as well S'killa, I've thoroughly enjoyed myself as well, its raining now but I don't mind when its dark, your Forsythia is a picture, miles in front of mine and the little white flowers are very pretty..
24 Apr, 2013
Your happiness almost comes through the screen, S'killa ... isn't it lovely to have some warm and sunny weather ... good for the soul!
25 Apr, 2013
Recent posts by sewingkilla
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- Pots and baskets
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- Walk with Rocky
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- Too many plants?
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- Weather!
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- Planting
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I think it was brighter yesterday, but its so lovely not to bundle up in thick clothes, birds singing, buds popping, spring at last!
24 Apr, 2013