Bonsai etc. for Steragram
By sheilabub
I have been ‘talking’ to Sue about growing dwarf trees, so thought I would take some pictures of mine. As usual, for me, not very good photos.
Beech on the right, Silver birch below left (seedlings from Annella – thanks Annella :)
Olive on left, Copper beech right, Quince below left next to Exochorda, then apple.
Hawthorn on left, Euonymus right, Chinese Holly below
Cotoneaster twice, Hawthorn right, trainee Oak below
Mixture of pots, including Loropetalum, Libertia ‘Taupo Blaze’ and Phlox ‘chattahoochee’ – brighter than the picture shows
Calibrachoa ‘Lavender’ – my plant of the month! with Verbena
This dish should flower all summer long . . . enjoy the weekend everyone :)
26 May, 2017
Previous post: My favourite time of year . . .
Next post: Fragrant week-end
Slowly but surely - sounds good Sue.
26 May, 2017
They are doing well Sheila well done having a go what about Acers a man up my lane does them.
27 May, 2017
I love the Copper Beech Sheila...its making a brilliant japanese style shape isn't it. :)
27 May, 2017
Thanks Thrupenny - I've never managed to 'do' an Acer, not sure why.
Thank you Karen - you know how I love anything japanesey!
27 May, 2017
They are perfect for doing bonsi Shelia .
27 May, 2017
I suspect you have to be very patient, but I do have a small one which could be suitable. Maybe I'll give it a try.
27 May, 2017
That's the girl have a go I am sure it will be successful, I gave two of my acers to the bloke up the lane as I had to many to cope with I shall have to ask him how they are getting on.
27 May, 2017
I've just remembered that it's not supposed to be a good idea to prune Japanese Acers (only removing dead or diseased branches), but I expect Field Maple (Acer camprestre) would be OK to bonsai.
Yes - it would be interesting to hear more about your neighbour's trees - thanks.
28 May, 2017
Thats strange I wonder what this isthen
28 May, 2017
Wow! Well, I wonder how he did that?! Just shows I'm no expert . . .
28 May, 2017
I hope you can try one now.
28 May, 2017
Hmmm . . thanks Thrupenny, but that's just too complicated for me. I'll stick to my simple, amateur ways, and leave the clever stuff to others :)
28 May, 2017
I have to honestly say I do not blame you ?
29 May, 2017
29 May, 2017
Fascinating blog, Sheila. Thank you !
30 May, 2017
Thank you Terra :)
30 May, 2017
A wonderful selection of Bonsai......and some pretty pot planting....
26 Jun, 2017
Thanks Angela.
26 Jun, 2017
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Well you've set me quite a high standard! I've taken the first step, trimmed the roots and taken a couple of branches off but too much root for a small shallow pot yet - perhaps better t get there by degrees?
26 May, 2017