Welcome to Uppark
We’ve had a few days to ourselves this past week, to explore some homes & gardens in Sussex, starting last Monday with a visit to Uppark, the home of the Fetherstonhaugh family from 1747, aquired by the National Trust in 1954.
We began with a drive through leafy, winding lanes through the West Sussex countryside, not far from Goodwood …
Almost missed the turning into Uppark as the entrance was just seconds after the information sign
Right, that’s the car parked … took the Daimler out for a spin … lol! …
Impressive first view of the house …
Intrigued by these wrought iron covers on the ground, so peered down and discovered they are ventilation shafts to the tunnels below … more of that in a moment …
There are a series of tunnels, running between the dairy and the stables, also the restaurant and the shop. Two reasons for these, firstly, food was not to be exposed to the elements outside, secondly, servants were to be seen as little as possible!
I was not comfortable walking through the tunnels, especially as shrews and bats live down there and it was chilly and damp. How those poor servants must have hated it too. Around the period 1874, the Housekeeper was the mother of H.G. Wells …
Apologies for the poor quality pic … I was nervous! Love the way it said, “If you find a shrew, do not pick it up” … as if I would …
At last, some steps going up to the outside …
These are the stables … fabulous old ones … some of the architraves and other features from the house were salvaged after the fire in August 1989, when Uppark was severely damaged. Its repair has been the most complicated the National Trust has ever undertaken. When visiting the interior of the house .. where photos are not allowed to be taken … there is a short video showing the many fire fighters on that day. They did a truly wonderful job … villagers arrived and formed a human chain to pass paintings and artefacts along …
We then went to view the old dairy and remembered the tale of Sir Harry, who, in 1810 withdrew from society and turned to improving the house and grounds with Humphry Repton. At the age of 70, Harry took the extraordinary step of marrying his dairy maid, whom he said had the sweetest singing voice he’d ever heard.She was just 21, but they stayed married for 21 years, until his death in 1846 and he left his entire estate to her …
I loved this window in the dairy …
Time to go out for some fresh air and see some of the berries on show …
I imagine you’re probably wondering how much longer this goes on .. almost done! Just the back of the house to see … beautiful views across the Downs but the weather had turned grey and dull so no decent pics to show you of the view …
So, we’re finished at last! I found this place fascinating and appreciate the ‘mod.cons.’ we just accept as the norm these days …
20 Aug, 2011
Previous post: Houghton Hall & Gardens
Next post: Parham Park ... part 1
Fascinating, what a lovely story Shirley, I enjoyed it very much, especially being a romantic at heart. Great.
20 Aug, 2011
Love your car also!!
20 Aug, 2011
I wouldnt fancy getting up at 3am to make butter & cream..or anything for that matter,great story though..like the bit about the slice of meat, great pics Shirley.. loved the blog,glad you had a good day there..:o)
20 Aug, 2011
Great tour and history as well!
20 Aug, 2011
Ha ha, Lulu, the day I own a Daimler will be the one when pigs fly by! ..... I thought you'd like the window ... :o))) .......
Cinders, we had a wonderful potted history of the place told to us by an N.T. guide ... his enthusiasm shone through! ... :o) .......
Don't you do that for OH then, Joan? ... lol! It was a great shame that we weren't able to take pics as it was very much 'Upstairs, Downtairs' in one of the servant's rooms ... fascinating stuff ... .......
Thanks, Lil, you can learn so much by visiting these N.T.places ... oops, just seen where you live! .......
20 Aug, 2011
That's why I enjoy this site so much. Feel as though I have visited :)
20 Aug, 2011
Lovely guided tour Shirley, thankyou so much...:o)))
20 Aug, 2011
That's good then, Lil ... :o) .......
Ha ha, Sue, I think I should be paid by the N.T. for promoting so many of their places on GoY ! ... :o))) .......
20 Aug, 2011
Good grief! That is some trouble to go to to keep your servants out of sight Shirley! Do you think they had particularly 'unsightly' servants ;) ?.....or an obsession with underground buildings! I actually think they are amazing ...well built and fairly light...clever really, although I wouldn't like to have to use them all the time. Agree with you about that lovely window! Fascinating blog...thank you!
20 Aug, 2011
Enjoyed your blog Shirley - lovely place you've got there lol:D)
20 Aug, 2011
Loved that. best blog I have seen for a while
20 Aug, 2011
What a lovely place Shirley...must remember that,if we are ever down that way..The dairy and the window is just great..I love NT properties..really enjoyed the visit with you..thanks.:o)
20 Aug, 2011
This is a pretty house Shirley, isnt it. We went a couple years back when we stayed at Arundel. We tried to visit once before, but it was the very month it got burned down (no, I didnt drop a ciggy butt! lol). Thanks for showing, especially the tunnels (which we didnt go down) and bit of the garden, cos we went in spring. OH liked this blog too..brought back memories..
20 Aug, 2011
Karen, you did make me smile about the unsightly servants! ... When you read their time-table for the day, it's daunting to say the least ... basically from 5.30am to 9.30pm with barely a break ... :o((( .......
Thanks, Sheila, it's funny how we've not visited here before, as it's not too far away from us ... isn't that often the way though? .......
Brian, thankyou so much for enjoying this blog, I'm pleased I posted it now ... :o))) .......
Sandra, let me know if you're ever darn Sarf and I'll show you some of the sights ... the ones hidden away from the usual tourist trips ... lol! :o))) ......
Did you enjoy your stay at Arundel, Tet? ... I find it's becoming more and more 'touristy' these days .. all antique shops and 'Ye olde tea shoppes'! ... The fire was started by a forgetful workman with a blowtorch ... such items have been banned from all N.T. properties now ... as has the workman probably ... lol! .......
20 Aug, 2011
Loved the blog Shirley, its facinating to see how times have changed - imagine the domestics today having to go through a tunnel and keep out of site. I loved the stables, so much detail in the architecture.
So glad you enjoyed your day out.
20 Aug, 2011
and half a day off a month! Out of sight, out of mind, out of energy!
20 Aug, 2011
There was an old sign in the stables, Stroller, just said 'Molly' ... hope that was a horse and not a servant! ... I imagine those tunnels must have been like igloos in the depths of Winter ... :o(( .......
Dreadfully hard life, Lulu, but then again, they didnt know any different I guess ... how lucky was Mary Ann to have married and been able to go 'Upstairs' ... lol!
20 Aug, 2011
You're welcome, Hb, it makes you think about the past when you actually see this close up ... I think making butter was on the school curriculum as I remember shaking a jamjar of milk ... seemed like forever ... to create something resembling butter ... lol! :o)))
20 Aug, 2011
Lovely Shirley - used to love the school trips when we went places like this - only good days I had at school :)) Like the notice picking shrews up :D
20 Aug, 2011
Thanks for this, we loved the setting. We went in 1989 just before it caught fire and burned down. The fire was caused by a builders blowtorch, and painstakingly restored by the NT.
20 Aug, 2011
Great blog Shirley, I too love that dairy window, it mirrored the brick wall beyond it. Very interesting place. thanks.
21 Aug, 2011
Would you have picked up a shrew then, Paul? I know I wouldn't have! .......
Denise, I was in awe of the wonderful repair done to the fabrics within the house ... such fine detail on so many pieces ... there was a young lady cleaning an upholstered chair using a tiny brush and a low power vac. nozzle with a piece of gauze over it ... how dedicated ... blowtorches are defiinitely banned on N.T. properties now! .......
Thanks for reading this, Gm, pleased you enjoyed it .......
21 Aug, 2011
You were brave to down there with the shrews, Shirley.Did you see any?I really enjoyed this blog and felt I was there as well.I also loved that window, and the lovely story of the maid.Thanks for sharing this with us.
23 Aug, 2011
Ha ha, Rose, I didn't know about them until we were deep in the tunnels! ... No, didn't see any, thank goodness ... glad you enjoyed this blog ... :o)))
23 Aug, 2011
We found a dead one on our lawn,a few weeks ago....another morning ,a dead rat with no tail left..but the most intriguing was a half eaten man's Sandal!!.We think it could be the Fox,which has a nightly routine round our gardens...and the lawn has developed a large yellow patch..!Grrr...One of our neighbours had this problem,but sent for a Fox deterrant.,.so now it comes to mine instead !!..cheeky thing...
24 Aug, 2011
Still wondering how it managed to eat half the sandal . . . . . . .
24 Aug, 2011
It was the top strappy bits,that were eaten,Shirley..the sole must have been too chewy..Lol...might have been using that for a plate..for the rats tail and part of the shrew..a lovely thought for the evening ! Yuk ..:o)))
24 Aug, 2011
Well, thanks a lot for that interesting comment, Sandra ... I WAS enjoying my gingernut biscuit with a coffee ... :o(((
24 Aug, 2011
Your'e welcome Shirley..always ready to cheer you up ! Lol.
Bet you still managed your biccy,though ! :o))
25 Aug, 2011
Of course ... :o)))
26 Aug, 2011
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Lovely blog. Love the dairy and the window and the story of the dairy maid, the maid who had it made!!
20 Aug, 2011