Just a Quickie!
By simplylyn
I received this set of photos today from one of my Grand-daughters who knows I love frogs! Perhaps I kissed one a long time ago and it turned into my very own Prince Charming – Roy. He certainly is a gem of a husband and now my carer. Anyway, as I haven’t seen any sign of frogs yet in our garden she kindly shared some of hers with us and I now share them with you --
There is a lot of frogspawn this year and she says they have more frogs than ever before. Such a noise they make too! One can see the inflated vocal sac on some of them. At least I assume that is what it is – the only reference I could find during some research showed pea like vocal sacs on the shoulders of toads so your guess is as good as mine.
One more little froggy friend to come -
So, definite signs of Spring now. Such a long, hard winter and disastrous for some to whom I send my sympathy and best wishes. Fortunately, we escaped the floods that caused so much havoc in west Cumbria.
I am sure most of you have been putting in quite a lot of time in your gardens and on allotments. Those were very happy days for us when we had two of the latter and supplied the family and friends with surplus produce.
Now I shall spend some time looking at the latest blogs, messages and photos. That is if I can keep awake for a while. Siesta time!
23 Mar, 2010
Previous post: Popping up again!
Next post: Another Fall!
Beautiful photos and so lovely of your grand daughter to send them to you I bet they made you smile. Your lucky to have found your prince charming I'm still looking!! So could you please send a frog down to London so that I may have some of your luck. lol
23 Mar, 2010
Great set of photo's Lyn, we don't have a pond but on either side of these houses there is a moat. When we came home after a night out, I counted 15 frogs crossing the driveway, I guess migrating between the 2. Amazing to see, and a job to dodge them in the car! If the nights were less wet and cold I would venture out to try and get a photo!
23 Mar, 2010
They are busy here as well Lyn, the silly things always use our fish pond first ,which is a complete mistake as the spawn provides lots of meals for my fish, however my bottom pond is only for plants and wildlife so we still get lots every year. My grandchildren spend hours watching them grow and later in the year we all spend time rescuing them from our cats and dogs, thats quite a chore in itself .....
Lovely set of photo`s Lyn, take care..........
23 Mar, 2010
here in the east midlands I havn't yet seen frogspawn on the pond but we have had a few cold nights lately we do get quite a lot of spawn but hardly ever see the frogs-- your granddaughter is lucky to capture such good photo's :o)
23 Mar, 2010
Lovely photos Lyn, they do make you smile . I was tidying my pond the other day and frogs were jumping every where, my cats were mesmorised, and yes some had to be rescued. Monsters ! ( the cats) ! Lol
23 Mar, 2010
Lovely photos, maybe your grandaughter will be a wildlife photographer. We normally have so much frogspawn but this year none yet.
23 Mar, 2010
Great photos - please thank your granddaughter for sharing them with us. Lovely to see frogs around again! :-))
23 Mar, 2010
lovely pics oft he frogs.....havnt seen any in my pond this year....
23 Mar, 2010
Brilliant pics Lyn. :~))
23 Mar, 2010
Lovely photos Lyn, we often get a solitary frog, or perhaps a toad, I`m not sure which, in our garden even though we don`t have a pond. How lovely of your granddaughter to send you the photos. :o)
23 Mar, 2010
Next doors pond is full of frogs again but he usually scoops out the frog spawn as he does not want loads of frogs ,but they always come back.
23 Mar, 2010
they (no idea who they are lol ) do say that frogs always return to where they were born. sadly or should that be luckily in the case of rescuing them from cats we have never had any frogs or indeed toads using our pond. My daughter who did have a pond and then frogs still gets them going back into her garden even though the pond was filled in years ago. I think perhaps as I live in a busy built up area I wouldn't be happy to see the poor creatures having to cope not only with the local cats but the very busy road.
I did enjoy the pictures that you so kindly put up for us to enjoy so thankyou Lyn for sharing them.
24 Mar, 2010
Thank you for showing us, your wonderful Grand-daughter`s frog pics.
What a treat you have given us! Looks like they are really enjoying
themselves, do not seem at all worried about having their picture taken.
I have not seen so many together at 1 time like this. Actually I have
not seen 1 in my garden yet, and i do have a Pond....
26 Mar, 2010
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Wow lots of frogs no wonder its so noisy!! We used to live in a bunglaow that had a stream that had dried up at the end of the garden and I remember going out to cut the grass one day and hundreds of little tiny frogs were jumping everywhere (the grass wasnt cut I hasten to add!!!) so watch out later!!
23 Mar, 2010