Subtropical Flora, India, the last blog, visit November 2014
By siris
India is well known for its tea plantations, these are in the Nilgiri Hills of Southern India, where the high humidity is necessary for the growth of the young leaves. A tea tree could grow to 50 feet high, but the branches are pruned vigorously every 5 th year. Cloud pruned!! A member of the Camellia family.
The pickers take off the young leaves which keeps the plant in trim. The plantations are really neat.
Although it is thought some tea trees were indigenous, most of the plantations are planted with trees from Chinese seed. Also another import, Eucalyptus from Australia was brought in to fill the need for fire wood. Called locally Mysore gums, often underplanted with Cardamon bushes.
Fruit on a coconut palm.
Germinating a coconut.
Collecting latex for the production of rubber.
1. Growing wild under the rubber trees. Is this a Caladium, that we in the UK grow as a pot plant?
Fungi in the Periyar Wildlife Park.
Our Indian tour guide ( not the park guide) though I was mad photographing these, the termite mounds and the leaches. He was more into temples!
All have their place in the eco system.
Now for the pretty things.
Please feel free to put a name to them or correct the names.
2. Spider lily. (Hymenocallis?)
3. Flower head on a Powder Puff Tree. (Caliandra?)
All the following plants were growing in the various hotels in which we were staying.
4. Allamanda? Yellow twinning subtropical vine
Garden design for Chelsea? Hotel out of town Mysore
5. Blue fox glove like flowers Shrub (Paulownia??)
6. Lilac flowers. Shrub
7. Pink flowers, shrub (Mandavilla?) upward facing flowers
8. Grass like foliage. Zephyranthes carinata?
(or Habranthus?, which I grow in my conservatory, with pink flowers and courser leaves)
9. Strelitzia family?
10. Orchid
11. Red jade Vine, (Mucuna bennettii?)
12. Dahlia, growing in the wild. Is this rosea? a native from mexico?
13. Adenium obesum?
Taken at beach hotel resort Sw coast.
14. (Ixora coccinea?). Jungle Geranium
15. Orchid attached to a palm tree.
16. Beach Spider lily. (Hymenocallis?)
17. Canna
The sun sets over the India blogs.
10 Apr, 2015
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Oh my goodness fab pictures !!!
Looks like you had a great time and certainly saw a lot of different places amazing,you must have needed a rest when you came home!!
10 Apr, 2015
Very nice blog and interesting. My potted Caladium just began to sprout! YEY!!
10 Apr, 2015
Thank you for a wonderful blog. Wonder if these plants will grow in this country if we get climate change ?
11 Apr, 2015
Steragram, The ladies did much more smiling than I did, amazing as I would consider myself as a "have" and them as "have nots".
Simbad, R & R at home, plus washing. I am glad I have re looked at my pics for my blogs, in a refreshed state of mind.
Bathgate, I don't really know about tropical plants, spent several poor day googling to try to put names to the plants, so you think, the pic with the rubber tree is indeed a Calandium. Is it in a pot outside for some of your warmer months? I put my wall pots of Cymbidium Orchids outside under the carport during our summer for a couple of months for some fresh air.
Diane, if you mean out doors, don't think the temperature will rise that much, and a quick frost would wipe them out, plenty of rain though, in southern India, warm rain that is!
11 Apr, 2015
Catching up, fascinating place to visit, and some beautiful photographs, we grew the Dahlia I think it was Merckii it was enormous, flowered eventually in about November!!
A most interesting blog....
1 May, 2015
Thanks Dd, could be Dahlia merkii. It was growing at the tea plantations about 1500m, about 25c. Tender for us.
1 May, 2015
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Some wonderful shots - how much of the time did you spend not smiling? I bet it wasn't much! Its not surprising that the ladies wear flowers in their hair is it?
10 Apr, 2015