From Pond to Scree
By siris
After seeing BJS pond within a pot I decided to do the same last year.
Unfortunately the terracotta has not stood up to the harsh winter weather and the rim has come off.
I think the pool over flowed causing the pot rim to crack so I’ve taken it out, glued the rim back and am using it for those alpine plants that like a bit of shade. It’s now under the carport, which should give some protection to both plants and pot.
The Alpines are Soldanella carpatica, Cortusa altuica, and Olsynium douglasii and a couple of Sempervivums.
Ps, the creeping Fuchsia procumbens didn’t survive around the edge outside, but I’ve got some in the conservatory, so I’ll try again.
I sunk the waterlily pot into the ground and created another area around it for those Alpines which prefer a sunny position.
In this area are a dwarf Limonium (sea lavender), Phyteum scheuchzeri and Crepsis incanum, a pink dandelion. It’s in a pot not because it is invasive. It does not seed so propagation must be by root cutting, and I’m hoping the roots will come through the pot bottom, so I can just lift the pot for some propagation material.
To the left is the small pond containing my Sarracenia collection.
25 Apr, 2018
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What a great transformation from small pond to Alpines they look nice in the terracotta pot.
25 Apr, 2018
that looks a brilliant solution and those alpines look wonderful. well done.
26 Apr, 2018
I Googled your pink dandelion. The flower is very pretty, I think.
You certainly have made imaginative use of Alpine areas.
26 Apr, 2018
The big shells dotted around the gravel are Whelk shells from a French restarant, after I'd eaten the molluscs. They thought I was daft asking to take the shells away!
26 Apr, 2018
Very imaginative Siris, can't have too many alpines.....
26 Apr, 2018
I like working 'small scale' and it was lovely to see your successes here.
I feel I am in more control of smaller spaces!!
26 Apr, 2018
Thank you for you comments. I put a sheet of glass over the alpines tilted towards the pond as we've had torrential rain over the last two days, don't think they'd like so much rain, so channelled the water into the pond.
27 Apr, 2018
Good idea, they certainly don't like too much wet!
28 Apr, 2018
My Bearded Iris are suffering!
28 Apr, 2018
Thats a pity!
30 Apr, 2018
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I like this small pond idea. Perhaps I should try it too.
I have a mini lake to deal with in Sweden tho'. I like the idea of starting small.
25 Apr, 2018