Mini Vistas
By siris
Siris surveys her domain. To the left is a Red Camellia from a cutting taken from the one in the front garden, the one I was going to remove but haven’t done so yet! Iris foetidissima variegata on the right and I. f. citrina to the left. Persicaria Red Dragon is growing in the corner.
She looks through a pergola cloaked with Clematis cirrhosa balearica and this C. alpina Rosy Flamingo.
Looking towards the kitchen door, the garage border faces west so doesn’t get sun till about 11am. Heuchera are planted in front, but most have disappointingly grown themselves out of the soil and need lifting and digging in deeper.
The conservatory border by the entry to the garden faces north and contains my woodland plants which surround a Pear tree. Further along is the Hosta area, not in leaf yet except H.Sea Octopus.
Bleeding Heart is planted here, with Podophyllum Spotty Dotty in front.
At the far end is a corner with an Apple Tree, under which are Dicentra eximia, Fillipendula, Geranium nodosum Blueberry Ice, other Geraniums out of this view, and Anthyrisus RavensWing and a Veratrum nigrum (another 3 years to go before it flowers?)
Past the conservatory door is Not-a-Bog, an area I try to keep damp with a drain pipe taking runoff rain from the conservatory roof. At the front is yellow Scunk Cabbage, Lysichiton amaricanus, just starting to flower. I try to add additional water when it’s dry. Yellow Archangel, Lamium galeobedon.
A pale pink flowering Astilbe is behind and Ligularia Britt Marie Crawford. A newly planted Ligularia przewalski and some ferns out of view at the other end.
At the back of the border are several Dracunculus Vulgaris, a spectacular plant if somewhat stinky. There is a Cotoneaster horizontalis behind, covering the whole of a 6ft fence panel, just coming into leaf
The next fence panel is bare. The Abutilon Megapotamicum varigatum really suffered this winter, and I’m hoping it will recover this summer.
That’s 2 sides of the square back garden. The next border contains the ponds in series. And the back border is an extension of my seedling Iris bed, so just spiky green at present.
27 Apr, 2018
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what a lovely blog siris. it is lovely to see your garden.
27 Apr, 2018
Oh wow, thanks for the look round, you have some great plants.
I think your bog (not a bog) garden is a great idea, using the over spill. My Iris pseudacorus 'Variegata' is looking good at the moment, sitting on the pond edge, no doubt you have it or don't want it but I have plenty if you need.
Is your Veratrum nigrum coming up yet? I can't see mine yet, it's in the border, in front of a rhoddi, do you think it would be ok in the woodland? I might move it.
I enjoyed that and love the Dracunculus Vulgaris ;-)
28 Apr, 2018
Thanks SBG.
Karen, L.BM Crawford is from seed ex Crawford, the upper side of the leaf, whilst dark green has interesting purple veins. Thinking about veined leaves, there's a Fillipendula Red Umbrellas in there somewhere, must look for it.
Dawn, I bought my Veratrum in Nov 2015, mail order. It was tiny. It is up and has tripled its size to about 1ft, but they take about 7 years to flower. They like shade but moist to wet soil, so maybe the wood would be too dense shade and too dry. Have seen V, viridi growing in France in damp meadows, but facing north shielded from sun by mountains behind.
28 Apr, 2018
I enjoyed the look around your spring garden, not really seen it before ......everything looks quite delightful Siris...
28 Apr, 2018
Siris, I've looked back and I bought my Veratrum June 2016, it's not done too great, I think a move would do it good, that's if it comes up, thanks for the advice. Seeing them wild in France must have been a treat. Let's hope we see flowers on ours one day.
28 Apr, 2018
I love the mini-vistas, they are all stunning.
30 Apr, 2018
Siris!! what I meant to say was, I have not seen your garden in early spring, I am always amazed just how much you pack in to a small space.......
30 Apr, 2018
Very pretty garden photos... love the way you have the Dicentra so that their arching shape is visible.
30 Apr, 2018
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I particularly Love the photo with Astilbe and Britt-Marie Crawford! :)
27 Apr, 2018