Hosta Lotsa
hello fellow gardeners, im not sure if this is a blog or a question..but i would really like your feedback..
ive never grown Hosta’s probably because i remember my mother once saying they attract slugs..but i actually really like some of the varieties I have seen in gardens and on here..
so I thought I would dedicate a small patch just below a new border that I have created around what was once a large yew tree. I have started to plant a sort of rockery type thing around the tree but directly beneth this space is a small rectangular square of about 3 meters x 2 meters.
It sits pretty much directly under the kitchen window and under some trailing clematis. it borders a fence to the east and steps to the west..
have a look at some of the pictures..please excuse the mess ive never actually weeded it or cared for it save put that small Acer in there..which i want to move..
I think the plot offers the ideal growing space for a variety of Hosta..what do you think?
The thing is, what varieties???
From the browsing and ‘research’ ive done i like the look of the smaller leaf variety which have that two-toned colour, like ‘Aureomarginata’ or ‘Shade Fanfare’ but I also think the larger dramatic ones like ‘Love Pat’ or ‘September Sun’ would be good too.
id love to hear recommendations from you all and of course have i got it right, is this the correct space for such an Easter project
Ive made a start..not an Hosta but Pulmonaria..hope it will work
19 Apr, 2011
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I think this is a great idea for this space. I found slug eat them till they are bigger so I started mine off in a pot and then transplanted also I put a ring of egg shells around them when young
19 Apr, 2011
Well done 6d!
Hostas are really beautiful and it's a pain about the slugs.
While they are small I put crushed egg shell around them, slugs don't like that! I hear Prince Charles who has a big hosta collection uses weetabix which fills them up but Meg might like that! Also a ring of copper may stop slugs. If I can't stop those slimey pests, mine are going into pots!
Your garden looks very interesting (bad word to use but I forget how to spell intruiging!)
19 Apr, 2011
I agree, I think they will really brighten up that shady area. A nice project for the weekend. Love the steps and the view at the top.
19 Apr, 2011
there are some lovely hostas with white on them which would brighten the area ~ fire and ice is a lovely one, as is patriot; then there are some with gold/yellow on ~ i think there is one called something like marmalade.
i have mine in a very shaded area which they seem happy in, i have ferns around them too.
19 Apr, 2011
You've got some lovely areas to work with there with the banking/steps etc. Hostas are lovely in shaded are ferns :) Good luck with the changes.
19 Apr, 2011
What about some Lily of the Valley, great scent and they like shade too!
19 Apr, 2011
oh wow thanks everyone for the comments, feedback and tips..
double thrupence i have checked out the link most useful..
my mother was right then about the slugs..some good advice here, something i will consider, thank you..
Annella yes a project for the weekend, although ive started it this evening and moved the Acer..
Stickitofee..and 'Marmalade', i like the sound of that thank you..
Ferns..nice idea Wistonlass..i noticed this evening there is actually one already there..
Lulu of the on it girl, although with your history of tips !!!!! hehe
19 Apr, 2011
Lulu of the valley, oh lord, yet another nick name, that takes me up to about 15! thay are rather lovely though.
Just uploaded about 200 pic from mobile (since I have been offline) and only about 5 are any good!!!
19 Apr, 2011
I was going to suggest 'Fire & Ice' Sticki, but you beat me to it. And Lulu, you beat me to the copper ring suggestion. I have copper rings round most of my hostas and they don't suffer from snails or slugs munching them - even though I have to fight of huuuuuuge ones hiding under my Sweet Williams! :o(
20 Apr, 2011
Hi, I had the very same idea and decided to have a little area just for hostas, I found some beautiful pics on this website of a species called fire and ice, i will post some pics when mine begin to stretch their legs.
22 Apr, 2011
You already have lots of advice so can only agree with all, keep us posted skip, will add my tip, lots of bulbs underplanted for interest in early spring ,whilst the others are resting......
22 Apr, 2011
pulmonaria are my favourite! :)
i like hostas too
20 Jun, 2011
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Yes its shaded so would be ideal and they do flower in shade I use to have lots in a shaded part of my garden and they flowered the acer would be better out where it can thrive better and be a eye catcher they too like shade as they tend to get their leaves burned in sun. Here is the data base of A to Z of hosta for you to have a look at some beauties I agree the vareigated leaves are the nicest there use to be a chap on here that had most varieties but not seen him for a while a Hosta collector.
Hope this helps you to decide
19 Apr, 2011