February Flowers.
By spritzhenry
I’ve been posting photos of the flowers in my garden in bloom NOW. I suddenly thought that it would be nice to see them all in one place – a blog! I hope it will help to cheer you up if you still have the horrible ‘white stuff’, but don’t forget that it’s less than a week until March, and spring will come.
First, the three Clematis cirrhosa – all in full bloom.
C. cirrhosa ‘Lansdowne Gem’
C. cirrhosa ‘Wisley Cream’
C. cirrhosa ‘Freckles’
How about Irises? I was so pleased when my Iris unguicularis, which is three years old, produced its first ever flower a short while ago – but even more delighted when a second bloom appeared yesterday!
Iris unguicularis
But I also have tiny Irises as well – Iris reticulata, in several colours. I plant a few more every year, and they are always a joy.
Iris reticulata
Iris reticulata ‘Harmony’
Iris reticulata ‘Purple Gem’
I had I. reticulata ‘George’ in a pot in the greenhouse, but he has finished flowering now. I’m waiting for ‘Natasha’ to appear – she’s white.
I also have a bright yellow Iris. This is in a pot with some violas. I had to plant it in a pot, as it was a disaster in the ground last year – my ‘friend’ the wood pigeon sat on it – that was the end of it, as you can imagine, although it has appeared this year. It won’t be long before it’s flattened again, no doubt!
Iris danfordiae
On to primroses. I have both native and cultivated primroses in flower.
The first one is the free gift I got in January – still going strong! I don’t know if it has a name.
In one of my containers, I have some bright mauve primroses with a red ‘eye’. They’re bright and cheerful.
Primrose ‘Usambra’
In my boxes, I planted a selection of bright primroses – but I also have native ones in flower, too.
Primula vulgaris
Of course, the first flower that came up, giving hope in the dull cold weather, was the snowdrop. The first ones in bloom are always the doubles, followed by the single ones. I’m trying to get Cyclamen coum to spread amongst my snowdrops round the weeping ash tree. I also planted some Galanthus elwesii in my new pots after Christmas. They’ll go into the garden when they finish flowering.
Galanthus nivalis ‘Flore Pleno’
Galanthus nivalis and Cyclamen coum
Galanthus elwesii
What else is in flower? Crocuses – but only in the back garden, sadly, as the wretched badgers, and then hungry rabbits, have been gobbling up all the others!
Crocus tommasinianus ‘Ruby Giant’
Yellow crocus with friend!
More? Oh yes – Hellebores. I’ve already written a blog about my Hellebores, but I have a new one, so I’ll just show you that.
Helleborus lividus
Then there are the shrubs – two Hamamelis with their little ribbon-like flowers.
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Rubin’
H x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’
And scented shrubs? Sarcococca humilis is in flower.
Sarcococca humilis
As is Mahonia japonica.
Mahonia japonica
And winter – flowering honeysuckle, too, although that isn’t too happy in this cold weather.
Lonicera fragrantissima
I’ll’ll keep going – there are more flowers still!
Winter pansies They haven’t done well this year, sadly. Some of the plants look as though they won’t recover. The violas have come through much better, though.
Eranthis hyemalis a.k.a ‘Aconites’
Scilla bifolia ‘Rosea’
A surprise alpine -
Arabis fernandi – coburgi ‘Variegata’
Euphorbia characias subs. wulfenii
Skimmias – this is one of several in my garden
Violas and Skimmia ‘Magic Marlot’
I’d better stop – now wouldn’t the garden look great if they were all in one place? But they’re not – there has to be room for the later flowering plants, after all!
Some of the flowers that would normally be open are just hiding until the weather decides to warm up – can’t blame them really. I think that Narcissus ‘February Gold’ might be called ’April Gold ’ this year!
23 Feb, 2010
Previous post: Time for exciting boxes!
Next post: Meeting 'Patty'.
Oh Spritz how lovely-- we've snowdrops and one very tattered primrose -- even the Mahonia has been stopped in its tracks! Although looking closer the buds on trees and shrubs are beginning to grow and you can just see a hint of colour on the hellebores-- thanks Spritz-- you mande me look closer( must put the glasses on more often :)
23 Feb, 2010
so lovely barbara and so many blooms to cheer you up, i must look at your clematis blog for prunning as some of mine look dead and strangly, enjoyed these pics thanx :o))
23 Feb, 2010
So many lovely blooms Barbara ,, sadly my Clemitas cirrhosa has only frozen buds on at the moment i'm hoping they will recover and give me some blooms ,, I sent for a winter flowering Honeysuckle after seeing yours ages ago and have had it wrapped in bubble wrap ever since to protect it , I won't be putting that in the garden until the better weather .........
23 Feb, 2010
so much flowering at once your lucky barbara,just looked out of window to see how many are flowering in mine,shouldnt have bothered ..not a lot, but one of my little fat robins is feeding and his chest is soooo red..loved your blog :o))
23 Feb, 2010
Its verging on a botanic garden there Spritz, wonderful. What a lot of flowers you have out already. The clematis really surprised me, I wasn't aware that any bloomed this early.
I think your part of the world must be milder than here in Norfolk, its still freezing here. At least the snow has gone, but it has fallen during the past three days, though luckily it rained later.
Wonderful pictures of lovely flowers in what must be a great garden.
23 Feb, 2010
How lovely, the fact that they`re not in one place must be a bonus in your garden, it must be grand having a stroll to see whats coming out each day. Thanks Spritz, we are still waiting for ours,have snowdrops,aconites,the odd primrose but the rest are awaiting a bit of warmth (us too,lol,)
I never knew there was a winter flowering honeysuckle, so another for the wishlist...........
23 Feb, 2010
Looking through your lovely photos is the perfect way to forget the rain pouring down . . . most uplifting . . . thanks for sharing.
23 Feb, 2010
Its no wonder my flowers are all hiding it just started snowing again .....
23 Feb, 2010
so many lovely flowers out spritz....your garden must look lovely.....soon be spring....
23 Feb, 2010
Great to see all your recent photos in one place Spritz, I find it quite amazing how you can have so many flowers in February. Cheered me up as its snowing again here, I think its too wet to settle though.
23 Feb, 2010
I do feel for all of you with freezing conditions - it's cold and wet today here, so no gardening today. Glad you liked the blog, though! :-))
23 Feb, 2010
A day of well deserved rest then Spritz :-)
Blog was great and I've just stumbled across the fact that we can now add blogs as favourties. Just going off now to add your Clematis one, amongst others. It will be a great, quick ref. too.
23 Feb, 2010
No, I went off to meet Louise at...guess where! It was not really the right day for a GC, but we managed just fine.
I knew that Tt had suggested the 'favourite blog' idea, but that's hot off the press, then! :-)
23 Feb, 2010
Oh, I thought it had probably been around for a while and I'd missed it.
I usually go to GC's in the rain - the only time we get chance :-)
Any good purchases?? I cannot imagine you came away emptied handed.
23 Feb, 2010
What a lot of lovely flowers you have love the small irises.
23 Feb, 2010
Thanks, Carol. :-)
Yes, Dawn, they had 1 litre pots (I think!) of plants - at good prices, so we had fun choosing some. I got two large pots of aubrieta, too - a lovely deep purple. I found a replacement 'Pagoda' for the one the badgers ate, too, and two different Iris reticulata in tiny pots.
23 Feb, 2010
Good collection of early flowers there spritz. None of the white stuff here but the plants are practically floating out of the gorund with all the rain we've had (and more forecast every day this week)
23 Feb, 2010
Wow it is really looking like spring in your gardens!
23 Feb, 2010
I adore Aubrieta, so vivid. Pleased you found some nice additions.
23 Feb, 2010
Lovely blog and photos again Spritz. I, for one, can't wait until things start showing again here but we had more of the 'white stuff' today!
23 Feb, 2010
A wonderful stroll around your garden on a wet, grey day, I now crave that Arabis - gone straight on the 'wants' list. Had 'white stuff'' on and off all day yesterday but it's moved north now.
24 Feb, 2010
Hope it stays away for you both! It's mild today - but the rain has just started....again.
24 Feb, 2010
A blizzard blowing here right now, Spritz, so your wonderful pics have been especially welcome today.
24 Feb, 2010
That's good, David - sorry - didn't mean the blizzard!!!! lol.
I do feel for you all, I really do - I hate the stuff, as you well know. I couldn't live in the north of the UK for that reason alone.
24 Feb, 2010
lovely cheerful blog. my scilla bifolia rosea is no where near as far on as yours.
it is lovely to see what they look like in the flesh.
24 Feb, 2010
It's so different from the 'normal' Scilla, isn't it.
24 Feb, 2010
Yes it looks quite 'exotic'
24 Feb, 2010
Thanks, Spritzhenry, for your lovely blog and beautiful pictures! It's cheered me up very much, because we've still got that horrible stuff! :( But looking at your flowering plants I really believe Spring's coming...:)
24 Feb, 2010
So has Scotland, Uma - poor you and poor Scots!
You are welcome. :-))
24 Feb, 2010
Oh, I don't pay much attention to it yet! :)
24 Feb, 2010
I certainly would, Uma! :-((
25 Feb, 2010
It's three days left and Spring will come! Who can pay attention to all this horrible stuff? :) Anyway, Spritzhenry, your Snowdrops and Irises have already been flowering, and think you are very happy!
25 Feb, 2010
i do like to see flowers in my garden, Uma, as you might have noticed! LOL.
25 Feb, 2010
What a lovely pick-me-up you`ve given us Spritz, its lovely to see some colour and such great plants.
25 Feb, 2010
Thanks, Stroller! It's a bit damp today - but mild, so I've been out in the garden tidying up, and seeing flowers does help.
25 Feb, 2010
Lovely flowers Spritz, its nice to see some colour after the long and miserable winter we`ve had. Funnily enough I`ve lost nearly all of my winter pansies too and I know other people that have lost theirs too. The ones that have survived are orange coloured and I always find they last much longer than other colours. They must be a bit tougher than most.
25 Feb, 2010
Interesting! I'm finding that my violas are fine - while most of the pansies aren't. :-((
25 Feb, 2010
You have lots of colour for February. I did in my old garden but here it is hopeless so far. I hope your cyclamen do spread between your snowdrops. They will look wonderful under the tree. It has been very uplifting to see all your flowers this morning :o)
26 Feb, 2010
Thank you, Hywel. :-)) You'll have to get some bulbs and winter-flowering plants in this year, won't you!
26 Feb, 2010
I have some in pots but I would like them in the garden aswell. I have a C. cirrhosa Freckles, but it's very small. I think I'm too impatient lol - my garden is only slowly developing. I think I want it to look like my previous one, but it will take a long time.
26 Feb, 2010
Of course it will - the ones I have in pots go into the garden after thay've finished flowering, so I build up the numbers like that. 'Freckles' started slowly for me as well - but this year, all the cirrhosas have taken off! I'm going to have to trim them back after they finish.
Patience, patience, my friend! ;-) Me? I have very little of it LOL.
26 Feb, 2010
It's a good idea to put them in the ground after flowering. I'll try it. They don't seem to come back well if kept in pots, which I usually do. I have Crocuses, Iris reticulata, various narcissi and Anemone blanda. I'm also 'over the moon ' because I have Aconites in the ground this year - the first time they've grown for me in years :o)
26 Feb, 2010
I find Aconites are a bit difficult, too, for some reason - I do hope those new ones I got on Wednesday settle in and reappear next year!
That's really good that yours are back! :-0))
26 Feb, 2010
You're so lucky - the only flowers I have are snowdrops - oh and 2 crocuses have opened up today!
27 Feb, 2010
It's a start....and you can always plan to grow more winter flowers for next year, can't you!
27 Feb, 2010
Thank you for the photos, Spritzhenry, it is an afformation that spring may be on the way after all!
28 Feb, 2010
You're very welcome, Mr MB. March tomorrow! Hooray! :-)))))
28 Feb, 2010
I've just seen this, how lucky are you:-) There is not one flower in my garden, not even a primrose, 'though I do still have the lovely berries of skimmia reevesiana :-)
5 Mar, 2010
Oh Ba - what are we going to do with you? Is it the cold that's put everything back, do you think? Or do you need to plant a few winter-flowering plants?
5 Mar, 2010
I think I probably need some winter flowering plants, I did buy some winter flowering pansies from JP Direct last year. They still haven't flowered:-( I do have a few primroses, they haven't flowered yet, but are promising:-)
5 Mar, 2010
You might have seen that winter pansies seem to be suffering this year. Violas seem to have coped better.
I really meant perennials or possibly a flowering shrub?
5 Mar, 2010
Come the makeover Spritz:-))
5 Mar, 2010
Want to borrow my shoehorn, Ba? LOL.
6 Mar, 2010
I've made a list of what's going, it includes buddleias, mock orange, most of crocosmia lucifer and many more....but I've lost the list:-(
6 Mar, 2010
Well - you can always walk round and dig up one at a time! Why Lucifer? That's lovely!
6 Mar, 2010
It has spread here in my tiny garden, so reluctantly will have to throw a lot away, but I am keeping some. I've never been able to throw stuff away before unless it was on its last legs , so have ended up in a bit of a mess, this year sees a new ruthless me. Be afraid...:-)
7 Mar, 2010
You could offer some to GOY-ers! Lucifer is quite expensive to buy. I have some corms to plant, so I'm OK, but there are several members trying to start a new garden. They'd be easy to send while they're just tiny shoots, too.
7 Mar, 2010
How would I go about it? should I put a question on asking if anyone wants any? Would I wash them first before sending, in case?
7 Mar, 2010
Yes - post a question - why not? I think you'd have to get most of the soil off to make them lighter to post. :-))
7 Mar, 2010
No-one wants them Spritz, I did try and Bamboo's got too many too, if I'm not careful, they'll start sending them to me:-(
9 Mar, 2010
Well - I could do with some, if you really don't want them! Would that be OK?
9 Mar, 2010
Lovely Spritz, I hate the thought of just throwing them out, would they go in a bubble envelope or what's best? :-)
9 Mar, 2010
Yes, I don't see why not - they're quite sturdy things, afer all - maybe a piece of cardboard in it, to keep it stiff? I'll PM you. :-)))
9 Mar, 2010
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Oh Spritz, lovely photo's & great amount of plants in flower. It realy lifts ones spirits dosen't it.
We went to snowdrop valley Sunday but they had had a fresh fall of snow overnight & although park & ride was running we didn't go down, & carried on to Dunster village. No snow at all there.
23 Feb, 2010