Taking a rest for awhile.
By stan510
Things in life cause a speedbump. So,right now I have pulled back on doing much more landscaping in the sense of planting anything or adding to the tree’s more epiphytes.
I wish I could promise I wont be adding plants..but you never know. At last I’m staying off the internet ordering things. When you see something in person-lol- THAT takes real determination to pass on it for now.
I also feel that having started seriously at this in 1997.I’ve gone through most of the phases… all the common things,then the zoo type of anything unusual. Then the Cactus and Succulent world. What I learned there is…I hate thorns and spines. Plus..they don’t change much all year.
I did work for a University managing their greenhouse in 2000-2005..that just lit a flame of me going to all the botanical gardens,some plant society’s and all the botanical garden sales…plus every book I could get my hands on.
Now that I’m bordering 60? Bonsai hasn’t the same appeal. Neither do the rare succulents that in our climate take ages to look “fat”. I still appreciate what I have-and might go on to some more later but now its fun to buy strawberry’s so the granddaughter can pick them..or Marigolds. A long ways from when I was adding Welwitschia to the collection or Gnetum or trifoliate’s..etc,etc,etc,..lol.
9 Jul, 2016
Previous post: June was warm..but not much above UK.
Next post: Drive around town photos.
Strange how things change over the years. Once I hated anything 'shrubs' now I can appreciate that they give shape and form to the garden. Also it doesn't need to be 'rare' or exotic to give you joy in the garden. Leaning backwards towards all the plants I remember from my youth and that my parents grew as annuals to sell. Wow! getting old or what?
9 Jul, 2016
It's nice to change and try different things. You certainly have tried lots of things in the garden so it's nice to look back on.But, priorities change..... I just wish I had a grandchild to pick things from my garden........one day, maybe!
9 Jul, 2016
Thanks all.
One thing I should have mentioned..I notice that as the years went by? Unconsciously I bought so many plants that ..look similar. Right now I look at so many plants that I would call "Grassy-Tree" growing in pots and the ground. Yucca's,Cordylines,Ti plants,Beaucarnea's..and more. And..red foliage in many.
The last few times I looked at plants I wanted..I had to admit- its almost like what "3" other plants (could be more!) I have look like. My wife reminds of that all the time.
I wonder if I've pretty much distilled what I like on this small property?
Its something to come home from a nursery that had a huge variety of plants..and I bought my X same looking.
I'm human.
10 Jul, 2016
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Age is a funny thing, as you get older its getting your mind to accept that the body can't still do the same thing as when you were young. I'm 50 next week, still fairly active but this last week had to accept I can't do what I did 10/15 years ago or my body really tells me about it. I agree, we have decided not to plant anything this year in attempt to get on top of our horsetail but boy is it hard when I go around those garden nurseries not to succumb.
9 Jul, 2016