I took a slow drive around parts of town...
By stan510
I debated whether to blog this or do one photo at a time…blog won. If I don’t label a plant..just axe me.
Ti plants to the right.
Australian Flame tree
Cereus repandus
Bronze Loquat
Aoenium sp.
Livistona chinensis
Purple trumpet vine
Mexican red trumpet vine and Bougainvillea.
I think that’s it!
16 Sep, 2016
Previous post: Spreading what I have around...
Next post: Update on Growing stuff on Tree's..
Those Loquats Klahanie must have been planted in the 1950's..they give me a run for who's oldest.
Tibouchina are very weak wooded also..they can easily blow over if they get top heavy. They can near the coast get to be small tree's if pruned for perfect balance.
17 Sep, 2016
I too love the look and shape of the loquats trees and the leaves on the Livistona Chinensis. It's interesting seeing some of the different vegetation your side of the world.
17 Sep, 2016
That cereus repandus! WOW! The Loquats are amazing aren't they? Do they bloom and fruit? and the trumpet vines. Amazing that they can survive the heat and dryness...I sure couldn't! That hydrangea looks like mine did this summer! Any sign of moisture? not for three months yet, right? When the rains come there must be a real explosion of green, fruits and blossoms!
17 Sep, 2016
We have variety..the whole Fusion thing of temperate and tropical look Jen.
Those kind of Loquats dont have edible fruit Lori..maybe just for birds.
No rains yet- too early. They wont show until November on average. Since temps go down and the days are short..most of that rain makes no growth!
It does though mean I no longer have to water. In fact,I go around removing summer saucers I put under potted plants to keep roots from drowning.
Our winter rains if anything make it harder to grow tropicals. Dormant and cold and wet. Its a wonder so many put up with it.
17 Sep, 2016
I love the loquats also.
17 Sep, 2016
How amazing..... .
17 Sep, 2016
what a lovely blog.
17 Sep, 2016
Enjoyed that ... it's easier to see photos in a blog than one at a time :)
17 Sep, 2016
Fabulous pictures Stan....enjoyed the tour...?
18 Sep, 2016
The botanical slow drive is a great idea Stan. Think I'll slip into my Jeep's CD player Foghat's " Slow Ride " and do it too. By the way, we have had in our area- Mid Atlantic east-a 3 or 4 week very hot dry spell. All the lawns are burnt and our gardeners have been out every day with the watering cans and hoses. Thank goodness some relieving rain is expected today. This has been a very unusual growing season in my locale. The way your weather has been as you describe it; Is very trustworthy.
18 Sep, 2016
I really enjoyed your blogs Stan, its always nice to see plants, trees and shrubs from people such as yourself who live in different parts of the world, you did right by choosing a blog, I am always miles behind on the photo pages whereas I tend to keep up with the blogs, lol..Thankyou for sharing your trip around town...
18 Sep, 2016
Lovely images, Stan. Really like the Tibouchina which is new to me, maybe not to my Other Half (he's the gardener). Although blue is not my favourite colour I do love it in the garden.
18 Sep, 2016
Thanks all,I appreciate it!
19 Sep, 2016
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I grew a tibouchina one year but it did not survived over the winter even though I had it semi-protected.
Love these Loquat Trees. Interesting structure. They must be fairly old.
16 Sep, 2016