Sick again,naturally..
By stan510
To the tune of Gilbert O Sullivan’s song.
I almost made it through the winter- but it got me right near the end.
Cough so hard,I can’t breath and my head wants to explode- then I think I strained my back from that heavy duty coughing..I can barely move.
Tomorrow I see the Dr.
So,why my photos are behind.
24 Jan, 2018
Previous post: My Happy New Year blog.
Next post: An Avocado Grove and some other plants.
Sorry you're unwell. I hope your doctor will give you something to relieve the symptoms.
24 Jan, 2018
Oh! Get well soon Stan.
24 Jan, 2018
I hope you recover soon Stan sorry to hesr your not well fresh Lemon and honey in a hot drink are grest for the lungs and cough.
24 Jan, 2018
Can't give you a Like for this one Stan... Sending best wishes for a good recovery.
25 Jan, 2018
Get well soon.
25 Jan, 2018
Oh best wishes, Stan, that your health improves, and quickly.
The UK seems to still have last year's "cough bug". Guess the new bugs are more virulent every year and antibiotics are no use.
A pharmacist told me last year not to waste my money on cough mixtures : to take lemon and honey so 3p's advice is good. Manuka Honey is expensive but makes the mixture more potent!
25 Jan, 2018
I'm a great honey and lemon fan too 3d, you can't beat it. I hope you feel better soon Stan. On another note, I remember "Alone again, naturally" being in the top ten like it was yesterday and can't stop humming it now.
25 Jan, 2018
Hope you get well soon Stan.
I'm a great believer in Vit c with Zinc. It has to have the Zinc. Before I met hubby, working on a hospital ward, I always had a cold of some sort. He made me start taking Vit c and zinc daily and in 15 yrs now I can count on one hand the colds I've had. If I start to feel like I'm starting a cold, then I take an extra one in the evening and it seems to stop them in their tracks. I buy the supermarket own brands of the effervescent tablets.
25 Jan, 2018
Jen I had forgotten that about Zinc. There are lozenges, I believe, but the Vitamin C would add that little extra zing!
I have bought effervescent Vit C tablets from supermarkets but haven't checked for Zinc. Will do so, next time. Thanks!
25 Jan, 2018
Oh dear that's not good Stan, packed my hubby off to bed with that very remedy, I swear by it, you have my sympathy and I hope you are better soon...
25 Jan, 2018
Your welcome Eirlys, I stopped taking them for a while last year and ended up with a really hum dinger of a cold so now I make sure I take them. Zinc is for the immune system.
25 Jan, 2018
Thanks all. This Rhino Virus(?) I think it is..really can drag you down. Saw the DR-She said the usual..liquids and rest.
For some reason this one causes a lot of back pain- like I locked up. Even the cat feels more like he weighs like a Lion-lol. He would be glad to hear that I think.
25 Jan, 2018
Poor you Stan. Get well soon and look after yourself
25 Jan, 2018
Thanks Jen!. I'm a bit stomach sensitive to Zinc. I tried it 25 years+ ago because they said it would make hair grow back,lol. I fell for that.
Wouldn't you know it,the wife is visiting her relatives overseas for the month.
I got sick the very same day she left!..more Gilbert O..wink.
25 Jan, 2018
I''ll try the honey and tea. I'm a huge tea drinker.
25 Jan, 2018
get yourself some peppermint tea, Stan. I have spearmint from my garden that I brew and drink with a tiny drop of lemon and honey. Brew # 2... hot grapefruit juice W/ a bit of honey... yum. and if your chest is congested...try an old fashioned mustard plaster.. just google it... be careful not to leave it on too long though.. it can burn you!
26 Jan, 2018
Younger Son had that stomach-resistance to Zinc. I thought he was conning me!!
After my never-ill husband was ill for two weeks with that chest cough before Christmas I am beginning to think Time and Paracetamols are the only healers for it. Sorry!
26 Jan, 2018
I think these new viruses are much more powerful then they were even 10 years ago.
I'm feeling better..not so much cough. Just tired. I have to give the yard a look over tomorrow. When you don't feel well- the days can fly by faster then you think. That means,plants that depend on me to water them even in winter are part of the Flu domino!
Its been awhile since a flu took me out of my yard. I can see why Penny took a break. These things are potent.
The step daughter just had a (cute girl) baby,the wife is overseas,..why all at the same time!? Life.
27 Jan, 2018
Glad you are getting there Stan,ginger tea is also very good,Congratulations on your new cute little girl joining your family.
27 Jan, 2018
Glad to see your back Stan yes it knocks you for 6 does nt it. I read in the news in the USA an out brake of flue there killing even the young.
There are certain foods like ginger or zinc that you can not take with certain medications or illnesses so please check with your doctor first.
Here is a list which I hope helps.
27 Jan, 2018
I tried this 3d and just got the message "Oh dear something has gone wrong..." Maybe that site has got the bug too.
We always used to take zinc and vit C at the first sign of a cold but I'd forgotten about the zinc - thanks for the reminder Jen! There is still a little tub of it in the cupboard.
Stan I love the image of your big heavy lion cat...hope it soon feels much lighter!
27 Jan, 2018
So sorry Steragram the link does nt work for you and you have a bug it works fine for me but if like me you suffer with your thyroid with (zinc) to much zinc can have a drastic affect .
27 Jan, 2018
I'm so sorry you have that horrible flu going around. It was an epidemic here in San Diego County.
Get well soon.
29 Jan, 2018
Thanks Andy. Flu's at Baby Boomer age has a different feel to it. At least I'm recovering,grateful for that. It did cross my mind about 4-5 days ago,I could end up in a hospital. No!..nobody to water the plants!
I meant to get a flu shot this year. I will never forget to get one again.
Hot tea and honey did warm the bones...
29 Jan, 2018
Ster, That cat of mine is a dead ringer for Hywel's. Mine might be even a bit chubbier.
He was supposed to be the granddaughters kitten...but as he grew,she was afraid of him even though he's as gentle as can be. So,he's now another cat of mine.!
29 Jan, 2018
Yes, at baby-boomer's age you need to be careful! I'm a baby-boomer, also. Having the flu at any age is not fun! :>((
I hope you're feeling better now.
30 Jan, 2018
Are you thinking of moving Andy? Any spot in mind?
3 Feb, 2018
No, not thinking of moving anytime soon. Sometimes unforeseen things do happen in life, though. Remember: nothing in life is permanent. lol!
5 Feb, 2018
Hi Stan, glad to hear you are starting to feel a bit better. Sorry you can't take Zinc. Have never hear that it was thought to help with hair loss at one time ?. Hope you are totally back to yourseof soon.
Sue, I take it everyday all year as it builds up the immune. My daughter is the same. Over Xmas her and her partner went down to Tunbridge wells and her partner, who doesn't take it got flu as T wells was a real red area for it. Laura got away with just a bit of a runny nose where her partner was off work for 2 weeks.
6 Feb, 2018
I'm looking after my cousin at the moment who was in hospital with it. She's as weak as a kitten but getting a bit stronger now she can eat. It certainly is a horrible bug, and the flu jab doesn't seem to have had any effect on this one.
6 Feb, 2018
Glad that your cousin is starting to be on the mend. Poor her, she must have had it bad to be hospitalised with it. Trouble with the flu jab is they have to guess which strain will spread each year and don't always get it right.
6 Feb, 2018
Thanks Jen. Ster- EXACTLY. I was doing some re-potting yesterday...and soon I was coughing and running out of air. Two weeks into this. The Dr. did tell me it can last for weeks. But,it was like asthma attack ( I have had that since forever in various degree's) yesterday.
Andy,I thought I saw a post where you mentioned you were thinking about a move. Sorry.
Why leave San Diego?..maybe for a bigger yard I would guess.
Hey,the Vegan Gardener of Arizona on YouTube has a nice large garden and its not cactus! it can be done.
Modern tech and drip..I have to start hooking that stuff up.
6 Feb, 2018
If I leave San Diego, most likely I'll move to Hilo, HI. I love it there! No droughts like in San Diego and perfect tropical weather all year. :>)) I do LOVE San Diego!!!
9 Feb, 2018
SD sounds great to me. I could also go without another cold day in my life.
Oh well,at least Andy I have the warm clear waters of SF bay and can see the corals and exotic fish under the Date Palms..
I can dream!
9 Feb, 2018
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Oh dear Stan. I hope you will soon be fully recovered.
24 Jan, 2018