Bee rescue
By steragram
Our conservatory seems to be an insect trap – every day I sweep up lots of dead ones, mostly flies, which never seem to fall onto the Venus fly trap waiting in the corner. But today I fund an almost dead bumble bee, so weak it was lying on its side. I quickly went for the usual remedy, a blob of honey. It just about managed to reach it with its proboscis – did you know that a long pink tongue unrolls from the end? There it went, sweeping across the bit of honey, over and over again. Gradually the strength came back into its legs and it stood up. Quick, a photo! A pity the long tongue doesn’t show up.
Then quite suddenly there was a buzz of wings, vertical take off, and it was away – straight back inside the conservatory, even though I’d positioned it in the doorway facing outwards! Anyway I managed to catch it again and send it off outside – what a rewarding afternoon!
Another nice thing this morning, quite different – I was pottering about in the drizzle, nice and dry under a big tree when I glanced up and saw a robin sitting above me, and it was singing to itself, very very quietly – the full winter song but almost under its breath. Was it just amusing itself or was it practicing? I didn’t know they did that!
13 Sep, 2013
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Well done you, Stera, what a good day! Lovely to help the wildlife, and our Robin thought so too - hovering close by as we sowed grass seed and then helping himself :))
13 Sep, 2013
You Should Be Very Happy With Your self That Was A Great Thing to Do. And the Little Robin You Were Lucky To Here That Lovely song. I Have One In My Garden and she / or He Loves To Sing .
13 Sep, 2013
Do I detect a tongue in a cheek Snoop? I do this on a regular basis!
Good idea Pam - I keep thinking about doing something similar but never get round to it - not sure how to fasten rails to a PVC frame.
Thanks Sheila and Lynda - yes it was a very rewarding afternoon! And I think everybody loves robins. I thought about Terra's lovely robin pics, but can't compete!
13 Sep, 2013
Well maybe that's a good idea - any suggestions? I don't take any garden magazines so wouldn't know where to start.
13 Sep, 2013
Great job Stera. Not only do you rescue the bee, you get the feel good factor too.
Maybe writing to the bumblebee conservation trust might set the ball rolling.
Incidentally, you can buy adhesive hooks for UPVC frames.
13 Sep, 2013
Lovely story Stera............well done, giving the bee a taste of his own medicine!!! ha ha. I too have heard the robin tut his winter sound, I suppose they must practise so they look good to their girlfriends! Lol x
14 Sep, 2013
Thanks for the info Scottish. I'll write to the Trust and look out for the hooks!
14 Sep, 2013
good for you, Stera! i think a lot of paople (non GoYers or gardeners) would just have walloped it.
I have a curtain at my back door: just a net curtain bought from Ikea; I need to get it cut to size and hemmed, and put some weight on the bottom, but it keeps most of the insects out - unless I forget and pull it aside while I'm doing a lot of in-and-out-ing
19 Sep, 2013
Ah yes a curtain - been thinking about doing that for the past seven years... If I added up the time spend catching butterflies etc and sweeping up dead flies I'd have had time to go and buy some net and make one!
19 Sep, 2013
I have windows that pivot in the middle; the top comes in, the bottom goes out. impossible to fit nets over them that cover the spaces when they're open, so I had curtain wires put up halfway up on the inside and at the top on the outisde; put half-curtains on each so that evenw hen the wondow's wide open, the nets should still act as insect screens. I'm useless at cutting in straight lines (just as I am at sawing straight lines, and I've posted pics to prove it!) so I've only got the bottoms covered, still waiting for help to cut more. And then hem them on my old hand-turned sewing machine ... might be easier to fix fine metal or nylon mesh instead!
20 Sep, 2013
I guess those windows have their pros and cons! Your solution is very ingenious, but then you are a very ingenious person and I'm constantly amazed by all the ideas you have....I'm sure you're right that mesh would be a lot easier! The Americans have special screens don't they, but I've never been there so haven't seen what they're like.
22 Sep, 2013
*blushes modestly* aww, shucks! (as they say in the Movies). i have lots of ideas, but no practical way to put most of them into action *s* been looking for a partner to make our mutual fortune.
I've only seen screen doors in films and tv and such - but then, they have more nasties there than we do, or so it seems. the only porob with having screens at the windows is having to take them down to clean the glass - whereupon, I suppose, everything would crowd in that you've been trying to keep out!
23 Sep, 2013
Steragram - you deserve a First Aid Certificate for resuscitation to Bees. I think that little Robin was singing to you to say 'Thank You.
I have bought the door screen before and it does work. Some shops (£land) sell ones for windows too. You can also find both on Google and Amazon. If you are good at carpentry, you can make a door frame and screen yourself.
27 Sep, 2013
You must be joking! All I can make is a mess unfortunately. I don't suppose £land will still have them at this time of year - will try to remember to look next season. Thanks for the tip.
27 Sep, 2013
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Ah, lovely story
If we leave the door open we get inundated too....even the odd swallow that takes a wrong turn so I made net curtains for the outside doors we like open.
Very easy, buy a length of netting from the market....(.the sort that makes skirts stick out)
machine or sew the top and bottom, leaving room at the top for a wire curtain holder and at the bottom for a length of curtain weight.
A couple of hooks and eyes and they lasted all summer, now washed ready for next years (hot)summer
13 Sep, 2013