Some fuchsias part 1
By steragram
Some new, some old! More later when they open. All are hardy unless it says not.
Celia Smedley. I’ve wanted this one for ages but only just discovered she is hardy.(Not the hardiest so I’m keeping fingers crossed)
Mission Bells. Fell for this one when ordering Celia. The sepals curl out further than this when she’s fully open so she looks as if she’s getting ready to fly away!
Wharfdale – another new one.
Dollar Princess – an old favourite and one of the first to bloom every year.
Southgate. Tender and rather brittle so tends to lose branches when its windy. I made a standard from it once but it wasn’t very successful for that reason.
I think this is Chillerton beauty but its hard to be sure from Google pics and I lost the label.
La Campanella. Tender. Had this one for years but never cut it back properly so its gone very woody.
Unknown. Can’t even remember whether it stayed outside over winter – don’t think it did.
Lena should have been here too but the pic was too big so she’ll have to wait for part 2.
11 Jul, 2016
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Next post: Big surprise
They are really lovely. Fuchsias are one of my all time favourite flowers but never seem to have much success with them. Am very envious of your collection.
11 Jul, 2016
They are lovely in planters. I have never succeeded in getting them through winter, however much I've tried in heated and unheated greenhouse and potting shed.
11 Jul, 2016
You have some good cultivars there manage to get a Celia Smedley myself this year had it in the past one of the best coloured Fuchsias does tend to have long joints between the leaves and only flower on the tips.
A fuchsia well worth a try is My Little Star with one stop it makes a dense bush and is filled with single flowers all summer.
11 Jul, 2016
Your fuchsias are lovely, Stera. Mine are flowering very poorly this year, althouth the foliage is fine.
11 Jul, 2016
They are all beautiful Stera.......
11 Jul, 2016
11 Jul, 2016
My favourite photo of yours... Dollar Princess.
11 Jul, 2016
I have Thalia but it suffers from mould....any suggestions?
11 Jul, 2016
You've got a nice selection. There's always room for another Fuchsia :o)
11 Jul, 2016
Lol Hywel, the first three are all new this year and there are three more not open yet - and yes, I did say I wasn't buying any this year because there was no more room...
Jen, are you sure you planted hardy ones? Try Dollar Princess or Lena - both showy, early and easy. And plant them with the growing point up to 4" below soil level.
Linda I've never had that but try the Milk solution that Bamboo recommends.
Siris would you like a cutting? Wrong time of year to try but I'll have a go. I liked doubles best for ages but am now appreciating the simplicity of singles. How lucky that we can have both!
Peter, not heard of the one so Googled it - its certainly beautiful! Reminds me of Annabelle.
Paul, are you sure you bought hardy ones?
OHM, Sheila & Simbad - thank you!
11 Jul, 2016
Are hardy fuchsias as easy as annual ones to grow from cuttings, I wonder. I expect you all know that you can just put annual cuttings in water, and they grow roots, but maybe that has to be at the right time of year??
12 Jul, 2016
Thanks stega, will have to try that one next year. I did this year weaken for my love for them. Bought a very small Snowcap and for the 1st time having looked up on net, planted it deeper then ever before but did it in container due to the problems you know I have with my boarders. Don't know if due to weather but it is only just coming into bud. Had to have a bit of colour. Did buy some plug Surfinia Crazy Pink Petunias as I have had alot of success with them last few years but even them are very slow this year.
12 Jul, 2016
Lovely pictures Stera - your fuschias look really healthy and such vibrant colours - I have grown fuschias but mainly the hardy ones - I am not altogether sure which are hardy and which are not - we have several in the borders - looking forward to Part 2 - Jane
12 Jul, 2016
Jane if you type the name of your fuchsias into google followed by the word hardy you can quite often find a site that tells you whether they are hardy or not. Sites like Potash Nursery or Other Fellow fuchsias have loads of pictures divided into hardy and tender but this only helps if you have the name as its almost impossible to identify safely from a picture unless you are a real expert which I am not! (Also it is dangerous to look because temptation to buy can be severe...)If its any help I'm noting which they are on my blog. Hywel is more likely to be able to tell you than me as he has unbelievably many. If the label says bedding fuchsia its more likely to be tender but no guarantee.
12 Jul, 2016
Jen, fuchsias vary in when they flower. Lots of mine aren't out yet, hence the promised part 2. But if you want to give your Snowcap the best chance over winter in a pot it would be best to bury the pot in the border with the growing point very well covered. If you can 't manage that then insulate the pot with something to prevent the soil freezing in a cold spell and cover the compost with dry bracken straw etc.
12 Jul, 2016
Sheila, yes they are usually as easy but the Spring ones often seem to root faster for me.
12 Jul, 2016
Thank you once again. I might get one to last the winter :-). Thought it late as label said flowering june to October. But it was a very small thing when I got it which I suppose could also explain as well.
12 Jul, 2016
The best place to find where they sell Fuchsias and find pictures of cultivars.
12 Jul, 2016
I had a look at this . Its truly a mammoth compilation and wonderful if you want a particular cultivar!
But it doesn't help if you don't know what you are looking for so I think it would be easier for Jane to go to the sites of the specialists I suggested where you can scroll though pictures of hardy and tender separately.. Interestingly when I put in a test name I was referred straight to Other Fellow Fuchias.. I guess its horses for courses.
12 Jul, 2016
A joy to look at, a lovely collection.
13 Jul, 2016
WOW!! They look beautiful
17 Jul, 2016
You've certainly got a nice collection of Fuchsias, Stera! :-))
8 Aug, 2016
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Fuchsia Magellanica 'Versicolor'
£9.00 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Cordifolia
£11.50 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Magellanica 'Alba'
£9.00 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Magellanica 'Variegata'
£9.00 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Procumbens
£9.50 at Burncoose
Ceia Smedley's sepals are white when the flower matures - should have waited!
11 Jul, 2016