Answers and rewards for 'not another quiz'
By stickitoffee
Sorry this is late and now i have to do this quickly before OH comes home!!!
here are the answers and SOME of the alternative suggestions which were given points:
1. an investment ~ STOCK [also money plant and hedge fund]
2. a girl’s name ~ 4 letters ~ IRIS [rose, lily]
3. groups of sheep ~ PHLOX
4. a virtue ~ HONESTY
5. careful with money ~ THRIFT
6. remembrance ~ FORGET-ME-NOT [poppy, rosemary]
7. animal’s clothing item ~ FOXGLOVES
8. cathedral sound ~ CANTERBURY BELLS
9. tool to make fire ~ RED HOT POKER
10. Wise King’s stamp ~ SOLOMAN’S SEAL
11. Scottish girl’s name ~ HEATHER
12. Religious order’s headwear ~ MONKSHOOD
13. gloves for cleaning ~ MARIGOLDS city’s boast ~ LONDON PRIDE
15. evergreen ham ~ HOLLYHOCK
16. sweet universe ~ CHOCOLATE COSMOS
17. solar blossom ~ SUNFLOWER
there were other alternatives that i havent put on yet ~ im trying to do this quickly. hedge fund got a big bonus point and TT had several bonus points for extra work and many alternative answers ~ with research references!
Here is your reward if you think you deserve it ~ help yourself!!!!
22 Dec, 2010
Previous post: not another quiz?
Next post: gardenduko
Number 15 was such fun ...
... I'm glad I got it right in the end ... Lol.
... for number 3 .. I still prefer Lamb's Ears ... ;o)
Great quiz ... :o)
22 Dec, 2010
Am trying to clap myself on the back, but can't quite reach . . . very chuffed with 14 right. :)) Lovely cookies Sticki, mmmm thanks!
22 Dec, 2010
Well done Sheila !
I think I got 3 lol - not counting the milky way :/
How many crumbs can I have please ?
22 Dec, 2010
Hywel... no crumbs ...
... but you win a Milky Way bar, a Galaxy bar, and a plate of chocolate Hob Nobs :o)))
22 Dec, 2010
Thanks sticky
Enjoyed doing that even though we had 3 wrong.Lets face it what else can we do this weather
22 Dec, 2010
I really enjoyed this too, thanks for the effort in compiling it Sticki ! Thanks for the bonus point on hedge fund ... lol! Would never have got Monkshood or Hollyhock, very cryptic clues. Happy Christmas to you.
22 Dec, 2010
I missed the quiz too but I'm sure I would have got them all right! Please may I have a cookie, they look yummy. Or swap one for one of my fresh out of the oven sausage rolls :)
22 Dec, 2010
Oh thank you TT, all those ! I'm going to enjoy myself.
Can I have one of Stickitoffee's cookies aswell (or is that being too greedy lol)
22 Dec, 2010
I couldn't work out three of them, either. Very clever, Sticki. Cookie time now! Thanks. Mmmmmm...
22 Dec, 2010
Think I deserve one of those yummy biscuits answered them all but different answers for 7. Bears Breeches,
8, Cathedral Bells, 12 Bishops Hat, so I bags one lol
22 Dec, 2010
didnt get round to it sorry sticki, if there`s a cookie left please give pitty :o((
22 Dec, 2010
I went for bears breeches and bishop hats too and apart from hollyhock I think I deserve a crumb or two too :o)
thanks for doing the quiz sticki.
22 Dec, 2010
Can I have a bickie even though I didn't see the quiz?? ;o)))
22 Dec, 2010
LOL, Pip, you're too late, plate is empty . . . . : o )
22 Dec, 2010
Sorry I`ve arrived too late, its a good quiz though, well done Sticki, I would have enjoyed giving it a go..
Merry Christmas..
22 Dec, 2010
Hi Sticki
SOOO gutted, I missed this, just like Dido's first comment, that made me laugh! Next time som1 does a good quiz like this, please shout and wake me up - actually I wasn't asleep, just caught up in the preChristmas mayhem at work and at home : o( but now Xmas is here i'm just enjoying GOY while everyone else is snoozing or chatting in front of the telly, haha.
25 Dec, 2010
Hi Weeding/Lincslass ...
I'm devising a new plants quiz for GoY ...
I usually make a couple of puzzles each winter ...
... so here's the shout you asked for ...
... I'll put the puzzle in a blog very soon ... :o)
25 Dec, 2010
thanks TT ~ i enjoy trying to work them out ~ only just got back on computer after 4 days without internet!!!
28 Dec, 2010
Oh, Sticki ...
... how did you manage without computer ???
I thought you'd gone away to enjoy Christmas in the Caribbean ;o)
28 Dec, 2010
no not exactly TT ~ wish i had
was not easy to manage but did have my boys here [they fixed the anti virus on the computer] and thats very very good ~ not so good today tho ~ they've gone.
28 Dec, 2010
:o))) ... :o(((
28 Dec, 2010
Missed this and the biscuits:-(
3 Jan, 2011
sorry BA, i can do more biscuits!
3 Jan, 2011
Same here BA. Ah well, we can't be everywhere and do everything - we can just read all about it!
3 Jan, 2011
you can still do the quiz ~ there are still biscuits on the plate!!!
3 Jan, 2011
I have a strange feeling I would get them all right lol:-)
4 Jan, 2011
4 Jan, 2011
you are so clever BA
but im not clever enough to work out beatties code.
4 Jan, 2011
Could it be: laugh out loud, roll over the floor laughing and roll over the floor laughing my head off!
There are ruder versions apparently, not that I would know . . . . . : o)))
4 Jan, 2011
i think you could be right shirley. i dont know about the rude ones ~ i can only imagine!
would that be a bit like having a CRAFT moment?
4 Jan, 2011
Not heard of that one!
4 Jan, 2011
Can't Remember A 'Flipping' Thing.
rather better than a senior or blonde moment i think!
4 Jan, 2011
You're right Shirley! I changed ROFLMAO to something more suitable for GoY-ers who are all respectable ladies and gentlemen, by definition. ;-)
4 Jan, 2011
LOL, Beattie!
4 Jan, 2011
thats right beattie ~ we are very respectable, if not respectful!!!
4 Jan, 2011
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Oh bum, didn't have a go, don't deserve one.. they look really scrumptious too ST LOL;0)
22 Dec, 2010