After a gloomy rainy start what a surprise find!!!!!!
By stroller
It began to brighten up around 2pm after the rain had stopped so I went down to the greenhouse to check how things were going and on the way I passed this
Its Wisteria sinensis “Alba” I planted it against the bottom wall in 2008 and after waiting 8yrs it had never flowered, it made plenty of growth and leaves but despite careful pruning and (Tuition from bonkesbon) nothing happened, so in May 2016 with fingers crossed I chopped it right back to about 18inches and moved it to the middle centre bed and hoped lady luck was with me and as you can see its definitely thrived, even after the horrible winter we`ve had there looks to be some lovely big buds just waiting to burst out
Then just round the corner of the shed protected from cold winds is Acer “Sangu-kaku” its planted in a big blue pot and has delighted us all winter with its vivid red stems so when I noticed it had produced little delicate bunches of red flowers
it was an extra WOW.It has been in its pot since 2014 and its the first time I`ve seen these, so despite the day starting cold and gloomy its ended on a high note for me. It would be interesting to know if any one else has this acer and has their one flowered.
28 Apr, 2018
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I havent seen any flowers on my Sango Kaku yet. They look very pretty!
28 Apr, 2018
Super little red flowers.
28 Apr, 2018
SB, it must be my lucky year as I have noticed that my wisteria in the front garden is just beginning to bloom for the 1st time, it was planted at the same time as this one.
Karen mine is 4yrs old so depending on how long you`ve had yours you may be lucky.
Thanks Siris.
28 Apr, 2018
Mine is older than that...I brought it from the last house. Maybe now its in the ground...time will tell.
28 Apr, 2018
I hope you get some nice flowers on your Wisteria :)
I've never seen my Acer flowering, but I keep cutting it back all the time.
29 Apr, 2018
That's all great news Stroller. Isn't it nice to get surprises?
29 Apr, 2018
Hi stroller, I have heard a couple of people say they have flowers on their acers this year, I have a few just on one branch of bloodgood, i remember it having some before quite a few years ago :-))
29 Apr, 2018
The flowers on the Acers along the road are very good this year. Perhaps they like a nice long cold period....unlike me!
29 Apr, 2018
Hi Hywel, you never know you may get some yet.
Yes Waddy lovely surprises.
Daylily glad your Bloodgood has got flowers even if they are only a few, my bloodgood has never flowered and its been in the garden since 2011.
Karen if that's what they like I don`t mind forgoing the flowers the cold weather seems never ending, its another really cold windy one today even my greenhouse visit was short and sweet.
29 Apr, 2018
I know Phyl. Its sunny here but freeeeezing! Far too cold to be outside. Just enjoying it from the safety of the armchair, and its been a good day for using to Pod too. I had a look at my Heucheras again today and a lot of them have had it. Not a sign of any growth on them. I shall be replacing them with more dwarf rhodies now. A trip to Glendoick tomorrow for me :)
29 Apr, 2018
the wisteria has been in the ground 20 yrs so its not recently planted!. :o(
I will enjoy the picures of yours :o)
29 Apr, 2018
Seaburn, we had a wisteria that never flowered so outed it and bought one in flower so we knew it wasn't a dud and it's been great.
We have flowers on a couple of acers too, never seen any flowers ever before!
29 Apr, 2018
How lovely to see two unexpected surprises,Stroller,and I love your Acer...we have had sunshine today,but it's still cold..I managed a little dead heading this morning,but I was soon back in the warmth ! so glad your Wisteria is looking promising since you moved's good to take a chance sometimes :o)
29 Apr, 2018
Sb, will oblige with photos when the buds burst out.
Dawnsaunt ... This wisteria was planted in 2008 and I was fed up with waiting but am glad I chopped it short and replanted it as its now going to reward me, the other one in the front garden must have felt threatened as that is now in
29 Apr, 2018
I will be having a pink Wisteria in a pot very soon. My daughter is moving south. I shall probably get quite a few things from her before she leaves. But the Wisteria will be a challenge. I shall have to find enough shelter, sun and warmth for it...hmmmm....
29 Apr, 2018
So pleased that you found buds on your wisteria, a lovely surprise for you. The acer is very pretty too.
Pity the weather isn't a pleasant surprise at the moment!
29 Apr, 2018
That's going to be a challenge Karen hope it works out well, the one in my front garden which is in bud for the first time is a pink one Wisteria brachybotrys "Showa Beni".
Wildrose I think we are all getting more than a little fed up with the weather ... I don`t know why it is April after all so really we should be singing the praises of the odd few hot days we`ve had ... but then we are gardeners after
30 Apr, 2018
Bloomer I`m like you popping in and out to do the odd job, never mind its May time tomorrow lets hope we get a few nice days shortly.
30 Apr, 2018
Supposed to be getting warmer towards the weekend,but I'm not getting my hopes up too much at the moment .!
30 Apr, 2018
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despite correct pruning the wisteria, mine just refuses to flower. so lucky you.
If you are lucky you may get seeds on your acer. it'd be interesting to see what grows from them for variation in colour etc.
28 Apr, 2018