New Rose Bed
By suzywonkles
Hi there! My last blog showed a raised bed I made from the stone that used to be surrounding a leaky pond. I decided on making it into a rose bed and today went out and bought three Floribunda roses, some top soil and some manure. I chose Rhapsody in Blue (purple flowers fading to slate blue), Iceberg (pure white) and Fragrant Delight (pinky/copper flowers). They don’t look much at the moment but have buds and they’ll grow (I hope!!). Need to find something else to put with them, I was thinking Gypsophelia….. or any other suggestions?!! Think I’ll later put some spring bulbs in there as well for next year.
Still a very long way to go, but I’ve got a little more colour than my first blog a couple of months ago…
My tree lilies are coming on a treat, looking forward to seeing how they turn out like and I’m really pleased with my rhododendrum. Poor begonias in my brick beds keep getting dug up by Merlin the cat so I don’t know how long they’ll last, every day I have to replant at least one! Gladiollis over the other side of the garden are stomping along as well. Haven’t taken too many pictures as my grass needs cutting and I need to do some weeding but I’m too worn out now :O.
This weekend I also made up 4 pots of sweet peas, a pot of stocks, a pot of strawberries, a hanging bag with a trailing cherry tomato plant and a hanging basket of trailing begonias :)
Thanks for looking… hope I haven’t bored you!!
20 May, 2012
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Hi Terratoonie, I do want to add something else... are they perennials? I don't really want to faff around with bedding plants.
20 May, 2012
Hi Suzy ..
Click on A at the base of the page, and then on GoYpedia Aubrieta. It is one of the categories which I edit, and you'll see lots of planting ideas for aubrieta. Yes it is evergreen and perennial.
The small campanulas are also usually hardy enough to be perennial... such as Campanula garganica Dickson's Gold which has lovely yellowy/green evergreen foliage. I hope this helps :o)
PS ... I also edit GoYpedia Campanulas under letter C .. there you'll see various sizes of Campanula.
20 May, 2012
Thank you! I will have a look and might add them to my shopping list for next weekend :O
20 May, 2012
20 May, 2012
Well done Suzy, you are doing extremely well. Your rose bed looks great.
20 May, 2012
Ahh TT I've just looked at Aubretta and Campanulas, love the Aubretta (I've seen it lots of times on your photos/blogs), so think I might go in search of that :) The Campanulas, I think I have in my garden over the other side. It spreads like wildfire but is pretty. Mine hasn't flowered just yet.
20 May, 2012
Thank you Cinderella, well I wouldn't say it looks great just yet, but it has potential!!
20 May, 2012
Hi Suzy..
Some of the campanulas spread faster than others ...
good luck with your choices :o)
20 May, 2012
Suzy, to stop Merlin and his wicked ways - you can cover your beds (at ground level) with chicken wire or any other sort of mesh, with holes cut to accommodate your plants...or just cut up lots of thin canes and stick them upright in the soil around your plants - make it too spikey for comfort!!!
As to what to put in...there's good advice here... :)
I've made every mistake known to man...but...I've learnt from it!!! :))
20 May, 2012
That's a good idea Karen, I've got some canes but I've also got some pea netting which might just do the trick. I shall try and sort something out tomorrow! I'm sure he'll be fine once the plants have grown a bit more, just at the moment he can see all the soil and thinks its his litter tray!
20 May, 2012
Yes...they all like fresh soil... :(
The netting will work best, in my experience! :)
20 May, 2012
Do you know Karen, I think I'll go and do it now, I'm in my pj's... but who cares, its my garden!!! Lol :D Got to do things when you think about them that's what I say!
20 May, 2012
Atta girl!!! :)
20 May, 2012
great stuff - love those rocks !!
20 May, 2012
Job done Karen :)
And thank you Paul.... they were very heavy, hope I don't decide to move them again!!
20 May, 2012
LOL! You and me both!!! ;)))))))
20 May, 2012
I've just had a thought Karen..... think I should move them nearer to the fence so that I can have something climbing along the fence :O That'd be a job and a half now its filled with soil!!!!!
20 May, 2012
What! The whole bed??? \O/ !!!!
No...clematis, behind in the ground...head in the sun and feet in the shade...perfect! :)
20 May, 2012
You've been very busy Suzy. I love the rocks you've built your rose bed with. The Aubretia will soften the edges for you as well as adding lots of colour. Well done it's been lovley reading your blog and looking around your garden too! :o)
20 May, 2012
Haha, I was joking on that one Karen! But could have been a better idea lol.
It would have to be something in a pot.... unless I get the diggers in :O
Up until now I've been against the idea of having anything growing on the fences as its new and I don't want it ruined and I want to be able to paint it when it needs to be painted! But I'm starting to change my mind because it all looks bare. I've put a clematis montana at the bottom of the garden which, in time, should grow across a fair few panels. I'll certainly have something behind the raised bed in time but it will have to be in large pots... or another raised bed :)
Thank you Tracey, that was a recycled job from a pond I had over the other side of the garden. The pond leaked so I got rid of the pond and wanted to do something in this area to make it part of the garden. I will certainly look out for aubretia, is it available to buy this time of year or is it more in the Spring?
20 May, 2012
Looks a treat Suzy, I have lavendar near my roses, the greenfly don`t like it and since I started doing that I no longer have a problem or spoilt roses...
20 May, 2012
That raised bed look great Suzy - love the colour of your rhododendron. Know what you mean about annuals - too much faffing around for me too!
21 May, 2012
You're doing well. Bulbs always look nice dotted in between other plants. I hope you get some nice flowers on your new roses.
21 May, 2012
Thanks everyone :)
Good idea about the lavender Lincslass, do you think it would be too big to go in with the roses?
Will defo get some bulbs Hywel and put in in the autumn.
21 May, 2012
That's a great idea about the Lavender, Lincs...I think I might do that too! :))
21 May, 2012
Wouldn't it be a good idea to have a 'like' button to click? I see comments and I want to click 'like'. lol :)
21 May, 2012
Mineature daffs like Tete-a-tete etc might be nice. They seem to last longer, and don't get blown over in the wind as much as the taller varieties.
21 May, 2012
Not boring..great blog and interesting garden..
ive tried Gypsophelia here but never taken i dont know why..
lavender is a good idea..perhaps something also that drapes through and over the stones..looking forward to seeing the progress..thanks for sharing
21 May, 2012
Yeah I'd quite like something to through through and over the stones, to try and make it look a bit more 'lived in', sure I'll find something. Think I'm going to look out for Aubrietia which Terratoonie suggested. I did google dwarf lavender and there seems to be a few varieties about so I'll have a look when I next to go the GC. I think I've gone off the idea of Gypsophelia! Thanks for looking :D
21 May, 2012
Gorgeous! I see Merlin is over seeing the work!!!!
22 May, 2012
Destroying more like!!
22 May, 2012
Is the pea-netting working yet, Suzy?
23 May, 2012
Well I don't like to speak too soon Karen... but yes it does seem to be!!! I'm surprised he hasn't started 'using' the new rose bed... maybe he doesn't like the smell of manure! :D
23 May, 2012
Heehee...lion dung...that's supposed to be the best deterrent!!
Fingers crossed the pea netting keeps working!!! ;)
23 May, 2012
haha lion dung.... well I am about 2 miles from Marwell Zoo... maybe if I ask nicely... haha!!!
23 May, 2012
Lol! Poor Merlin...he'd be terrified to put his bum down anywhere!! ;))
23 May, 2012
Brilliant! Nothing I like more than a bit of early morning gardening in my pjs! In fact if it weren't raining.....;). I also wanted to put in my half-pence worth about the smaller plants and vote for Hardy Geraniums, some of which will flower all summer long under your lovely roses (great choices btw, my rhapsody is covered in buds this year, I hope the rain doesn't spoil them like it did last year). You are really getting in to your gardening remind me of myself when I first started at exciting isn't it! :)
6 Jun, 2012
Hehe have to say Karen, I think I might be a little obsessed with it! I've already put other plants in this bed now, just need them to grow a bit!
6 Jun, 2012
Yup, me, I KNOW I am obsessed with it! Still, if you have an 'obsessive' type personality, it beats alcohol, gambling, overeating, pornography, shopping or facebooking any day! ;)
6 Jun, 2012
...not that I have tried all of them you mind!! :O lol x
6 Jun, 2012
I'll believe you Karen!
6 Jun, 2012
lol :)
6 Jun, 2012
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7 Jul, 2012
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- You know you're getting old when...
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28 May, 2012
Hi Suzy ..
You've arranged those rocks very prettily.
Near the edges, you could perhaps add some little campanulas and aubrieta ?
20 May, 2012