A tribute to Yogi
By teds
It is funny how some days we miss a loved one, I was thinking of my dear old Ragdoll cat yogi, who I said goodbye to 18 months ago. He had developed kidney failure, as so many cats do in their later years. I still miss him even though we have our dear old Russian Blue cat Basil to keep us company. In memory of him I have compiled a few photos of him from a kitten to old age.
So here they are for all the Goy members who love cats.
Yogi as a kitten it’s the only one I have. Ragdoll cats don’t get their true coat colouring until about 4 years old.
Yogi at 4 years old at his largest, he was about 15lb and loved to snuggle up in the bedding.
In the garden of our old flat in Guildford he was around 6 years old. I had to carry him down to the garden as we lived on the top floor. He would meow to the word ‘Tats’ if he wanted to go out.
Not amused! at having to pose in a hat.
This photo won him the honour of being Mr October in a RSPCA Calender, he was 7 years old.
Here he was asking me for treats as he knew I couldn’t resist his blue eyes.
In the office at our cottage in Devon. He used to like to curl up next to Paul while he worked. He was 12 years old and starting to sleep most of the time as old cats do.
A comfy seat in the Garden.
My last good memory of him before he got sick, still looking hansome and happy aged 14.
5 Jun, 2011
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We have Basil too! who is lapping up the fact he is now the king pin LOL
5 Jun, 2011
awwww nice tribute Teds - it always saddens me to think of lost loved things - lovely photos and great memories :):):)
5 Jun, 2011
Wasn't he a gorgeous big cat! I'm not surprised you still think of him, he looks like a real character!
5 Jun, 2011
A lovely tribute to very handsome cat.
There's something quite majestic about Ragdolls and their characters are almost dog like, mine knows what "Wanna go out " means and they go and stand by the back gate.
5 Jun, 2011
Gorgeous cat Teds and lovely lovely photos of him! You having to carry him into the garden reminded me of a funny tale. Yesterday was my daughters 21st and as we sat in the restaurant having dinner, her bf suddenly came out with 'Maisy (lhasa apso dog) collapsed today and I had to rush her to the vets'. Of course I was terribly concerned and asked for further details. Turned out he had been playing with her in the garden with a ball for ten minutes. Vet said 'dog is in peak physical condition but you have seriously over-worked her'.....I had to laugh! As the owner of a Jack Russel Terrier who can walk at least 8 miles without complaining or needing a drink! Maisy is fine now thank goodness, but he should really get a proper dog! ;)) Sorry, no offence to all you happy lhasa owners and apologies if I spelled it wrong. I do love Maisy really, but it just made me laugh!
5 Jun, 2011
He was a handsome lad Teds, they are smashing photo`s and I `m delighted to see them, it gives one a happy/sad few moments when looking at photo`s of our beloved pets....
5 Jun, 2011
Lovely tribute and what a beautiful cat he was. Made me well up a little. So sad to lose our little friends. x
7 Jun, 2011
Thanks all for your kind words, I miss running my hands trough is soft fur. Ragdoll cats have the most incredible fur its like a rabbits and a fluffy chick all rolled into one! I kept some of the fur from his comb and I rub it on my cheek sometimes, but its not the same!
7 Jun, 2011
OH bless you, I clipped a curl from Malik before the vet took his body, its nearly two years now since we lost him and we have Brynner but I still miss my special best friend....
7 Jun, 2011
It is nice that you have so many photos to remind you of Ragdoll's beauty. Your remembrance of him made me think of the quote "better to have loved, and lost, than never to have loved at all." Special pets (and in my case, cats) are very close to our hearts and it is hard to see them age and have to leave us.
I am pleased you still have Basil and the two neighbouring cats to keep you company as you spend time in your lovely cottage garden, Teds.
7 Jun, 2011
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Aww, such a lovely cat. I can understand why you miss him so much. At least you have happy memories and lovely photographs.
5 Jun, 2011