I had a nice surprise!
By teds
This year I planted the Wisteria Amethyst Falls not expecting any flower for at least a couple of years. To my surprise the little plant has produced two small flowers. Also I have an Azalea that has been bereft of flower for the past 3 years; to my surprise it also has decided it will flower this year!
The farmer came and cut the grass in the field today, and all the crows have come to feast on all the grasshoppers! One year we were plagued with them; it was like having a swarm of locusts chomping their way through my garden. :-(
This year we have only had the odd one or two thank goodness :-) The goldfinches are still coming, to my delight; last year they disappeared when the summer came. I love watching them through the window in the lounge. We have put a hook to hang over into the field as the seed was making so much mess.
It still blows over though and I’m constantly pulling up little seedlings! but its well worth it to see the birds!
My nice surprise!
I had forgotten what a pretty color it was!.
Looking at the birds through the window
The crows fly in for supper!
The hook into the field
Basil a sleep totally oblivious to the noisy crows in the field.
6 Jun, 2011
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Your wisteria looks lovely havent they got a lovely scent I bought my last year and have a few flowers.... goldfinches come into my garden but do not linger for long our next door neighbours garden is their little haven but my great tits are busy feeding their babes in the nesting box
6 Jun, 2011
How lovely to have baby birds, we put up a nest box last year but they seem to prefer the one next door. I think it's because the box is high up in a tree, but I can hear them when the mum tit feeds them.
6 Jun, 2011
That Wisteria is a beautiful one, Teds and what a clever idea to hang the feeder over the field! I have a 'mini-forest' of seed growing in the border beneath the feeder here. Grrr!
6 Jun, 2011
Hi Teds you are lucky to have goldfinches coming to your garden,and what a lovely surprize about your wisteria its a beauty
6 Jun, 2011
I too was delighted this year after 3 years though, when my wisteria flowered for the first time..Funnily enough i had a Azalea that flowered that hadn't previously, mind you i did put it in proper compost this year..Love your cats watching the birds from the window..
6 Jun, 2011
Hi Cmsue I didn't think wisteria would bloom on so young a plant. We have never had so many finches, I counted 13 at one point, they fight to get on the bird feeder. It's costing us a fortune in seed we call them the Nibble lookers, as they take a seed then look about them. Nibble look nibble look nibble nibble look. LOL
6 Jun, 2011
how lovely to have wisteria growing ~ i love your window ~ it looks so pretty.
6 Jun, 2011
Why thank you Sticky!
6 Jun, 2011
thats the artist and the romantic in you i think!!
6 Jun, 2011
Lovely to get surprises of that variety Teds, very crafty hanging the feeder over the field but such a good idea, the Goldfinch photo is really good, we had lots in the winter but they have deserted us now, I noticed their quirky habit of looking about when they were feeding, its comical, we still have lots more visitors eating me out of house and home, lol...
Basil is away in the land of nod, he has that Do Not Disturb pose, one I know very well....
6 Jun, 2011
It's funny Lin they just will not go this year, they must no their onto a good thing. I put out meal worms and sunflowers harts too, but we have a magpie that comes and hooves it all up before the Blue tits and Robin can get a look in. I have tried leaving Basil in the garden to deter the magpie but he is so old now he just curls up and goes to sleep LOL
6 Jun, 2011
oh dear, i misunderstood ~ i thought you meant that magpies didnt like the herb called basil!!
6 Jun, 2011
LOL Sticky!
6 Jun, 2011
I envy you with your garden visitors, Teds. Our bird population has decreased a bit since Lucy, the cat, has been going out in the garden so the birds are keeping a low profile. I haven't seen her going after any of them but she did play with a mouse the other day until hubby distracted her!
You've done well with your wisteria and azalea, Teds. It is so rewarding when we are surprised by our plants :)
7 Jun, 2011
Teds, beautiful photos. Listening to, and watching, birds is, at least to me, a major part of gardening.
I tend to sit whilst weeding and it's amazing how birds seem to lose their fear of humans when we are sitting and and just pottering about.
Our Wisteria and Azaleas have finished flowering but we usually get a second flowering from the Wisteria. You'll, surely, get more and more pleasure as, year by year, the Wisteria continues to cover the fence.
7 Jun, 2011
i have a cat WL and although we dont get as many birds we still get them ~ if you make sure you put the feeders out of lucy's reach im sure the birds will still come.
7 Jun, 2011
Thanks Epats, I have a magpie that I'm not to keen on at the moment, every time I put food out for the Blue tits down he swoops and gobbles it all up. I'm going to yet again bye more food! it's costing us a fortune in seeds. LOL
7 Jun, 2011
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lovely Teds - I adore Goldfinches!!!
6 Jun, 2011