what's in the bag?
By teds
Got up this morning and it is was such a cold wet dull day; too wet for gardening … D’oh!, cycling… D’oh!, walking… D’oh!
Where can we go? Mmmh – let me think, I KNOW, lets go to Otter Nursery WOOHOO! :^)
So off we trundled to Otter to buy some more stone chippings for the garden.
Time to leave, ho hum. What’s in the bag?
I know! lets stop at Sundial Nursery on the way home for a bacon butty Woohoo!
Paul read the paper while I had a look round.
I found this Bowl of Beauty Peony; I would of loved to of taken this home. Just don’t have the room.
Bacon Butty arrived Woohoo!
Had to drop off some recycling and spotted this abandoned Panda
Awww! she looks so sad D’oh!
This is what was in the bags, what I call a slotter. I keep plants in pots to slot in and out of the garden. Then keep them over at Teds Corner when they have finished flowering. I also brought some lobelia cambridge blue for some edging around the center bed.
I was going to plant the lobilia but
D’OH! its started to rain again.
cold wet dull day D’oh!
what shall I do, Mmmh! let me see, I KNOW i’ll go on GOY!
10 Jun, 2011
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love the story Teds :D Lovely plant - northern star - grassy looking and suits me :):):):)
Lovely pics and now I am tempted to a bacon buttie :D:D:D
10 Jun, 2011
I love that Otter Nurseries. Go there myself when I am down that way. Lovely agapanthus. Gorgeous Peony.
10 Jun, 2011
Angie I payed $10 for the Agapanthus, I read some were they like to be pot bound and will produce more flower when restricted. They are ideal slotters as the flower stands so proud of the leaves.
Paul hope your well enough to enjoy a bacon butty :^)
Cinderella I loved that Peony too! I think I might just pop that way next week, and see what jumps in my bag! LOL. I don't really have the room, but just maybe it could live in a pot over at teds corner when its not in bloom.
10 Jun, 2011
Will try lol :):)
10 Jun, 2011
Did I read a bacon butty, that looks like more than 'a' butty to me. naughty naughty, can't talk though because I am having two bacon butties tomorrow hee hee hee hee!! Good on yer Teds,
10 Jun, 2011
Olive I certainly enjoyed them, but not the inchs on my waste line! What waste line! I here my OH say LOL. Go for it Olive, we can work it off in the garden!
10 Jun, 2011
Yay - I hate to admit it to you Teds, but I have two every Saturday morning, our helper friends come over and we have them at lunch time every Saturday, then as things wind down towards end August/September I cook a full English breakfast for all of us, Bacon, eggs, blackpudding, fried tatties, tomatoes, sausages and baked beans. What a guts we all are eh!
10 Jun, 2011
Great blog made me smile! Love the Agapanthus and i too use the idea of slotting in a plant in a pot :o)
10 Jun, 2011
Olive when can I come! Yum! yum! He He
Sk glad I put a smile on your face. My garden is so small, its the only way I can get to grow more plants, and have different flowers in season. The only problem is Teds Corner is getting over crowded with slotter's. I'm just going to have to draw the line somewhere.
10 Jun, 2011
Sounds like my sort of day Teds! Lovely garden centres, lovely nursery, lovely plants, lovely 'GIANT!' bacon butties! In fact...Whoohoo! Lol!
10 Jun, 2011
Lipsmacking or what?
10 Jun, 2011
I`ll have a bucket of rainwater please Teds, baconbutties sounds good as does a day browsing plants with or without having the room to put anymore, one always likes to look, can`t help it if a little something wants to come and live in our garden.....
10 Jun, 2011
Here Here Lincslass.
10 Jun, 2011
Lin, its funny how things just jump out at you, and end up in a bag! I have noticed it is something most GoY Members have problems with LOL
10 Jun, 2011
Thanks Teds.
Interesting on the price. It might be about the same in $$ for one here. I don't quite understand why they are pricy because they grow like crazy here. In the ground or pots. They do like sun though. In fact in my clients garden there are so many, too many, as I'm re-vamping his garden he says throw them out. I took some home and made a road side border with them, but sadly the deplorable people that I live among have the tops pulled of most of them. Strange people here, they just can't see an Agapanthus with a bud or they pull it off. :-( It saddens me.
Good luck with yours.
11 Jun, 2011
Guess what - Otter is my favourite GC too - I wonder if it's the same branch that you go too? Near Ottery St Mary? :-))) It's a fair ole' trip from here, but well worth it. You were VERY restrained, Teds!
11 Jun, 2011
letting a gardener loose in a garden centre is like letting a kid loose in a sweetshop! you exercised heroic restraint, Teds. I go to shops to buy A, but often come out with half of the rest of the alphabet as well.
Raining here as well; pity we can't export it
12 Jun, 2011
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Lovvvvvvvve that Peony! OM goodness! Amazing beauty!
Seems u spent your day nicely.
May I ask what An Agapanthus cost in your neck of the world? They can be quite pricy here, at least for the dark blue ones. They can be about $30.00 The medium blue are much more reasonable.
I like your idea of using potted plants to fill in bare spots I've done that at times.
Happy gardening.
10 Jun, 2011