Carrot top
By teds
Paul my OH has always wanted me to have my hair red so today I took the plunge! it must have been
growing all those carrots at Teds Corner that finally made up my mind, because it’s has gone to my head!.
9 Jun, 2011
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Hi Cinderella, I'm not quite sure myself but OH has a thing about redheads, he said ever time he looks at me now he comes over all funny! so that can't be bad LOL
9 Jun, 2011
.............he said ever time he looks at me now he comes over all funny!........
Do you mean he laughs?
Only joking.... I rather like the 'new you'...
9 Jun, 2011
looks lovely Teds - I love red hair too :):)
9 Jun, 2011
Well it doesnt matter what we all think does it. If it gets OH in the mood then who am I to say. Carry on !!!!
9 Jun, 2011
Cheeky monkey Expats, but it made us both laugh, I will keep my hair red for the summer I think! then go darker in the winter again. It makes a change! the only thing is I'm going to have to bye new cloths to go with the red hair. What a shame! LOL
9 Jun, 2011
Tanks Paul, that's two vote's for yes to red! I'm not sure myself, it will take some getting used to! You can certainly see me coming when the sun shines that's for sure LOL
9 Jun, 2011
Go for it Teds - I started going red about 9 months ago just for a change and it has made me feel much less dowdy and more perky now - I love it !
9 Jun, 2011
Thanks Mariek, I'm sure I will get used to it! as long as the OH is happy then so I'm I :^)
9 Jun, 2011
Really suits you, takes years off you :)
9 Jun, 2011
I agree with Donna, it's an excellent cut, really frames your face and yes, you definitely look younger red! Keep it Teds...if you like it! :)))
9 Jun, 2011
I like it, like the cut too suits you
9 Jun, 2011
Well thanks all! that has boosted my confidence. I thought my head turning days had gone! but I did get some looks when I came out of the hairdressers. Wasn't sure what people were thinking? I won't have to were the head scarf tomorrow now LOL
9 Jun, 2011
I really does suit you, I think when you change your hair colour your personality changes slightly. So have fun as a red head :D
9 Jun, 2011
I once had my hair highlighted with purple and the rest blonde. It looked fantastic, I loved it, but I couldn't bear the attention...everyone looking at me in the street, so I gave up on it!
9 Jun, 2011
Teds, there is no mistaking it is very red :) I am (or rather was), a natural redhead but the grey has been creeping in. My daughter dyed it for me a few years ago and I loved was very close to my natural colour.
Only did it the once and only today when visiting a friend I said to her that I'd like to dye it again the same. Must cajole my daughter to do another dye job for me :)
I do think the style suits you and if the colour makes you feel good (and hubby seems to appreciate it too) then I vote for the new colour too. If you do feel self-conscious be sure and wear that lovely sun hat you have :)
9 Jun, 2011
Teds...I Love It!! I think it suits your colouring very well, it makes you look lovely and tanned! It'll take a while to get used too, it is a big difference, but it's great! You look very pretty!
9 Jun, 2011
From one 'red-head' to another - "Join the fiery club!"
10 Jun, 2011
Emma, blonds have more fun lets hope redheads do too! Thanks for the comment!
Karen, You should have stuck with it, a friend of mine has blond and purple hair and wears the most outlandish young cloths. She is very slim and looks as young as her daughter. She is 50 and suffers badly with ME but doesn't let it get her down. On really bad days she will put on her bright cloths and hair accessories and strut her stuff. At 55 I'm not that brave or have the figure to carry it off; but now at least when I'm out with her I will feel less like the dowdy hen against the stunning peacock.
Thanks WL for you kind words, I will certainly have to wear my sun hat in the sun, apparently dyed red hair fades very quickly and it wasn't cheep to get done. I nearly fell away when I had to had over £85 pounds. My normal colour is only £45 but she had to strip out the old colour first, so what ever, I'm going to keep it until the grey starts to grow again.
Thank you Libet, at 55 I'm not often called pretty anymore, except by the one person that counts (my OH). It's so lovely to have the complement from another person especially one as beautiful as yourself.
Nariz, thanks for the invitation to the fiery club, I'm not sure how long I will be in it, or if the reputation that have redheads have will manifest in me, but here's hoping LOL.
10 Jun, 2011
Your hair colouring will have been more permanent (and costly) than the boxed one my daughter used for my hair but I was very pleased with the result and it isn't permanent so eventually fades out. You've spurred me on and I will have to see if she remembers what colour we used and then cajole her into doing it for me again.
You are right, Teds, that it puts a spring in your step and makes you feel and look young at heart with the uplift of a "dye job."
10 Jun, 2011
I really like it Teds and the cut......You can always dye it back if OH starts to become too much of a pest Lol!
Karen do you have any pics of the blond & purple do?
10 Jun, 2011
Once a redhead - always a redhead! It gets into the psyche and you'll find yourself being more flamboyant; wearing stronger colours; wanting to learn the Tango; all sorts of mischief!
10 Jun, 2011
Sadly no, I don't have any photos...remember how I lost all my pics in the spring? It was very very short and funky. I loved it. Teds, maybe I will have it again when I am 50, not long now, and slim down a bit and strutt my stuff! :))
10 Jun, 2011
You can strutt your stuff now Karen ;o))
10 Jun, 2011 I don't think I can Annie. I doubt I will when I'm 50 either! lol...I'll be hiding in a corner somewhere with a glass of Pimms and a gardening magazine!!
10 Jun, 2011
............I nearly fell away when I had to hand over £85 pounds.........
No wonder your OH , "feels all funny " when he looks at you. It's the blood rushing to his wallet
10 Jun, 2011
Yes, I find that £6 every month on a home-colour is just fine!
10 Jun, 2011
Verrrrry nice Teds.....
10 Jun, 2011
LOL Expats, yes it was a bit of a shock. Paul gives me a allowance ever month bless him. I don't work now, due to ill health. I have promised him when i'm 60 I will give him the lump sum I get from my pension.
Karen I used to dye my hair at home myself, but since my AF I'm so worried about the fumes setting off an attack. It got to the stage of me having to try and do it in the garden, then wrapping cling film round my head to stop the fumes. It used to scare the birds LOL
10 Jun, 2011
Oh gosh! that's so sweet!! (blushing madly!!) It's my birthday today, so now I'm only 3 years behind you!! And you DO look pretty!! :0)x
11 Jun, 2011
Happy birthday Libet!!!!!! Mine is a week on Sunday......You can't beat a good Gemini Lol
11 Jun, 2011
Absolutely Annella! Especially since I'm a twin myself! ;0) Happy Birthday for next Sunday, pet!!
11 Jun, 2011
Gemini twins! Thanks, I hope the weather is a bit better than yesterday.
13 Jun, 2011
13 Jun, 2011
Sorry this is a bit late BUT....Girl you look Gorgeous! :0)
5 Jul, 2011
Thanks Sueb, but I have decided to go back to my darker color, its very hard to find cloths to go with ginger hair. The OH has now decided he likes it darker too! I only did it for him in the first place, so what ever pleases him then I'm happy. :-)
5 Jul, 2011
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Well it looks nice, but I think I prefer the little smiling dark haired girl in your avatar if I am honest. The question really is do YOU like it better.
9 Jun, 2011