First time Blogger
Ok, so lets get this straight… i have never created a blog in my life, i am slightly computer literate, so this is all going to be a bit of a challenge, but there are two reasons i have decided to put this blog together.
Firstly, i have recently started a career in horticulture, which also invlolves me attending college at Shuttleworth in Bedfordshire for a short time to gain my RHS level II certificate in Horticulture. Hopefully this blog will give people chance to offer me advice with regards to certain projects i intend to carry out in the coming months, and also offer the chance to share any problems/soluions i come across along the way.
Secondly, i have recently gained partnership on a contract for a two acre garden (approximately) that originally started its life as a paddock about 10 years ago. It has already been designed and developed, however although the garden is awe inspiring, it also comes with a variation of issues due to a period of neglect by a gardener who was not qualified. Hence, thats why i have decided to return to education after 15 years !!! God help me !!!
So, if you wish to take part in my blog, offer me advice, or generally just say hello to tell me how your prize plants are looking, or even just look at the pictures i put up you are more than welcome. Happy Gardening !!! Paul
12 Aug, 2009
Next post: THANKS-A-LOT!
Hello Paul and welcome to GoY :))
That garden certainly is awe looks fantastic!
Best of luck with your RHS level 2.
12 Aug, 2009
Wow!! the pergola is amazzzzing. I would love a pergola, but my garden slopes too much. What a great job you have, and you are lucky enough to be studying as well.
12 Aug, 2009
Welcome to GoY Paul. How lucky you are to have such a fantastic garden to work in. It's certainly going to keep you busy with your studies as well. Hope we shall see more pics of it in the future.
12 Aug, 2009
Hi Paul....Welcome to GoY.
Good luck with your garden work...
.... much more fun that cooking :o)
12 Aug, 2009
Looks like your going to have your work cut out Paul, thats a big garden.Good luck with the RHS, I have just finnished a years training at Kew so I know what its like. You will find plenty of friendly advice from GOY and we will enjoy watching your garden progress.
12 Aug, 2009
Hi Paul. Welcome to GoY
12 Aug, 2009
Good luck with your work and your course and I for one will be delighted to read your blogs and see the photo`s,thanks for sharing..........
13 Aug, 2009
Wow - what a great place to be working in. :-)
14 Aug, 2009
if i had a garden that size i would employ a gardener or retire early and do it myself!
good luck ................steve
14 Aug, 2009
I am the (keen)gardener, and yes I do wish it was mine. A fairly new contract which i commit 3 full days to each week along with a business partner who does the same. At the moment we are putting in about 160 hours a month between us... It is very much a pleasure to be there and i cant wait to see what it looks like next spring/summer. The Cut Flower Garden needs a complete overhaul and at the moment we are looking at removing stuff from there and placing it elsewhere in the garden so we can start from scratch !!! The dahlias are spectacular but think they would be better received in the wall garden, and the gladioli maybe at the rear of the column garden behind the huge rocks. They would be sheltered by the ewe hedge !! Still very much in the planning stages ready for Autumn to start a lot of the re-arranging !! Garden still always in constant use so have to try to minimise chaos to sections at a time !!! Thanks, yours and everyone elses good luck is warmly received... Nice day !
14 Aug, 2009
TLG i have been a landscape gardener for last 20 years i also have been to college to aquire my papers but i was never given the opportunity to look after a gem like that,you lucky devil.keep up the good work and the bloggs.
16 Aug, 2009
Many thanks... never complacent, always learning, pretty much why i joined this site, and so far have been overwhelmed by good luck comments... many thanks to each and every one of you... much love !!! Hope i can keep the blog interesting enough for all of you.
16 Aug, 2009
What - with a garden like that?? Of course we''ll be interested!!!
16 Aug, 2009
Hi Paul. I'm a bit late but welcome to GoY. What a lovely place to work.
Good for you for making a career change to something you love. I recently did the same thing and I'm so glad I did.
Good luck with your course and I hope all goes well. I'm looking forward to your future blogs and photos. :o)
19 Aug, 2009
Recent posts by thelonegardener
- Cut Flower Garden
24 Nov, 2010
- The Dell in November
21 Nov, 2010
- A Garden to fall in love with.
10 Aug, 2010
- Extra help needed
28 Jul, 2010
- Whats new !!
15 Mar, 2010
- Crassulata ovata "Japonica"
16 Feb, 2010
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6 Aug, 2009
The first picture is the main lawn. Finally i have got the ride-on mower back after a long service, as it takes forever and a day with a 20in blade on self-propelled Honda!!!
The second picture is the Entrance to the Pergola, which stretches nearly the whole length of the garden, approx 125 feet long !!!! Stunning between May-July, but much work needed here.
The third picture is just to give you an idea of the length of the garden... sorry not a great picture though... You can see the house on the horizon and the red umbrellas are on the patio by the Large pond.
12 Aug, 2009