Dell revisited
I was remarking before about “The trouble with Cordylines” and how after the Winter we had i lost some in the Dell. Well, the good news is even though they have died, small ones are sprouting out from the ground and i am hopeful that new ones are going to replace the old. I tied one up with string, but think i have to cut the dead bit off now… Any advice???
I spent most of yesterday tidying the dell, as i finally have the hover mower back, which was needed to mow the banks. I also planted a border of (5)Phormiums to the rear, and revealed a hidden Cordyline. The bamboo is becoming jungle like which is great, and the palms have certainly added to the look! Right in the bottom of the Dell, just next to the jetty some remarkable yellow flowers have appeared, and here the Gunnera are HUGE! The wild razor sharp grass needs cuting back at some point as well. A really nice area though and I am looking forward to expanding on what is already in place.
I dont know if i mentioned it but for quite a few years now i have had a passion for sunflowers. Finally i have taken some snaps of them in the cut flower garden, and too be fair this has to the tallest i have ever grown them. I am guessing that the tallest one is approx 11ft as the ewe hedge is 8 ft tall. I have included pictures from a distance as well to try and give some perspective…
Hope u like…Much love… TheLoneGardener
18 Aug, 2009
Previous post: Been busy up at the Manor !
Next post: Forgive me, I am still alive!
Much love :p
18 Aug, 2009
That is stunning Tlg, not too sure about cordylines I have only one and it just .... well grows I dont do anything to it except take off the dead fronds.
18 Aug, 2009
What a fabulous place to work, so much variety. Bet you can't wait to go to work each day!
There's been quite a lot on GoY recently about cutting down cordylines and how well they sprout from the bottom. Well, I did mine about 4 weeks ago as I wanted to keep it low and .......nothing! At first I though I saw a tiny bud sprouting but it didn't come to anything. Should I give up on it?
19 Aug, 2009
Youre quite right!!! I try to get there for 7am so i can listen to the wildlife. Was minding my own business yesterday down by the dell, when all of a sudden two magpies jumped frantically out of this tree(joy)closely followed by some sort of falcon, that swooped towards the ground on exit narrowly missing me before vanishing into thin air!!! WOW! In Bedfordshire?!?
With regards to cordyline... i would persevere as my shoots are still very young maybe about 1week to 2 weeks growth. Dont know where you are/difference in climate/coastal??? Was it a healthy plant that you cut back or a dead one !! Maybe try giving it some mulch around the base and a bit of food, sorry definitely not an expert on Cordylines!?!?!?!
Good luck!!!
19 Aug, 2009
LILY-2 Try asking the wonderful(member) BERNIEH... she is austrailian, and her cordylines are you`d expect... Good Luck
19 Aug, 2009
Thanks TLG I'll do that. Yes the cordyline was healthy before I cut it down, which makes it even worse! It's a red one (or was) in a pot and destined to stay there but I liked the idea of a low bushy one instead of tall one. It was looking a bit odd in the pot at the height it was, neither one thing or the other and it seemed like a good idea at the time. I'm in Berkshire so no extreme weather to contend with.
A falcon, your job just gets better and better doesn't it?
19 Aug, 2009
Recent posts by thelonegardener
- Cut Flower Garden
24 Nov, 2010
- The Dell in November
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- A Garden to fall in love with.
10 Aug, 2010
- Extra help needed
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- Whats new !!
15 Mar, 2010
- Crassulata ovata "Japonica"
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You do work in a smashing garden and I can understand your comment on your profile about feeling as though you`ve gone to heaven,after being in the kitchen all those years, working amongst all that beauty must be bliss.I ,like very much and thankyou for sharing, great photo`s.......
18 Aug, 2009