Forgive me, I am still alive!
Ok, so I know i disappeared for a while but being my first year of business, and having recently started college, it has been difficult to find time to keep up with the blog. I need your help now as I am looking for some inspiration with regards to this fantastic pergola. I so hope I`m forgiven :-o
As you can see it is of some considerable length. There are various climbing plants going up trellis along the sides at equal points, comprising off wisteria, and clematis, but the most fascinating spectacle is the golden chandeliers of Laburnum x watereri floating through the roof of the pergola in the flowering season.
My main focal point where the problem lies is the entrance to the pergola. You enter through the left hand side, not the top, and I have to find a suitable climbing plant, that flowers prolifically for most of the season as it is a focal point from the house. The idea is to block the area so you can only come in from the left, and not be able to see down it from the house. The main problem is that the wind shoots down this `tunnel` at a rate of knots, so it has to be fast growing, or semi-mature, and withstand the tests of endurance :(
I considered putting two different Campsis, (Campsis radican, and Campsis Indian summer) here but am not sure. It is very much a full sun spot, but in the open. The soil is clay deep down but the top has been well worked with compost/manure.
Please,.. I welcome any ideas that people can give me, I have sifted through so many books, looked at so many pictures. I am also curious about long flowering perennials for the borders to replace some worn out plants and would like to know if anyone has some favourite Chrysanthemums (varieties) they would recommend for spring onwards. I am hoping to plant approx 1000 tulip bulbs along it in the coming weeks, that should be fun :)
SO ! Thanks for your time…. more blogs to follow… I promise.
8 Nov, 2009
Previous post: Dell revisited
Next post: Crassula ovata
May I suggest you consider Perennial Sweet Pea Lathyrus latifolius which has the RHS Award of Garden Merit which I saw this summer. I know it Flowers June to September and quickly grows to approximately 6-8 ft up a support. It thrives in full sun and a rich soil. I didnt see this but was informed that the flowers just before dawn and before dusk have an almost luminescent glow. You might also like to consider a Bronze Chrysanthemum - Excitement, Pink chrysanthemum - Alpha. Good luck thats a lovely pergola
8 Nov, 2009
You are forgiven, especially letting us see sights like this, that pergola is some size!
8 Nov, 2009
Great, It was nice to see your pergola. I shall look forward to more.
8 Nov, 2009
I LOVE that pergola, your whole garden's wonderful Lonegardener :-)
9 Nov, 2009
Just a thought - Eccremocarpus scaber - grow it from seed, keep a constant supply of baby plants going - in a sheltered spot, it will remain evergreen and flowers ten months of the year, though more usually won't start till early May and finishes end October. Its actually an annual, as you know, but so easy to raise from seed and a very fast grower. The other one is Tropaeleum peregrinum, also easy and very fast. For permanence, think I'd try Trachleospermum jasminoides - evergreen, and when its not flowering, if you've got the first two I mentioned, or one of them, that'd make up for it. Only trouble with Trachleospermum is it doesn't get very tall, but in combination, this might work. There's a variegated version of Trachleospermum too, I've never seen it, but would absolutely love one myself.
And please, YOU MUST promise to post pics when the laburnum's in flower - I haven't seen a laburnum walk for years, and I love laburnum;-)
9 Nov, 2009
Lovely, and welcome back.
9 Nov, 2009
Thanks to all of you for your inspiring comments. I will be sure to check out ur blog, Spritz, and we do have some wisteria that hopefully will put on a better show next year than it did this year. The problem was in the previous year, pre-TLG, the pergola was pruned along the top with a hedge trimmer. There is an abundance of roses/clematis that climb the posts at different junctures, so its a case of trying to keep them from going up, and more spreading along the length of the pergola. Also an incessant battle with virginia creeper that keeps finding its way there and reseeding itself somehow ?!? I was considering sweet pea and will certainly check out the Lathyrus latifolius, it sounds fantastic. I`m also a big fan of penstemon. Was hoping to plant a selection of parrot tulips and viridflora tulips along the borders, however my partner, who I share this particular contract with is suggesting to keep it simple Tulip Cherida (lemon yellow) and Tulip Negrita (purple). I have recently supplied all of my other customers with these type, plus various Kaufmania and Greigii so either way I willl be rewarded. Looking forward to seeing the Blue Heron variety as well... Thanks Bamboo, I will google these wonderful naming plants
Eccremocarpus scaber, and Trachleospermum jasminoides and take a look. So once again, many thanks, much to do, the garden is about 2 acres, and although its not my garden, I cant help but feel passionate whenever I am there. It is a stunning place to work, and with one eye looking toward Spring, the other eye is definitely seeing the mountain of jobs that need attention in order for this piece of paradise to bloom to its full potential.
Love you all- TLG
9 Nov, 2009
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- Cut Flower Garden
24 Nov, 2010
- The Dell in November
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- A Garden to fall in love with.
10 Aug, 2010
- Extra help needed
28 Jul, 2010
- Whats new !!
15 Mar, 2010
- Crassulata ovata "Japonica"
16 Feb, 2010
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Love the pergola - it's great! Welcome back. Campsis sounds good. Is Wisteria a thought, too?
I wrote a blog on 'good do-ers' recently - that has a number of long-flowering perennials in it, and I hope it will help you!
Chrysanths? In the spring? I would have expected them to flower in late summer and autumn. I have a pink one which is lovely - it has been in flower for several weeks - C. 'Mei Kyo'. It's on my page, under the 'my garden' section, if you want to see it.
Good luck with the tulips! Which ones are you planting?
8 Nov, 2009