That Nursery again!
By thorneyside
I’ve spent 2 or 3 hours each day for a couple of days weeding those pots of day lillies and perennials and felt I was getting somewhere. On taking a closer look at the old cold frames at the back of the nursery I came across a few more all but lost in a sea of weeds.
You can just see the labels poking out from the brambles and weeds.
I also made a start on the greenhouse although it’s going to take a lot of work just to empty it of the rubbish. Such a shame.
I’ve found lots more plants that will need weeding but one step at a time.
There are lots of Lavander plants but they might be too leggy to cut back, Hebe, Alchemilla mollis plants in pots and seeded all around the frames too, Geraniums but I have to wait for them to flower to see what they are. So many different plants that I’m amazed they are still alive under the amount of weeds and no water.
Alchemilla mollis
I have no idea what this plant is so any suggestions please.
Some of the de weeded plants but plenty of work to be done yet.
Time for a bath to get fit for an action replay tomorrow, subject to weather. Today has been glorious, 22 degrees. Then I had to come back and water plants here. I think it’s called living the good life!
16 May, 2015
Previous post: A Nursery, a work in progress.
Next post: Day lily heaven or hell, not sure.
How satisfying is that, to look back and see how much you have achieved so far. The greenhouse looks intact so that's a good start and with the staging too, so as you say it's just a matter of 'hoicking' it all out, cleaning and seeing what you've got!
The pink plant is one of the candelabra primulas, though I don't know which one, but very pretty.
What a shame that the previous owner let it all go through illness, age or disinterest, but keep up the good work and well done.
It's amazing what can survive even without all our pandering to them!
16 May, 2015
Thanks, I can only take it a bit at a time but it's so peaceful there I could spend all day there given half a chance. Due to grandchildren and great grandchildren visiting today I haven't been but hoping to be back "on parade" tomorrow.
17 May, 2015
Such a lot to do, but gradually you'll get it done I'm sure. Keep at it ! :)
17 May, 2015
Thanks Hywel. Steragram, I don't know how long it's been left but the previous man has been ill for some time. He tried to house the collection of day lillies, he said over 800 but couldn't find anyone to take them. I believe the collection was "inherited" from a Mr Cook when he passed away. Not being a day lilly enthusiast I really don't know much more.
18 May, 2015
Such a lot of work but what you've done looks great already, lucky the daylilies are such tough plants :-) I found one in the compost bin once a year after throwing ( far to much of it)and it was still growing !! Sure the way you re going it'll be sorted in no time :-)
19 May, 2015
Its like a treasure trove isn't it, the g'house doesn't actually look too bad in itself and as Honey said hoick it all outside and go from there, isn't that a wonderful way of wording it, must have been sad looking at it at first,when you know that it was obviously a well cared for nursery for many years, I hope the previous owner didn't see what was happening to it, its good watching you putting it to rights, helping all those plants breathe again, don't you have any grandchildren of an age whereby they could take on a corner, gardeners of the future...Bribery often works or giving them a challenge to make it more interesting.....
19 May, 2015
I just found a label in one of the pink plants, Lychnis viscaria. There is also one with alba which hasn't flowered yet. Can't wait to see it.
29 May, 2015
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You are so brave, tackling all this! How long had it been neglected before you took it on? the polytunnel looks great and ready for customers already!
16 May, 2015