"Seasons Past But Never Forgotten"
It seems the older we get its first the “Just a Minute” then the hours followed by days, then weeks, months and years starting at a snail’s pace and finishing like a speeding ‘E’ Type Jag. Pity it did not have a reverse gear. When I was young I remember sitting at my desk in a prefab extension to a old Victorian Style primary school watching the electric wall clock, the red coloured minute hand seemed an age to tick the final 15 minutes of the school day. We grow up some of us wishing our lives away.Cant wait until pay-day, roll on the weekend , soon be Christmas were a few of the many phrases that I heard and later on in life it was I can’t wait for retirement.
Next April I’m 65. It only seems like yesterday that I was a five year old in Singapore, my father screaming for me to BREAK!!!!. .. Dad was teaching my brother and I how to ride a two wheeler.. (I did find the break )
I just wish that we had more photographs like we do now.
Many you have seen before but I will try to include the different flowers that I have managed to grow in our little plot of land….. Please excuse the grammar as this was my worse subject in the many schools that I attended..
One Of The First Pictures I Posted On GOU
I have so many more to add
My garden is not only just for me but for the whole family to enjoy. We also share our garden with many visiting birds, and I think it’s the flowers that bring the insects that entice them. My biggest mistake was applying weed killer to the lawn to rid of moss but in turn I’ve killed all of the daises and clover off so no more hover or drone flies.
I also share this blog with www.ispyabird.com
18 Dec, 2011
Previous post: Winds inScotland 08/11/2011
Next post: My Feathery Friends
Lovely bright-flowered blog - apart from that slug!!!!!!!!
18 Dec, 2011
Only 65? You're nobbut a lad! When I was little, there were always 2 years between birthdays and Christmasses, now I'm older, there are barely 6 months! It's hardly worth taking the tree down!
However fast your time is passing, you're obviously making wonderful use of it - your garden and pictures are incredible. I very nearly used "Feed and weed with moss killer" too, on our very scruffy lawn, but came to my senses just in time. It's more than 50% white clover and there's a lot of moss, too, but in summer, if there were just grass, it'd make a very poor show. We can't walk up the garden in bare feet, we'd be walking on wall-to-wall bees on the white clover flowers. We wouldn't want to lose that, would we? I can just smell the wallflowers, pinks, buddleia and lilies in your garden now, Tommy.
So glad you found the brake all those years ago!
18 Dec, 2011
A well-written blog, Tommy, with lovely photos.
Yes, as we get older, time seems to go past very quickly.... and we have to "stop and smell the roses" as often as possible ...
I hope you have a lovely Christmas, followed by happiness and good health in 2012. :o) x
18 Dec, 2011
What a treat for a cold winter morning, Tommy! So much colour and some lovely specimens in there. I particularly like the irises and lilies and all those glorious baskets.
Spring still seems a long way away, but if time goes as quickly as it seems to do these days - you're right about that - it will be here before we know it.
Meanwhile, I wish you happy times for the festive season and a good gardening year in 2012.
18 Dec, 2011
You've got lots of lovely flowers and your garden looks a nice place to relaxe in.
Time flies, so make the most of it.
Have a wondeful Christmas :o)
18 Dec, 2011
Don't forget, Tommy, we had the best childhoods.
We were allowed to wander (there were still fields and not shopping malls).
We weren't afraid that there were paedophiles behind every bush so we went out early and came home late without having to phone our parents every half hour.
We didn't have 'brand name trainers'; they were called 'plimsoles'.
We scavenged 'dumps' for old bits of bikes and built our own.
Policemen were figures of authority, on foot or on bikes, and were helpful.
The summers were always sunny and lasted for ever.
Christmas started in December; not August.
At least that's how I remember things; but then again, perhaps it's just my age and my memory is playing tricks!
18 Dec, 2011
Smashing blog Tommy, beautiful flowers and so many of them i really enjoyed them. Cant wait for the spring to come, oh here I go I am doing it as well. I know just what you mean.
18 Dec, 2011
Beautiful photos of your lovely garden Tommy. Enjoyed looking at them.
18 Dec, 2011
Wonderful photos Tommy EXCEPT for the one with the slug in it !!! I hate slugs.
18 Dec, 2011
Lovely blog Tommy. Nice to go back over the year and see everything you had in bloom. Here's to next summer (2012) and to many more beautiful flowering plants in your garden!
18 Dec, 2011
Was that a little tease to us gardeners to see if we were paying attention? - I refer to the slug slipped into the photos. - lol.
Loved the photos really cheery on such a cold day. Your garden looks lovely:-)))))
18 Dec, 2011
No, expats, I don't think your memory is playing tricks. I remember all those things too - you must have lived next door to me. Great pictures Tommy.
18 Dec, 2011
Yes, I remember you. I borrowed your bucket and spade, by the pier.
I hope you don't want it back,as I'm still using it....LOL
Merry Christmas!
18 Dec, 2011
I knew it was you, glad they are still in use after all these years. x Merry Christmas to you too.
18 Dec, 2011
Thanks all for lovely comments and yes expat I can still remember my grandfather leaving the back door unlocked
I was waiting for Gattina's comment of You're nobbut a lad ,
My mother still gets the same about being a young whipper snapper and she's 92 next June.
May I take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Christmas and good luck for 2012.
20 Dec, 2011
PS. I did slip in the slug
20 Dec, 2011
I was only kidding you, Tommy, I'm not much older myself - just trying to reassure myself, not you!!! :-)))
20 Dec, 2011
No troubles Gattina, love your name.
20 Dec, 2011
I'm pretty taken with yours, too, TommySL! Mine just means (female) kitten in Italian. (More like an old cat, I think!)
20 Dec, 2011
I see you like a laugh too Gattina with your old cat but at least you have nine lives. I called myself Tommyshortlegs because I use to have a nick name as short ar*e and thought that the former would be more appropriate ..........
On some other sites I am also known as tommyfattummy........
20 Dec, 2011
Thats the first true laugh out loud I've had all day, Tommy S/A!
20 Dec, 2011
NICE ONE GATTINA : I was also called drag a*** and maggot
but won't tell you why I was called maggot. Bet you laugh again.
Happy Christmas
20 Dec, 2011
Oh Dear! My imagination has gone into overdrive - even at this time of the morning. I shan't be able to sleep now.
20 Dec, 2011
Morning, I just can't sleep these days
21 Dec, 2011
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What lovely flowers tommy, I particularly like the lilies, those callas are gorgeous, the dahlias and the poppy.
18 Dec, 2011