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Dan Pearce Garden Design, competition entry


Well I wrote a while ago about a garden design competition I was entering and I thought I had better let you know how I gat on.

I made it through to the final 30 (yes 30 they obviously had lots of entries), the 30 that were shortlisted then got judged on the final day fpr innovative design and presentation.

They liked my use of colour on the design and the choice of plants.

This is all new as I have never attempted something like this and I wondered if I was being a little to boring and reliable by not designing something a bit more whacky.

The 3 that were chosen all look very good and I dont think any of the winners were students. So the bath and West show is running a competition so I shall try that one and send in a design.

Below are the drawings I sent in for the jackson fences competition.

These were all hand drawn and I am competing with a lot of computer drawn designs, we dont learn how to use computer software until next year on the course.

I know I need to be a bit more cutting edge if I am to make a career from garden design yet it is hard to get out of the habit of thinking whats affordable for the average person.

Let me know what you think.

Currently assisting RAF Odiham with their RHS Bloom project. I have given them some sketches of a wildlife garden with insect hotels, wildlife pond, bird boxes and a list of plants for that the children can plant.
They get judged in June/ July by the RHS for the Greening up your neighbourhood competition.

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Very interesting, good luck with the next project...

31 Mar, 2011


Well done to get as far as you did because I bet there were hundreds of entries. Good luck with your next competition.

31 Mar, 2011


I'll have to get you to design my back garden (grass field) ... the prize could be a bottle of whiskey!

31 Mar, 2011


Good result, it must be a great feeling to know you were shortlisted, I wish you well for future entries......

31 Mar, 2011


Good luck with all your efforts.

31 Mar, 2011


I think you are doing some lovely designs for the competitions and hand-drawn designs must take more effort to produce than the computer images...well done to get so far. All the best for the future entries as well :)

I particularly like the fenced garden design...almost akin to a secret garden.

31 Mar, 2011


A friend who is a well respected garden designer in Edinburgh never uses a computer, sits at her drawing board and creates so that the client can see all the different layers and features properly.

31 Mar, 2011


hand drawn is maybe a feature you could advertise-- in this age it will be 'different'-- and looking at your work thoroughly professional-- well done!

31 Mar, 2011


i think your designs are great T&T`s, there are so many entries for these things now but i think you did well to get to the final 30 and i think you should go for the next one, i agree its all computers now but i think hand drawn is so much better, good luck :o)

31 Mar, 2011


Congratulations on getting to the last 30,what an encouraging achievement.I love your hand drawn designs,and good luck in all your new ventures..

31 Mar, 2011


Thanks for all the nice comments. The competition that I entered you had to submit 3 drawings. 1 plan view, 1 planting plan and a 3d view of the garden. You then had to fill out a cost of the build, the maintenance of the garden as this would have stayed in place for a year as well as a whole host of other paperwork.
But always looking forward Bath & West show is at the end of summer, they want a draft design and then if you are accepted you have to supply full drawings in June.
I may have a stab at that one.

31 Mar, 2011


Very impressive, I am sure people would prefer hand drawn plans, I know I would, good luck with the next venture.

31 Mar, 2011


All the best with your plans to enter the Bath & West show with your garden design (it entails a lot of work...but good practice to provide so much detail in your entry). Do keep us updated with your progress, Trees :)

1 Apr, 2011

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