New plants and favourites
During the week I ordered some new plants for the garden.
Some Primula Aurcula
Some Astilbies
Various ground cover plants such as sedum Kamschaticum, Cerasticum, Gypsophylla, Campanula Carpatica and Thymus Serphyllum.
As well as several perennials Delphinium Blue, Marguerite Silver Princess and some Campanulas.
But I would be interested to hear what youre 5 favourite hardy perennials and 5 hardy annuals are.
I must admit I have a thing for Primulas and Foxgloves and I always keep my eyes open for new additions.
Delphiniums are definately a must for me this year as I purchased two last year and I am intent on increasing on these this year.
What are youre favourites. As I might just pinch some ideas.
Oh it’s really sunny today, still a bit of a chill in the air but I shall be out weeding any minute now.
7 Feb, 2009
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Bluespruce these are good as they dont take any real looking after apart from slugs on Hostas, a bit of triming on Geraniums to get a second flush and the obvious dividing of the Hemerocallis and Crocosmia.
I have all these and they are all stalwarts in the garden, just doing there own thing.
I love youre choice.
7 Feb, 2009
My list is:
Hardy geraniums (do very well in my wet clay soil)
Geums (ditto wet clay soil)
Evening primrose (all sorts)
Verbena bonariensis
If you know of others that like being wet in winter and tolerate being baked in summer, please let me know. I'd like to increase the variety in the garden.
7 Feb, 2009
My fav annuals/ bienials - Sweet peas, annual chrysanthemums, Sweet williams, Godetias, Antirrhinums. ( I suppose scented ones and bright coloured ones )
Hardy perenials - Sanguisorba because I remember them from my childhood and re-discovered them again after about 40 yrs, pinks because of their clove scent, Astilbe, Michaelmas daisies, Phlox.
All other plants are my favourites aswell. lol, but those are the ones I thought of first so I suppose they must be in the front of my mind for some reason.
7 Feb, 2009
I love hardy Geraniums too, and definitely Salvias. Verbena bon. must be on the list, and Hellebores too. Erigeron karvinskianus may seed everywhere, but it is a joy because of its long flowering period. I also like Osteospermum jucundum. Annuals - Sweet peas, Godetia, Antirrhinums, Rudbeckia, Nigella and Escholzia. Once you've got the last two, you'll have them for ever!
Oh dear - what a difficult question! Hywel is spot on - I like (most) other plants as well! I just counted and have got too many - you don't mind. do you, Trees?
7 Feb, 2009
I enjoy is very long flowering, Russian Sage just because it loves to grow and be beautiful, any manner of favorite I got from Weeds11 many years ago and I would love it to grow in my yard as well as it does in hers....I adore blooming thymes of all sorts for rock gardens and ground many colors and scents to choose from...I am sure you have lavendula's of every kind but it is a must in my I have to mention it here along with Shasta Daisies...cannot do with out my more I do enjoy because of it's ease to grow and because of the color choices is is also and old herbal medicine...used to stop bleeding.
7 Feb, 2009
That's such a hard one! However, I do have some favourites.
I love Lupins and Delphiniums but I seem to lose them and have to replace them regularly; it's worth it though.
Verbena bonariensis, marguerites and hollyhocks just have to be in the garden too.
I try to always get perennials but some annuals are just too lovely to pass up. This year I discovered Cosmos and now won't be without them.
Poppies are a definite, as are Canterbury bells and sunflowers.
I also love Alyssum (Carpet of Snow) as it lasts for ages and is great as a ground cover or gap filler all year through. You get masses of seeds for cheap from Wilko's too!
7 Feb, 2009
Favourites? All the campanulas especially the taller ones, hostas when not like lace curtains, hardy geraniums, alchemilla mollis and of course aquilegias. I would have delphiniums in there but have given up the uneven struggle with the slugs - they always win! Annuals? Antirrhinums, cosmos, verbena bonariensis (has to be an annual in my garden, won't overwinter often), atriplex and caster oil plant.That hasn't left me any room for foxgloves, poppies and oh so many others - I've gone off this game.
7 Feb, 2009
Gee I have some hardy geraniums and a geum and some peonies. I am now the proud owner of an evening primrose due to a friend on here. I did have one years ago at a different house, I grew it from a seed head from capel manor. Verbena bonariensis I grew from seed at my old house and I must get some more. (Iv'e just thought of the ideal place to grow it).
Hywel, Sweet peas are definate must for everyones garden I grow these regularly and some are doing well, that were sown back in Oct. Antirrihnums I have also grown. Michalmas daisy I have and Astilbies are coming. As for your others I will have to give those ago.
Spritz, Hellebors, rudbeckia, nigella, escholzia these I have. I shall look up some of the others.
Catfinch thymes I also have but I shall look up some of the others.
Reebeesfleurs, Lupins, Delphiniums are in the garden but I did find last year that my Holyhocks suffered from rust. Like you I too had cosmos for the first time last year and I will be having more and putting them in a better position this year. Poppies also are already growing strong.
Wagger Aquilegias I have coming out my ears as I love them and I bought Alchemilla mollis tail end of last year.
Thanks to everyone, there are plenty for me to look at and try.
7 Feb, 2009
I forgot to mention this one: have you ever tried Vipers Bugloss? I had one appear last year and they are gorgeous. They're biennial and usually coastal so I think mine was bird delivered. I'm going to order some seeds from Suffolk Herbs this year as its a good bee plant and looks amazing, a lovely blue with pink tufts.
7 Feb, 2009
Favourite perennials...Delphiniums, hardy geraniums, lavender, monarda, columbine
Favourite annuals.....cosmos, snapdragons, larkspur, bachelor buttons, calendula
I love Hollyhocks but I haven't grown them up here yet. On the coast they always had terrible rust problems. I'm trying this year to see how they do in the drier hotter weather. Other people seem to be having luck with them.
9 Feb, 2009
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My favorites, after of course the love of my life conifers!
In no particular order,
Hardy Geraniums (especially hybrids, no ugly seedheads)
Hosta (when slug free)
Hemerocallis (especially spider forms)
7 Feb, 2009