Tulips, Daffs and Auriculas
Been really busy in the garden over the past two days. I had a part of the garden that was horrible to mow and to tell the truth was more moss than grass. So I moved a couple of slabs and took up about a foot of grass on either side, then I had to dig out about a foot of clay and back fill with my homemade compost and a bit of soil.
I had plenty of plants in pots so they are now in along with space for all the dahlias that are in the greenhouse.
Tulips, these are all in flower now and there are plenty to follow in the next few days.
Here are some of the daffs that are still in flower.
These last few pics are of some of the auriculas that are flowering.
And finally my wifes lettuce is comming on nicely.
25 Apr, 2010
Previous post: Gardening all day.
Next post: 22 Days later
Lovely photos, I especially like the auricula's. Do you keep them inside, or do you put them out in the garden in the summer.
25 Apr, 2010
The auriculas live outside all year round. They just get moved to a more sheltered spot.
They did have a foot of snow on them a few months ago.
The bulbs are good this year, although I have a lot that have turned up blind for the first time. I will make sure they all get a good feed and extra soil on top too.
25 Apr, 2010
Oh thanks for that, its nice to know what other people do. I have had some for a few years and have left them out, but they are not doing so well this year so I wondered if I should have brought them in.
25 Apr, 2010
They like a cool spot. Mine unfortunately are on a south west facing wall.
But I have been making sure they get a drink evry night, over the last few days.
25 Apr, 2010
Good to hear that you leave the Auriculas out all winter, was wondering what we would do with them later.
25 Apr, 2010
lovely pretty pics of your flowers cant wait to see them in the summer sun:-)
26 Apr, 2010
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Beautiful show of flowers, I think our bad winter was good for the gardens because the bulbs are mavellous this year... Your Auriculas are lovely and I do like your natty lettuce container....
25 Apr, 2010