The pond is finished (almost)
By urbanite
Actually it was finished a fortnight ago but needed the adjoining rockery to look right.
This was the raised bed last year when I bought the house. Nothing growing and horrible yellow London bricks.
I had thought about removing the raised beds but digging out the corner to make space for the Belfast sink revealed a layer of undisturbed clay at ground level. This clay continues under the raised beds and really restricted how far I could dig when it came to installing the pond.
I was always intending to put a waterfall in the corner and I had been given some small pieces of granite by friends in Edinburgh from their garden. I got some granite sets through Freecycle and I had a couple of largish pieces of limestone that I’d salvaged years ago when a neighbour remodelled their garden that I’d done nothing with.
So with the makings of a rockery I set to…
I wasn’t at all sure about the grey granite – it seemed a bit too ‘blocky’ and I left for a couple of weeks while trying to think of other options (and looking for an affordable pump) and finished off the remainder of the bed with a tiled seat/pot area…
Then I found the right pump (not too far over my budget) and managed to get some small pieces of pink granite and, with a bit of re-shaping to reduce the height of the waterfall, it seemed a lot better and I committed myself by foaming it in place….
Lots of fine tuning with pebbles and some plants, pond almost complete…
23 Aug, 2014
Previous post: Water, water...
Next post: The rockery
Thank you - just needs a few nice evenings to get out and enjoy it.
Pump is mains powered, I had outdoor sockets installed when the house was rewired. I couldn't get the black pond foam at a sensible price so used a minimal expansion foam from the Tool Station - nasty yellow but I'm hoping it will get moss and algae on it soon enough. The foam is really there to seal under the slate that I used for the shelves, the whole waterfall has a pond liner.
23 Aug, 2014
23 Aug, 2014
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Oh Urbanite, it is beautiful. Small but perfectly formed.
I would never have thought of using expanding foam to keep the stones in place.
I am on the verge of taking out my tiny wee wildlife pond but you might have just inspired a makeover!
Can I ask, is your pump mains powered or solar?
23 Aug, 2014